
The Beast

Dodging one of Apocalypse's attacks, I swiftly changed my direction and flew straight up into the sky. As soon as I felt my senses warning me.

Looking down, I was shocked to note that a large fissure suddenly appeared as sand began sinking into it. The sea of sand split, revealing a large chasm that kept growing by the second.

Moments later, the large fissure started spewing lava at the space I was occupying a second before. I was immediately on my guard as Magneto let out a self satisfied grin.

Even in mid-air, Magneto stayed perfectly steady in the air courtesy of the nigh-impenetrable spherical shield that surrounded him.

I observed. While I had a thing or two to say about him being turtled up inside his shield. I couldn't deny its effectiveness. Magneto was proving to be a tougher opponent than even Apocalypse himself.

I understood that even with his new found power, he still feared my retaliation and knew that unlike Xavier, I won't be pulling any punches and would kill him if I was presented with the opportunity.

He kept all his focus on maintaining his Electro-Magnetic shield around him, and attacking me with lava.

None of my attacks were able to penetrate through his shields. And, every time I tried teleportation, he would sense it somehow and move out of the way.

Obviously growing frustrated, I saw him trying to do something different. The lava suddenly congealed and I could see it bubbling as if something was trying to emerge out of it.

The melted metal in the lava began taking shape and soon a vaguely humanoid form was before me.

Magneto was using most of his concentration on controlling the lava humanoid. But, it was slow. I kept harassing Apocalypse with my attacks all whilst making sure I kept my mental defenses up.

He has been trying to invade my mind ever since we started this battle. And, I had to split my focus between the pshychic battle we were having and the physical one I was having with Magneto.

Seeing as his efforts were useless, and I wasn't losing ground. Apocalypse abandoned our mental battle and suddenly shot off an orb of light that imbeded itself into the slow moving lava humanoid.

It shook as something happened, and a few seconds later it began moving on its own.

Suprised by what just happened, curses slipped out of my mouth.

" I imbued my will into it." Apocalypse declared. " Both of you distract him, and I'll weaken his mind."

Magneto watched the beast as if he was studying him. With a deep breath, he looked over at me.

' Shit, did they just create a pseudo fire elemental?'

"Kill him." As if he lit a fire under it, it crouched down onto all fours with a smile stretched across his covered face. "HehE, wITh pLEAsUrE…"

The damn thing kept regenerating every time I tried damaging it with my attacks. And, it also didn't seem to be slowing down no matter what I did to it.

It would harass me with attacks, all whilst trying to drown me in what now looked like a fiery pit of hell. Thankfully, the special blood platelets I took to handle the Extremis virus's heat also worked to keep me from being cooked alive.

" Sophie, this is getting a bit out of hand." I said, as I dodged an attack from both the fire beast and Magneto.

Meanwhile, my Symbiote was screeching in pain as it took most of the psychic battering Apocalypse was throwing at me.

"ETA 10 seconds." She said.

I involuntarily grinned in anticipation. Apocalypse wasn't the only one who could command beasts. You could even say this particular one was an Abomination.

I was saving it as a distraction for Thanos, but I might as well take it out for a test drive.

10 seconds later, the sound of a whistling object coming out of portal in the sky at high speeds was the only warning Apocalypse got as a giant fist rammed straight into him.

Our fight was interrupted by a heavy impact that shook the very ground.

The package had finally arrived.

* ROAR!!! *

After that, the only sound we all heard was the sound of the sand turned glass breaking.( The heat from the lava turned some of the surrounding sand into glass.)

The wall Apocalypse had hastily erected to protect himself collapsed, revealing the Abomination.

Magneto followed my line of sight to the crushed part of the wall… or more exactly, in the small crater.

A gigantic pair of horn like claws erupted out of the ground, out of the cloud of dust a giant creature emerged. As the dust from the blast began to settle, the creature's form was revealed to us.

The silhouette made a deep growl, a growl of ugliness and violent urges. The giant creature jumped out of the crater and right in front of me.

The creature bended down, shockingly, the giant creature lowered his face to the ground, showing his dark green fishy skin, fishy ears, sharp teeth, and frightening green eyes. With a deep growl, the beast spoke.

" You summoned me master."

" Emil." I acknowledged.

The beast happy at my acknowledgement, smiled. It was an ugly smile filled with fangs and sharp teeth, to anybody else it would be unsettling but I knew he was quite happy to be called for battle.

The beast was 3 times as tall as Apocalypse. Its arms were as thick as tree trunks equipped with a pair of claws on each hand.

It had armor covering only its reptilian-like legs and runes burned onto it's skin depicting a screaming soul.

Bones sprouted out of each side of its elbows with a spikes sprouting bent downwars like from its back. Black spires of bone pierces its back. It's burning orange eyes focused on Apocalypse.

It took me a while, to fix the mess Emil's transformation did to him when he turned into the Abomination. The damage inflicted upon both his mind and body was immense. But, with Jean's help and with the Lighforce dimension's cleansing power we were able to heal a lot of the damage.

Some of it stuck though, like his desire for power and his propensity to serve. It was a fundamental part of his psyche and couldn't be touched, otherwise his mind would collapse.

I contemplated taking away his powers, but that would have ruined all the work we did to fix his psyche. So, if I couldn't change it, might as well direct it.

Taking inspiration from Belasco's magical library and a favorite anime of mine. I bound Emil to me using a Blood contract. One taken from Belasco's library and modified to suit my needs.

The original one was too brutal and would have reduced him into a mindless beast. But, since I had no use for such things I altered it.

I used my blood to draw a Rune and summoned him from the lab, where he was recovering from his last treatment.

His body also had a bunch of Runic symbols tattooed on him. Ones that linked him to me and could also detect any kind of ill intent directed at me, so any plans of betrayel against me would be easily revealed.

They were a prototype of a set of runes I planned on giving to those who planned on being soldiers like Castiel and the others.

They were designed to offer protection to both the mind and the body. And, would give them a resistance to physical trauma and most kinds of mental manipulations.

Their biggest advantage though, was their ability to enchance the attributes already there. So, magic users would get a boost in magic, while mele fighters would get a boost to their physical abilities.

Castiel already got his, and a few of his breathern were currently training back at Limbo to earn theirs.

Although quite useful they were also quite taxing, and would require someone to have a certain amount of stamina and a special constitution to handle them and make use of their full ability.

Having said that I knew I had to give Emil another boost. Especially if I planned on having him be truly useful.

Thanos had several powerful generals and commanders in his army, and I would certainly need my own.

Abomination would be the leader of my shock troops; designed to break the enemy lines.

With his immense strength and ludicrous regeneration ability. He would be a truly dangerous foe, especially after his most recent treatment.

He was in the process of acclimating from a special a serum, one concucted to complement the original Hulk serum he so foolishly injected himself with.

Dr. Parker was especially invaluable. Thanks to him we were able to use the research I took from Oscorp in regards to human-animal hybridization.

Specifically reptiles and managed to merge it with what we already knew to come up with the Reptile-Serum.

Out of the crater Apocalypse crawled out. He was clearly angered and quite injured, but I could see his healing factor taking care of it.

" You think a beast can take me down?" He bellowed.

" Well, as you can see. This is no normal beast. And, after the modifications I did to him. He's much more. He's quite the Abomination. "

Emil grinned at that, for some reason he would get a bloodthirsty grin every time he heard his chosen moniker.

Apocalypse roared in anger as his body expanded and matched Emil's bulk. He charged all whilst roaring, intent on tearing us apart.

The Abomination grinned as he returned the roar back with his own screech-like one.

And, as he dived at Apocalypse, he was tackled by a burning form.

The battle was just getting started.

(Chapter End)


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