

(Nerd serving the food in the table as the Royal Family except Fred were seated waiting for the food to be served).

Nerd: My king, I specially made this meal so delicious for the whole family as an appreciation for the generosity you've shown my family and also to every maid in this palace.

King:(Holding his Cutleries as he sniffs the food aroma). mm-hm, yummy I can see it from the aroma itself.

Nerd: I'll go now so you could enjoy the meal.

king: Okay (About putting part of the food in the spoon into his mouth as Nerd stands looking at the king hoping he eats the food. Fred came in as he stopped the king).

Fred: Dad don't eat that... it's poison

Everyone:(Gasp) Ahh!!!

King: What!?

Fred: Nerd tries to kill the whole Royal Family so his son could ascend the throne and he would rule Chada.

King: What!

Nerd:(A bit scared) Oh my king, how can I poison the king after all what he have done for my family.

Fred:(Throwing away all the food in the table except the kings own). Dad, you have to believe me. He wants us all dead so his son can be king.

King: Are you insane?

Ugly:(Comes in) If you don't believe your son, let the accused have a taste from the food.

Everyone: Ahh!

King:(So angry) You ugly creature, what are you doing here? Guards seize her.

Fred:(Stops the guards) Wait... Dad she is actually saying the Royal Family please listen to her, let Nerd have a taste from the food to prove his innocence.

King:(Sighed deeply) Okay Nerd, you heard the prince come have a taste from the food you cooked.

Nerd: My king I would never poison you, I can't do that talk less of having in mind my son becoming king.

Jasper:(Comes in) Actually he did.

Everyone: Ahh!!!

Jasper: He have always wanted me to be king but I turned it down. The prince is a very good friend of mine, so I can't take what belongs to him soon which is the throne. I never knew my father would poisoned the king just for me to become king.


King: Nerd! How could you!? After all the love and caring the Royal Family shared with you, you decided to pay us back with evil.

Nerd: My king there is an misunderstanding somewhere, let me give a proper explanation.

Fred: You are already blown out Mr Nerd. Guards! Arrest him. (Four guards came and arrested Nerd. Jasper was sad his father was imprisoned but something still gladens his mind that he didn't follow the steps of his father).

King:(Smiles) My son, you have saved the Royal Family and you already made...

Fred: Dad, actually she saved the day. (Pointing to Ugly as she bow kneeling down).

King:(Coming closer to her) Oh beautifully Ugly

Ugly & Fred:(Both surprised) Ahh!

King: Well, I thought being so ugly is a curse, very dangerous and cruel. I never knew ugly beings are beautiful. What's your name and who are your parents?

Ugly: Actually my name is umm... Ugly and I live with my mum Milla Zulu.

King: Ugly huh?

Ugly:(Getting Scared) Yes my king.

King: Saving the entire Royal Family you did us a solid so I will appreciate you by turning down the traditions and give you the opposite of ugly which is beautiful... Beauty is your new name.

Beauty: Ahh, my king... Thank you so much.

Fred:(Whispering to the king) I told you I know what I'm doing.

King:(Laughs) It suits you.

Fred: Congratulations Ug.... oops I mean Beauty.

Beauty:(Chuckles) Thank you my prince. (She gave Fred a hug).

Fred: Okay, now go get your mother let's celebrate together.

King: Yea, bring your mother cause you both will be living in the palace as part of the Royal Family.

Beauty:(Her mouth opened wide) Ahh! Thank you so much my King (She bows repeatedly).

Fred:(Smiles) Okay that's enough, go get your mother and make sure you break the news to her.

Beauty: I will do that my prince. (She ran out of the palace whooping as light turns off).