

A Otaku Becomes a Uchiha In the world of naruto What path will he take

Akuma_000 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

The sky was blue and the wind was blowing and there was a 17 year man leaning on a tree dressed in konoha jonin clothes with a Uchiha emblem on his back.

"Why did I have to get reincarnated here other people start at birth or even 6-7 why do I have to be a 17 year spicy Uchiha jonin"The man said to himself.

Sora reincarnated into the body of a Uchiha who didn't appear in the original and the weirdest thing is the owner of this bodies name was Sora he absorbed the memory and figured out that he survived the night of the genocide and the anomaly is that Danzo nor The Third Hokage didn't do anything to him but he also figured out he was a orphan and no one in the clan cared for him so he was distant to both the village and the clan.

"Truly A protagonist template I accept it"

After that.

[Ding The Sensei System has Started]

"So I do have a system that will make the future undoubtedly easier now what are your functions"Sora asked the system expectantly.

[Host is required to become The Sensei of a Genin Team]


Sora was speechless after all he thought he would immediately get stronger but the system clearly had other plans but from his memory he found out the reason this system activated was because he was appointed The Sensei of a Genin team.

"Well I have to go see my students tomorrow time to get familiar with this body"

Sora disappeared with body flicker technique no-one would would notice anything because Sora was a mysterious character and surprisingly no one was watching him truly a lucky fellow.

Next Day

Sora slept late because he wasn't use to getting up early he was directly late but he didn't care he plan to steal kakashi dope intro anyway.


Gin:"Our Sensei is late"

Hira:"I'm sure he has a good reason"

A red hair boy was talking with his brown haired classmate whose name is hira.While a back hair boy sat at his seat looking out of space but they were not the only ones in the room believe it or not.

There was a pink haired girl named sakura A blond Naruto and black hair sasuke.

Kakashi soon arrived and the scene played out like in the original Naruto placed a duster above the door and kakashi pushed it opening resulting in the duster falling on his head.

Kakashi:"That's weird what other team could possibly be here"

While kakashi was pondering a lazy voice sounded behind him.

Sora:"You gonna keep blocking the way Kakashi"

When kakashi saw Sora his back hairs stood up this is a Uchiha he thought that Sora would never take the opportunity to become a teacher.

Kakashi:"Sorry I was lost in thought Team 7 follow me to the roof"

And just like that kakashi body flickered out of the room.Naruto and sakura hurriedly chase after kakashi while sasuke looked at Sora the only other person that survived other than that man.

Sora:"Are you not going to chase after your Sensei"

Sora asked sasuke without emotion sasuke snorted and ran off.

Sora:"Sure enough Annoying I'm here for team 13 Follow me to training ground 4"

With that Sora body flickered away just like kakashi After all it feels cool to do it.

[Ding it is detected host has taken team 13 as his students Novice package has been placed in inventory.]

Sora:"Open Novice Package"


Mangekyou Sharingan

Storm Release]

[Mission- As The Sensei of the team you should get to know your students.

Reward-Chakra Katana ]

Sora:"Very good A mangekyo Sharingan and Strom Release very interesting"

After 5 minutes Everyone arrived and looked expectantly on there jonin Sensei of course as orphans they know that it's almost impossible to get a jonin Sensei but they got one meaning they are the only civilian team with a jonin Sensei.

Sora:"Introduce yourself everyone hear will be teammates in the future."

There were shocked they heard about the Uchiha they saw it with sasuke but it's to be expected after all he accepted to be the leader of this team.

Gin:"My name is Gin Uzumaki And I would like to become strong"

Hira"My name is hira And I would like to become a good medic ninja"

Ken:"My name is Ken and I would like to become a ninja like white fang"

Sora was shocked that he got a Uzumaki but the rest where to be expected except someone who wants to be like white fang that's rare and interesting he liked this ken guy.

Sora:"My name is Sora Uchiha And I have two rules as the leader of this team you must train to become stronger. and no questioning my orders Got it?"

Team 13:"Yes Sensei"

Sora asked them to fight to test there strengths and they were horrible but it's to be anticipated after all they are all orphans without clan support they will be less than those big clans Genin but he realized something Ken had amazing talent for swordsmanship and Gin for Head to head combat it's almost like what they want is there entire talent even hira had amazing chakra control and perception.

Sora:"You are all weak but you have amazing talent so train hard work hard and you will achieve your goals you will be doing 10 D rank missions to Get you enough money to buy you your equipment you will be wearing weights in this period this shadow clone will accompany you in case of any hidden danger but be on guard"

Sora then walked away leaving behind two d rank missions for team 13 and a shadow clone which no one knew when it appeared and so Team 13 has been doing d rank missions for 2 weeks and they finally did 10 d rank missions they wanted to do it sooner but they had a hard time acquiring tasks they ran into team 7 who asked about there situation.because they were the only two teams left behind they had a little bond not that great but it's something.

Sora Got the rewards his first mangekyo Sharingan ability was names Shinrai in which he can freely control the elements around him without seals.

The second ability was actually a healing ability called holy fire which can burn the enemy and heal Allies.

His chakra katana was black and sharp he called it midnight.

Sora:"Today we will be doing a C rank mission Which will be eliminating bandits"

Team 13:"Yes Sensei"

Gin:"When will you teach us ninjutsu"

Even though no one else said anything they all showed similar expressions but Sora can't help it after all Hira was the only person with decent chakra control. so The week before the mission he taught them tree climbing and water treading Hira cleared it without out problem but what was surprising Ken mastered both after 5 days sure enough he has the foundation to become a ninja like white fang.

They arrived At the bandit camp in the unamed country outside the country of fire.

Sora:"Remember The number 1 thing when completing missions is stealth"

Team 13:"Yes Sensei"

They slowly approached the bandit camp and then *swish* Sora disappeared but none of the three weren't worried after Sora told them he wouldn't intervene unless it's a life or death situation.

Gin:"Ken follow me Hira stay behind us with the detonating talismans in case of a ambush"


Ken agreed while taking out a small sword and Hira nodded to show she understood and so three Genin started a fight in the bandit camp.

Bandit 1:"Hahahaha Konoha sent kids to fight us they underestimate us so much"

Bandit 2:"Brother let's kill them"

The bandit Leader was no where to be found

*boom*Team 13 didn't talk nonsense with the bandits Hira threw 5 detonating talismans at the bandits which exploded and killed 7 of the 30 bandits in the camp.

Bandit 1:"Dam it kill them"

The bandits rushed after the three but how could regular bandits touch them only in the original series the three basic ninjutsu technique are like soy sauce but at this level it's simply untouchable creating clones to distract the bandits while ken sneaks up on the bandit closest to him and slit his throat gin was straight farword attacking the bandits with his chakra infused fist they made quick work of the bandits but.

Bandits Leader:"Hahaha you are defenceless now little girl"

The bandit leader with all the commotion arrived behind Hira and slashed but the expected blood scene didn't happen A man appeared blocking The bandit leader sword.

Sora:"Great you did well but never let your guard down even when dealing with bandits"

Sora then kicked away the bandit who rag dolled into a tree how could a bandit take the hit of a jonin ninja after all Sora wasn't weak in close combat.

Hira:"Thank you Sensei"

When Gin and ken saw that Hira almost died they were angry the teammate they were with almost died Infront of there eyes.

Ken:"Sensei can you teach us a ninjutsu when we get back"

Usually ken wouldn't take the initiative to ask for ninjutsu but today he saw it with his own eyes the enemies are ruthless because how did the bandit leader arrive at Hira he sacrificed his gang so he could find a opportunity to arrived at the weakest one of them.

Sora:"Of course now you know what killing feels like get use to the feeling the enemy won't care what you going through only when your strong enough can you control your destiny"

Everyone nodded showing a understanding while Sora used a fire ninjutsu to set the camp on fire erasing everything at the scene but beheaded the bandit leader for verification that they completed the mission.

4 Weeks Later

Team 13 were training on training ground 4 The most incredible thing is how well they are attacking Sora ken is the main offense while gin attack from the blind sides then Hira throws weapons from long range truly and Attack defense and support set up it's the formation Sora told them was the most effective until Hira learns offensive ninjutsu.

Sora:"Ken you should attack more flexibly Your attacks are too easy to predict"

Sora then turned around and greeted gin fist with his knee the ground shook.

Sora:"Gin you should Be more stealthy after all your attacks are easy to guard against when your presence is known"

*swish*6 Shurikens shot at Sora he easily dodge but he had a smile on his face the whole time after all these are his students saying he is not proud is a lie

He then immediately began to seal.

Ken:"Gin He going to use ninjutsu use a water ninjutsu to block it Hira attack with a wind ninjutsu"

Gin:"On it Water style wild water wave"

A Huge amount of water came out gin's mouth attacking sora Hira then followed suite with a wind style great breakthrough.

Sora:"Not bad but your sealing speed is too slow Storm release Storm Dragon jutsu"

A dragon made out of wind,fire,water and lightning Rushed farword as if alive colliding with The water and wind ninjutsu not slowing down in the shortest and then.

*Roar* The dragon opened its mouth swallowing the ninjutsu then locked onto the three.

Ken:"Sure enough Sensei is not going easy on us get ready to use the substitution technique"

And so they all began sealing when the dragon arrived it crashed into the ground where they were a shockwave was produced but what remained was three logs in the place of where the three were.

Sora:"Not bad they can take the chunin exams soon"

Sora didn't know when exactly the chunin exams was but team 7 left for the land of waves mission four weeks ago meaning they will soon be back.

Ken:"Sensei you are not paying attention"

Ken slashed at a incredible angle almost impossible to dodge but how could Sora be hurt by his students.

*clang* A black katana didn't know when it arrived in Sora's hand blocking Ken's attacking.

Sora:"When your strong enough you don't need to pay attention after all letting your guard down on purpose is called baiting remember in the future"

With that Sora kicked ken away everyone was panting sweating but Sora didn't even has a bead of sweat on his forehead nor a spec of dust on his clothes.

Gin"Sensei your a monster"+2

Hira:"Come let me heal your wounds ken"

Hira walked towards ken and treated him with a low level medic ninjutsu.

Sora:"Ken your analyzing ability is amazing you made a correct judgement in the. type of ninjutsu but remember there are always uncontrollable factors never believe anything always be on guard"

Ken:"Thank you"

Ken smiled he knew how strong there Sensei was and this was the first time he was praising them so sincerely.Water ninjutsu resisted most ninjutsu and wind resists lightning so they were prepared for almost any ninjutsu below b rank but they didn't expect Sora's storm Release.

Sora:"Let's go shopping"

Team 13:";-;"

If not for the fight they would suspect this Sora was fake but they didn't refuse so they walked along the streets of konoha everyone was looking at Sora but he didn't care They walked into a Weapon shop.

Sora:"I will buy you anything 1 thing you want in this shop it doesn't matter what it cost but choose wisely"

Sora then leaned on a wall waiting for them to come back.

Ken:"I'm going to look for a good sword you guys go pick a weapon and Hira stock up on kunai's and Shurikens on the way"

Gin And Hira"Yes"

Ken took the role of leader when Sora is not there because he is the strongest in the team and his analyzing ability is amazing and gin and Hira don't oppose after all they can't match ken in analysis.

Ken looked for a long time but no swords attracted him just when he was going to give up he a saw a silver sword it was in a scabbard but he felt it calling him he took it up and quickly went to Sora.While gin didn't have such a hard time he saw a pair of brace knuckles that seem hard but light so he chose them.Hira picked A large pack of senbons she couldn't afford them before.

Sora:"Oh Interesting they picked what I guessed but Hira choose senbons not bad I will get her some herbs too"

Sora thought to himself.

Shop seller:"Dear guests this sword cost $ are you sure you wanna purchase it"

When ken heard he wanted to place it back that amount was at least two A rank missions but Sora stopped him and nodded to the shop seller.Ken felt a warmth he never felt before.

[Mission-As Ninjas how could you not fight other ninjas Complete a B rank mission.

Reward-Master level Swordsmanship
