
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

The Roasting, Rapping, Rowdy!!!

The battlefield crackled with anticipation as Hiruzen's first attack sent shockwaves through both sides. 

On the Akatsuki frontlines, Sasori underwent a startling transformation. His body shifted, revealing the intricate arsenal hidden within him. Poles extended from his hips, blossoming into five venomous blades. His stomach cavity yawned open, exposing a thick cable and two pipes protruding from his hands. It was a terrifying sight, showcasing the extent of his deadly puppetry.

Kisame, ever the stalwart warrior, needed no dramatic alterations. His battle-ready stance remained unchanged, his eyes glinting with predatory focus. Beside him, Itachi's Sharingan blazed to life, its crimson hue a stark contrast against the golden chaos surrounding them. Itachi positioned himself strategically, ready to provide support to his allies and safeguard Deidara until he regained consciousness from the lingering effects of the mind-body switch technique.

Amidst the preparations on Hiruzen's side, the tension was palpable. 

The Kazekage, a master of his craft, positioned himself strategically at the rear. Balanced upon a pillar of shimmering golden dust, he assumed an almost divine presence. An ethereal eye floated above his head, surveying the battlefield from a godlike perspective, its gaze unwavering and calculating. From this elevated vantage point, he orchestrated the flow of the battle, his strategic mind working tirelessly to counter any unexpected move that might catch his comrades-in-arms off guard.

Meanwhile, Killer B, the enigmatic swordsman, exuded an aura of confidence. With weapons drawn and ready, he regarded Sasori with a casual, carefree expression, belying the lethal skill he possessed. His eyes, though seemingly relaxed, held a sharp glint, a testament to his readiness to engage in combat. His nonchalant demeanour masked the storm of determination and skill that lurked beneath the surface, a force to be reckoned with amidst the chaos of battle.

In the next fleeting moment, the gaze between Hiruzen and Itachi held the weight of ages, an exchange of unspoken understanding and acknowledgment that transcended time itself as it seemed to stand still as their eyes locked, a universe of thoughts passing between them in an instant. The world around them blurred, and in that suspended fragment of eternity, they recognized the depth of each other's resolve.

The battle started in a whirlwind of movement and jutsu. Itachi, the epitome of finesse even with his crippling sickness, unleashed a torrent of crimson flames, each flicker casting eerie shadows on the battlefield. Hiruzen, wise and seasoned, countered with a cascade of water that swallowed the flames, his mastery evident in the way he diffused the potent jutsu. The clash of elements created an ethereal dance, steam hissing into the air, adding to the surreal ambiance.

But the Genius Uchiha was relentless. He vanished and reappeared behind Hiruzen, his hand gripping a blade that gleamed like snow in the sunlight. With a swift strike, he aimed to pierce Hiruzen's back, hoping to end the battle decisively. The former Hokage's reflexes kicked in, his forearm guard deflecting the blow, his willpower turning aside the threat. In a swift movement, Hiruzen managed to disarm Itachi, the white blade was left clattering on the ground.

Then close-quarters combat ensued, both fighters displayed a mastery of taijutsu. Hiruzen's shurikens flew like a deadly swarm, seeking out Itachi's vulnerabilities. However, Itachi's countering barrage of kunais was not only swift but also strategic, rebounding some shurikens back at Hiruzen. To which the Hokage responded by creating a shadow clone that absorbed the onslaught

In the next second, Itachi body flickered, and appeared behind Hiruzen. His hand raised up with a kunai which soon descended towards Hiruzen's skull, however a shocking scene followed the stabbing sequence. 

The old man's form wavered like a mirage, dissolving into mud under the force of Itachi's blow. Itachi's eyes narrowed. "A mud clone?" he murmured, realisation dawning a moment too late.

Before Itachi could fully comprehend the situation, Hiruzen's voice cut through the air like a blade. "Kai!" he shouted, his palm striking Itachi's back with a force that rippled through the Uchiha's body. Itachi's eyes widened in realisation. The seal, executed with impeccable precision, spread through his chakra network, locking away his ability to perform ninjutsu.

Guilt flickered in Hiruzen's eyes as he met Itachi's gaze, their eyes locking in a moment of understanding. "I am sorry Itachi, for everything," Hiruzen whispered, the weight of their shared history hanging heavy in the air. But the time for remorse had passed. With stern eyes, Hiruzen's kunai slashed toward Itachi's neck, his movements swift and decisive.

The blade inched closer, the outcome of their struggle hanging in the balance. The wind seemed to hold its breath, nature itself awaiting the resolution of this epic clash between good and evil, Master and Slave. Time stood still, the world around them fading into insignificance as the final, decisive blow loomed large, ready to shape the course of their destinies.


In that heart-stopping moment, Hiruzen's senses tingled with impending danger, and his instinct for survival kicked in. He looked up, eyes widening in realisation as he saw Kisame, the formidable sword-wielding behemoth, looming above him like a vengeful deity. The behemoth's gargantuan blade, Samehada, gleamed menacingly, poised for a lethal strike that could shatter even the strongest defences.

Hiruzen's mind raced, calculating his options in the blink of an eye. He knew he couldn't react to that, the tides had turned. However, the next moment, he saw the golden dust near him come to life as it twisted and turned, and soon encased Hiruzen in a protective dome.

The battlefield quivered with tension as the golden dome shimmered, its brilliance illuminating the shadows cast by the combatants. But even the most formidable defences could falter under the weight of overwhelming power. Hiruzen's heart hammered in his chest as he watched, helpless, while the chakra-infused dust began to dissipate into the air.

A gasp escaped him as he realised the horrifying truth: Samehada, Kisame's sentient sword, was absorbing the very essence of his defence. The golden dome wavered, its protective brilliance dimming as it lost more and more chakra. 

Hiruzen's mind raced, considering his next move amidst the chaos of battle. However, he didn't need to worry because the next instant he felt the very ground beneath him shift and his body moved from underground and out of harm's way. 

When he resurfaced again, he found himself beside the Kazekage who looked to where Kisame demolished Kazekage's golden dome.

"That was close," Hiruzen said as he looked at Kisame, "He is my natural enemy," Kazekage with a frown when Hiruzen was near him. Then he looked towards B only to see him walking towards Kisame with beats in his shoes and he hip hopped, all of his swords mounted.

Hiruzen was shocked at the sight of this and was about to stop him when he heard something,

"Yo, listen up, gather 'round, here's a tale,

'Bout a ninja who thought he couldn't fail,

One slip, one moment, he lost his way,

Got careless in the battle, almost met doomsday," 

Amidst the chaos, Killer B's rhymes reverberated across the battlefield, weaving a tale of a certain old ninja's folly and the harsh realities of the shinobi world. His words hung in the air, a warning and a lesson wrapped in the rhythm of his rap. Kisame, once confident, now found himself perplexed by the enigmatic rapper's words.

"What?" Kisame's confusion was evident, his eyes narrowing as he tried to comprehend B's message. Meanwhile, B, with his beats resonating in every step, moved with the grace of a seasoned dancer, his swords glinting ominously in the sunlight.

"He was flexin', thinkin' he's untouchable,

But in that second, he became vulnerable,

Took a break, got caught in a surprise attack,

One false move, and he'd be history in a flash,"

Kisame was about to attack him, except before he could, B's sword was shot towards the backlines of the battlefield. Sasori, engrossed in waking Deidara as well as distracting the Kazekage from active participation in the battle, was caught off guard as B's sword sailed toward him.

B's sword found its mark, piercing through the air and Sasori's head. The puppet master attempted to dodge, but B's strike was swift and precise, catching Sasori off guard. The impact reverberated through Sasori's frame, a sharp reminder of the consequences of complacency.

"His guard was down, he was lackin' the skill,

A moment of weakness, a ninja's biggest thrill,

His foes smelled blood, they were ready to feast,

But he got lucky, barely escaped the beast,"

Kisame, witnessing B's relentless assault and rhythm, found a grim sense of admiration for the rapper's skill. He grinned, acknowledging the challenge before him. With a surge of determination, he increased the strength behind his sword, aiming to strike down B. However, B, seemingly predicting Kisame's move, dodged with a dancer's grace, leaving Kisame momentarily off balance.

"Now he's standin' there, all bruised and torn,

A ninja once proud, now lookin' forlorn,

Got a lesson in the harshest way,

In the ninja world, you can't afford to sway,"

Kisame prepared to dodge any incoming attacks from B, but his target seemed to be someone else; Itachi, vulnerable without his ability to use jutsu, attempted to evade B's flurry of attacks. Yet, B's speed was unmatched, his seven swords moving in a mesmerising dance. Itachi's attempts to defend were futile, "Damn it," he cursed as he looked at the swords threatening to stab him.

Itachi gritted his teeth in frustration. Kisame, recognizing Itachi's precarious situation, positioned himself between the rapper and his partner. Using Samehada as a shield, Kisame deflected B's strikes, the sentient sword absorbing some of the impact. However, Samehada wasn't nimble enough to block all seven of B's short swords; even though not all, multiple strikes found its mark, leaving puncture wounds in Kisame's body.

"So here's a tip for you, ninja, my friend,

In every battle, let your vigilance never bend,

Stay sharp, stay fierce, keep your eyes wide,

Or you might end up on the losing side!"

Killer B, with just his mere presence has turned the tables.


This is not today's chapter this is the chapter I promised yesterday, I will upload another chapter in the next 6 hours.

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