
Ultimate Guiding System: Where It All Begins

Shu Feng is an orphan who ends up being a slave just because he tried to save a girl out of good will. He is force to do all kinds of ill jobs just to survive. When one day he save an old man out of goodwill AGAIN!! Then got rewarded with a strange necklace which lead to the end of his life. But just as he was about to die, the necklace save him, transmigating his body to another world. *Ding* "Welcome to Ultimate Guiding System" Will he become lucky this time? Will he save someone again out of goodwill? Let's embark on a journey where our MC will try to reach all his dreams and goals by using his system. NOTICE: This Novel would not only revolve to the Eastern Cultures and some contents belongs to the Western Culture

GreatHeavenRuler · Ost
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98 Chs

Chapter 16: Sorrow Village, Foreboding Feeling

Shu Feng and Kei traveled for a whole week along the way. Kei was also familiarizing himself with his cultivation manual.

And during this week he manage to strengthen his Celestial Bloodline from 7% to 8%.

Of course Shu Feng is not idling as well and continuing to cultivate.

But even with the whole week of cultivation, he still didn't manage to break through to Fourth Stage.

The problem is that he needs a very large amount of Energy Source in order to advance to the next level.

And places with abundant Energy Source is the forest. So he could only wait until they arrive at the Demon King Forest.


After this long travel, they are finally reach a village called Sorrow Village.

Shu Feng find this name very odd but didn't pay much attention to it.

When they got near the village, they could see numerous people moving to one place to another.

It seems like they are preparing for something. Shu Feng and co walk beside at someone and ask.

"What is happening here, sir?" Shu Feng ask.

"Kid, I advice you to not–"

But before he could finish speaking, Shu Feng took out a piece of gold and hand it over to him.


"Actually, this village is called Sorrow Village as you maybe know. It was called like that because of the Sorrowful things that the villagers here had been to.

Every Three Years, there will be the Beast Horde that will happen and it will directly affect this village.

In the past, this village was getting horde by the demon beast causing in many deaths and sorrowful cries could be heard then.

Every villager was already losing hope but since this village is the most near place to the Demon King Forest which has an abundant resources, some cultivators decided to settle here.

And with the passing of time, this village became the settlement of every cultivators who are venturing the Demon King Forest.

And just this day is when the Beast Horde would attack and everyone was preparing for it so it is better for you to not come because recently, two wave of beast horde had ben launch during the last three years which is odd.

It seems like it will get worse this time. There is also a rumor that the Demon King residing at the forest already managed to breakthrough to Nascent Soul Realm and this cause the Demon Beast to attack more frenzied.

After entering the village, Shu Feng told Kei to find an inn and meet him at the village square.

Kei nodded his head and went to find an inn quickly.

Shu Feng was wondering around and after some sightseeing, he went directly at the center of the village.

When he was there he saw a person in black cloak picking something up.

It seems like he accidentally drop his belongings. Shu Feng slowly made his way towards him and ask him if he needs help.

"Don't touch anything." The cloak man in question immidiately interjected with hostile tone.

Seeing him rejecting his offer, Shu Feng felt irritited a little bit.

'Is your belongings some kind of sumpreme tresure?' He thought to himself.

When he was looking, he saw a scar at the man's wrist. To be precise it was a red skull shaped scar. It looks hideous and terryfying.

"Hey, is the scar on your wrist some kind of symbol?" Shu Feng ask out of curiosity.

When the cloak man heard him. He suddenly looked towards Shu Feng with an intent to kill, but he rather disperse his killing intent in order to not attract any attention.

'Hmm..' But as soon as the ill intent was directed towards Shu Feng, he quickly notice it. He look towards the man in cloak who run away towards the center of the village as soon as he finish collecting his items.

Shu Feng did not just approach the man out of kindness. He only came to him out of his feeling. He felt that something was not right about this man.

And looking at the mark on his wrist and the way he act towards it, there must be something going on.


After settling in an inn for a day, Shu Feng and Kei decided to take a rest first in their respective rooms.

Shu Feng was thinking about what that person told him. If there is really odd about his intel, that only means that there is someone behind the scene that is causing the beast to launch a two waves of horde at the span of three years.

But Shu Feng cannot care anymore. Since there will be a Beast Horde then that means he can also kill as many as he wants to gain some System Points.

It was Already at the two in the afternoon when a sound of siren resounded throughtout the village.

Shu Feng opened his eyes and called Kei over for them to take a look.

'It seems like the Beast Horde already arrived.' With that thought, both Feng and Kei went outside to see the commotion.

"You will stay here and guard this place, if there is a Beast that manage to enter, kill it if you can but call a reinforcement if not." Shu Feng instructed while Kei nodded in response.

With that said, Feng speed towards the gate of the village and inquire some information.

This time, all the cultivators was chatting about the beast horde this time. They are even boasting about who can kill more.

They said that the Beast Horde would at most have a cultivation level at the Foundation Building and if there is a 1 star Demon King, it would only be at the First Stage of Core Formation and not a threat since they have someone at the Third Stage of Core Formation.

Hearing them, Shu Feng cannot help but frown a little. It is like there is something bothering him but cannot pinpoint it.


Well, he just brush off this thoughts out of his mind for now since the whole earth seemed to tremble.

It is a sign. A sign that the Demon Beast Horde was getting near them.

The tremor keeps on getting louder and louder as seconds passed.

"Get ready everyone, the horde was coming!" The man in the watchtower shouted that let everyone get into position.

Everyone seemed excited and no one was trembling in fear.

Maybe it was due to the constant life and death situation that they have encountered.

As the tremor gets closer, the premonition in Shu Feng gets intense.

So he keep his guard up and spread his perception fully not letting even a fly out.


With an intense explosion, screams of terror resounded inside the village.




Explosion after explosion sounded one after another. Shu Feng instinctively look behind him and scanning for something.

He look in shock at the scene happening right inside the village.

Holes was everywhere and monsters came out of it. He didn't know how to react including everyone.

Even Shu Feng's Soul Perception didn't manage to detect them underground. It seems like his detection was limited under the ground for some reason.

But he cannot think about it anymore because the Demon Beasts already started their massacre.

Shu Feng looked at the direction of the inn and he could see a Monkey Demon Beast holding a kid.

It was unexpectedly Kei who keeps on struggling with all his might. But since he didn't even enter the cultivation world, all his struggles was a naught.

"Protect the villagers!" A shout came out of a man and immidiately charges towards the village where the Demon Beasts appeared.

After his shout, some men charges inside to solve the current predicament.

But some of them at the gate and fought the Demon Beast that came from the front.

"Damn, why did they appear underground?"

"It seems like they became much more intelligent in each passing years."


Shu Feng dash towards Kei while charging his Active Skill. He concentrated it just to make sure that the power was enough.

Since Shu Feng was far away from Kei, he throws his Chaos Ball that it made an arc trajectory and immidiately enterered the beast's mouth before he could even swallow Kei.


The beast in question exploded and blood splattered everywhere. It even painted Kei's whole body.

Seeing the blood and gory scene, Kei suddenly vomit after he fell on the ground.

Seeing the beast dead, Shu Feng sigh in relief.

'If he were to die, my investment would be a waste.'

"Retreat immidiately and go to the center of the village!" Shu Feng shouted at Kei.

In response, he steeled himself and get up and run to the center of the village. Even though he was still feeling nauseous, he didn't mind it right now since his Big Brother was telling him to run immidiately.

Shu Feng saw him leaving but cannot help but frown a little.

He looked around and spread his senses throughtout the village, he could see all the villagers at the center.

Almost all of them was gathered at that place. Including Kei who was in the very front.

The only odd thing is that all the beast who infiltrated didn't try to break through. They seems like driving everyone who is not a cultivator into the center and keep them away from entering inside.

He scan the surrounding and saw the black cloak man amidst the crowd of villagers. He seems like chanting someting.

"Blood as a medium, Lives serves as sacrifice. Awaken from your deep slumber and bring judgement to this corrupted world." The cloak man mumbled to himself as he raise his hand with a blood colored dagger with a skull on its hilt.

He suddenly injected the jagger into his abdomen.

As soon as the dagger was planted, the eyes of the skull on the hilt glow in blood red light.


As the man fell in the ground, a massive blood red circle formation appeared on the ground that directly enveloped the whole crowd.

Seeing the hideous looking formation beneath them, the whole crowd started to scream in terror and tried to run away.

But before they could go out of the formation, an invisible barrier covered them, making their escape futile.

Shu Feng immidiately rush in the village square when he heard the chant of the man in black.

But everything happened too fast that even with his full speed, he cannot catch up and try to stop the man.


All the Demon Beast roared out of excitement and their attacks became much more wild.

"Charge immidiately at the center of the village, the villagers and other innocent people are caught in a sacrificial formation." A man suddenly shouted when he saw the situation at the center.

"Oh no! the villagers were used as a sacrifice to summon a devil!"

"What do we do?!"

"Let's charge inside and stop the formation before they die!"

"How can we go inside if even our Third Stage Core Formation Cultivator was in a deadlock with a Middle Rank 1 Star Demon King?"

"It's over."

Everyone was shouting in despair. They didn't know what to do right now. If everyone in the village died, then it would be over. Some of them are even their loved ones and friends.

'Damn, let's just pray that there will be someone who was their to help.' The Third Stage Core Formation Cultivator thought while gritting his teeth and trying to immidiately finish his deadlock fight.

As his prayer was already granted, someone was really charging over right know.

Shu Feng didn't restrain himself anymore ang massacred every demon that stands on his way.

He knows that if that formation keep on functioning, something terrible would happen.

Blood and limbs of demon beast flew everywhere Shu Feng passed.

'Don't die yet.' He just keeps on praying to himself and hoping that Kei was safe at the moment.