
Ultimate Mafia System

Matthew navigates a world teeming with crime and a hint of comedy and romance. He endeavors to carve his name into history as the greatest outlaw ever. Join him as he charts a path through a parallel Earth, where chaos reigns, and the line between crime and heroism blurs. -------------------------------------------------------------- A few things to clear before you read - -> The novel follows a steady moderate pace with gradual world-building and character development. So if you are looking for a novel where mc gets a system, completes quests and gets op in like 2 chapters, this books is not for you. -> I have worked hard on the world-building and characters to make it rich and deep so, you can safely raise your expectations. -> The novel may get a bit dark in future chapters. Also there will be romance and intimate scenes (nothing explicit though). Patreon - https://patreon.com/user?u=111552903&utm_medium=unknown&utm_source=join_link&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=copyLink --------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpt:- And as he thought about the consequences of his actions today - THERE. WERE. NONE. 'There are no consequences.' Matthew repeated in his head. He smiled evilly. In his previous life he was trapped by what society and ethics expected of him. His true identity, full of rebellion, defiance and a strong desire for freedom, got buried under the pressure of what society deemed acceptable. The rules acted like chains, holding back the wild parts of who he really was. But as Matthew stepped out of the shower and looked at himself in the mirror, he realized something - In this new world, those chains were broken, and he could finally let loose and be his true self without worrying about what society thought. Finally he can be the man he always was, finally he can be free. And as he made the conscious decision to accept this newly discovered version of himself - he felt free, he felt creative, powerful, charged, INVINCIBLE. He had never thought that he could feel all these things so vividly. He was no longer the Matthew Marshall form his previous world. A great man once said - "When do you think a person dies? When a bullet from a pistol pierces his heart? No. When he's attacked by an incurable disease? No. A man... dies when people forget him." Matthew, until now had not forgotten his previous self from the world he was from. Saturday, May 30 2009. That was the day when Matthew Marshall died, forgotten by himself and Matteo Marchesi was born in his place.

Aesver · Urban
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56 Chs

Chapter 35 - ....How did you do it?

With a flourish, the auctioneer raised his gavel high *thud* "Sold to the gentleman in VIP Seat 2" his voice boomed through the hall.

A ripple of applause cascaded through the room as the winning bidder in the front rows raised his paddle triumphantly.

Whispers of admiration and envy followed as the attendees exchanged glances, each one secretly coveting the masterpiece that had just been claimed.

Meanwhile, the auctioneer was undeterred by the swift transaction and he seamlessly transitioned to the next coveted piece, igniting a fresh wave of anticipation among the eager bidders.

The auction was in full swing. Ludovica could be seen in her seat but Matteo was nowhere to be found, evident by the empty seat beside her.

Meanwhile in a restroom of the Leroy mansion a man steeped inside a stall, locking himself in. He emptied the contents of his pockets onto the small ledge beside him, laying out his arsenal like a deadly game of chess.

From the inside pocket of his tuxedo, he retrieved his Beretta PX4, its weight familiar in his hand. Next, he extracted an urban tanto from his socks, the gleaming blade a deadly promise.

A small smoke grenade nestled near his belt was the next to join his arsenal, followed by a compact stun gun retrieved from a hidden compartment in his right sleeve and a shock bracelet from his left sleeve.

Contemplating his options, Matteo's mind raced with the possibilities. He summoned the system -


║ - Ultimate Mafia System - 


║ - Status - 

║ - Objectives - 

║ - Shop - 

║ - Map - 

║ - Wardrobe - 

║ - System Settings - 

║ - ??? (Locked) - 

║ - Exit - 


He opened the Shop -


║ - Shop - 


║ Balance: 62 CRD ; 0 NP 


║ - Equipment - 

║ - Mastery - 

║ - System Augments - 

║ - Intelligence - 

║ - Assets - 

║ - Artifacts - 

║ - Currency Conversion - 


║ - Exit - 


Then he quickly went to Equipment and scrolled straight to the outfits section -

'Found it!' He smiled.


║ - Urban Ninja Outfit - 


║ Black hoodie, slim-fit joggers, high-top sneakers, 

║ sleek design, minimalistic, dark colors, modern, 

║ ninja-inspired, stealthy streetwear ensemble. 


║ - Buy: 10 CRD - 

║ - Back to Equipment - 


Matteo quickly bought it and opened the wardrobe to wear it in exchange for his current 'Classic Tuxedo Outfit'.

The sleek black ensemble clung to his frame, with a black mask already his covering face and with the hood on, only his eyes were visible.

Matteo emerged from the restroom, his gaze unwavering as he made his way through the gala. 

The guests, all of them adorned in their finest attire, stared in disbelief at Matteo's unconventional appearance, their expressions were a mixture of confusion and alarm. Ignoring their incredulous stares, Matteo pressed forward, his focus fixed on his targets: Hoffman and his partner.

As he closed in on them, Matteo felt a surge of adrenaline, his senses sharpening with each step. With lightning speed, he drew his gun from his jacket, the metal cool against his palm. The guests and Hoffman himself watched in disbelief as Matteo aimed with deadly precision, at Hoffman's head.

Before anyone could completely register what was going on, in a blur of motion, Matteo pulled the trigger repeatedly and rapidly. *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* the sound of gunfire was followed by the collective gasp of the onlookers. Hoffman and his partner fell to the ground, their expressions frozen in shock as Matteo's bullets found their mark. Everything happened within the blink of an eye. 

Matteo knew chaos was about to ensue, but before it could fully erupt, he dropped the smoke grenade, the surroundings engulfed in a thick haze of white. In the midst of the confusion, shielded by the smokescreen, Matteo opened the system again - his attire shifting back to the sleek tuxedo he wore upon entry.

Now, It. Was. Chaos. With the room descending into pandemonium, Matteo melted into the crowd, his movements fluid and effortless. He made his way back to the restroom and stashed his weapons in the flush tank of a toilet. His heart was still pounding with the adrenaline of the moment.

He made it back besides Ludovica slid into the seat beside her. A cocky grin played on Matteo's lips, his eyes gleaming with a hint of sadism and victory.

He glanced at Ludovica, who was looking around the hall. The guards that were hidden among the guests were trying to control the situation.

"Well, well, well, darling. I told you, didn't I? Nothing will go wrong. See, I am back, unscathed and unnoticed." he remarked laced with a hint of sadistic satisfaction.

Ludovica's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she turned to face Matteo, "Matteo, what... what did you do?" she stammered.

"I took care of our little problem, Ludovica," he replied, his voice low and steady. "Hoffman and his partner won't be causing us any more trouble." he paused a bit "I killed them, Ludovica," he said with confidence that almost bordered on arrogance.

Ludovica struggled to comprehend Matteo's cavalier attitude towards what had just transpired. "You... you killed them? But.....how did you do it? You weren't even there...…." she whispered.

Matteo's smirk widened as he saw the confusion on Ludovica's face. "Ah, my dear Ludovica. Some secrets are best kept hidden. Now, enough chit-chat. We've got bigger fish to fry."

Matteo's gaze suddenly shifted and his eyes narrowed as he spotted something in the crowd. "Looks like our little friend Leandro is trying to make a run for it," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Ludovica followed Matteo's gaze. Her mind was struggling to process the rapid turn of events as she watched Leandro disappear into the crowd. She was surprised, perplexed, and even a little bit scared. But she composed herself and calmed down.

Meanwhile Matteo heard a familiar chime in his head -

[ Highly Notorious Deed Accomplished : Public Spectacle Murder : Obtained 20 Notoriety Points ]

Matteo smiled with the joy of a thousand years, "Looks like you're finally catching on babe. Now get up, we've got a runaway to catch," he said getting up with her.

And just as Matteo and Ludovica were about to spring into action, their movements were suddenly halted by an unexpected interruption. The booming voice of Julien Leroy echoed through the hall, commanding the attention of everyone present.

"Attention, esteemed guests," Julien's voice reverberated through the room, his tone authoritative yet reassuring. "It seems that there may be a security breach among us. For that I deeply and humbly apologize. However, I want to assure you all that your safety is our top priority."

Julien continued, his voice steady and composed. "Our security team is currently investigating the matter, and I ask for your cooperation and patience during this time. Rest assured, we will do everything in our power to ensure the safety of our guests. No one can enter or escape the Leroy estate that easily so the perpetrator must be among the guests."

Matteo's gaze swept across the room, his keen eyes catching Leandro's halted movement as he attempted to slip away. A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he realized that Leandro had been caught by the vigilant guards.

Julien's voice brought Matteo's attention back to the stage as the host continued, "In order to maintain security, we will be conducting thorough checks on all guests. I ask that everyone remain in the ballroom until you have been cleared by our security personnel."

Ludovica's expression shifted as she processed Julien's words, a sense of unease settling over her. The realization that they were now trapped inside the Leroy estate with a potential threat among them sent a shiver down her spine.

Matteo, however, remained unfazed, his confidence unshaken as he listened intently to Julien's instructions.

"As a precautionary measure, we will begin with our VIP guests and then proceed to the general guests," Julien announced, his voice firm yet reassuring. "Once you have been cleared, you may leave the estate at your earliest convenience."

With a final word of gratitude and reassurance, Julien concluded his address and exited the stage.