
Chapter 3:First Work Together.

"Bro? She is look beautiful!! Why you not attract at her?". Ryan Chen said to JV.

"Huh? What you expect? She fallen inlove with me? That's imposible!!". He said to him


"Ohhh!! C'mon, you are so hillarious!! I said you attract at her and not she fallen inlove with you!! But fortunately, maybe? She fallen inlove with you huh!". He said to JV.

"I'm so annoying to your hillarious joke". JV said to him.

"So when she start?". Ryan asked to him.

"On monday, for now!! It's saturday. So we take a rest!! You announce the employer about the early break". He said to Ryan. Ryan agreed.

Meanwhile.... at the office. Manager Choi Min Sik asked about the changing of the company.

"Ahara!! What do you think about the new plan of Mr. JV Lee?". He said to her.

"From the rumor of some employer is being happy for the new plant of new CEO speaking of agricultures". She said to him.

"Ahhh!!! That's good!! So don't felt worried for biggest fired of this company". He said. All is agreed.

"Yes, so Mr. Superviser. I think he is a really good President of this company. From his father to him". Ahara said to him.

"Yes!! Almost 20 years in counting when I'm a employer of this company. Chairman Max Lee is a best and great boss. Eventually he is not a boss, he is a leader. Leader of this company and I think new chairman is a next Max legacy". He said to all.

"Correct". Ahara said.

"Absolutely!". One of the employer said.

"Ok!! Let's back to the work!!". He said to all. The employers agreed to him.

Meanwhile, Robert Chen is sudden arrive to the office. All of the employers greet at him before he enter of his office.

"He is very different from his son". Employer said.

"I tatally agree". Ahara said.

Meanwhile at the Regine's lawfirm. She is prepare for her next trial on next day.

"What the Chairman Bernard asked to you Attorney Regine?". Her manager asked.

"Ahhhh!! About my dad's legacy of his client. The Orange Company". She said.

"What?! Orange Company? One of the best and high tech. brand of laptap, cellphone and anymore!! Did you know your tablet you use is brand by Orange Company!!". She said while amaze.

"Ahhhh!! So, I get a gadget in Orange Company with free!! So, that's why my father have a highest and best model gadget because he is a lawyer of number one gadget brand in asia!!". She said. Her manager agreed to her.

Meanwhile at the JV's office. He and Ryan Chen talking each other.

"I want meet our new lawyer for this company!! I fell so excite". Ryan said to him.

"You meet her soon. Eventually she is kind. She help me to the two drivers quarreling in traffic". JV said to him.

"So! She is smart and brave ahhh!!! And she is kindful what the girl this is!!". He said.

"I think because he is a lawyer". JV said.

Meanwhile, him secretary enter his office.

"Ohhh! Mr. Abante!! What the problem?". Ryan Chen asked. Secretary replied.

"Mr. President JV, this is a new report from the former Chairman's secretary. I think your dad do the everything for the future Chairman. So this is a new plan before your dad retired". Secretary said.

"So! I think we continue of my father's plans because I believe of my dad's convictions". JV said to him secretary. Secretary agreed to him.

"May I go sir". Secretary forwore at them.

"Your secretary is very hardworking huh!! I think don't let go him!". He said to JV. JV agreed to him.

"It is a few person like that personality". JV said.

"Yes, I agree. By the way!! I have out of town by monday. So, before I leave I can now see the beautiful woman you say". Ryan said.

"Yes!! I totally agree. And rate me how she beautiful". JV said. Ryan agree to him.

Meanwhile at the Vice president of Human Resources and Finance office. Patricia Lee is a new Vice President after Robert Chen.

"Mr. Secretary!! You may call the Human Resources Department? For the audit? Thanks!".

She said to her secretary. Her secretary agreed.

She remember about her dad favor. About the new lawyer of the company.

"Our lawyer's daugter is replacement lawyer to this company. So, may you talk each other for what she receive incentives and benifets".

Max said to her daughter. She agreed to her dad.

She stop remember about the father's favor because her secretary sudden arrive.

"Ma'am!! This is a list of the new and upcoming employer". She said to her.

"Thank you!! You may go out". She said. Her secretary followed.

Meanwhile... at the Regine's lawfirm. She remember about him in the Bernard's office.

"He is very different from the another guy. I think he is humble and good person". She said.

While she remember about that. She looked to the papers and resume of the Orange Company. She smiled while looking to the papers. She called the Chairman of the Orange Company.

Meanwhile, JV signing the papers and documents for the company. Suddenly his telephone ringing, he answer.

"Hello?(he heard Regine voice) ohh!! Attorney Regine!! What I can do for you?". He said.

"May meet you again for the knowing about your company. Thank you for answer". She said to him via phone.

"Yes!! I mean, why not? For know about the company and each other. Relationship between the lawyer and the client. I right?". He said to her via phone.

"Yes, so may meet you by tomorrow? Lunch? If you want". She said to him.

"Yes, where? Restaurant?". He said. She replied.

"In the Floury Restaurant it's ok?". She asked .

"It is very good restaurant. So by tomorrow, this is your first day for my lawyer. Lawyer of my company". He said. She agree to him.

Ryan Chen sudden arrive of his office.

"Who your call? This is your girlfriend? I can't wait to see her". Ryan pissed to him.

"Are you paranoid? You're so annoying. Our attorney call me. We meet to the Floury Restaurant at noon. And also since birth, I haven't girlfriend. You know". He said to him.

"I know! So, this is your first date?". He asked to JV.

"Hahahahaha!!! I think you take the rest and go out. This is lunch and this is not date, ok!!". He said.

"Ok! You saying ei". Ryan said.

What the next?

To be continued........

Thank you to reading.......