
Uchiha patriarch

A normal person overnight became the last patriarch of the Uchiha clan. Will it change things? Of course, for better or for worse.

Aaz_Gryd · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Become a patriarch

This is a repost of chapter 1, as it was not readable.

It's done by Deepl translator.


I wake up and I see an unknown ceiling made of wood, and as I was going to pinch myself to see if it was a dream, my arm didn't move. Then from a neck memories fit into me it was painful but nothing I could not endure.

I get up then I go to the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror and I see what I dreaded so much I became Fugaku Uchiha. The last patriarch of the Uchiha clan, at the worst possible moment. Right after Minato and Kushina died.

A beep comes to my ear and I see a box floating in front of me, I open it and I see a letter. The letter says I died in my sleep and ROB decided to give me a second chance not because I was good, but because he spun a roulette wheel and it landed on me. Then after pieces of paper appeared in front of me, I read the first one which said that if I tore it my taijutsu skills and my bukijutsu would equal those of Madara I tore it and I could feel that my understanding of these arts has reached another level. The second paper indicated an increase in my chakra reserves of 1.5 times, my physical abilities of 2 times and an increase in my spiritual powers of 3 times. After tearing the paper I felt my becoming stronger, some chakra leaked but I directly repressed it and my sharingan or rather my mangekyou improve.


<Honey, Are you angry, I thought I felt some of your chakra leaking> Mikoto

<No, but the meetings today are going to be awful> Fugaku

She walked back into the room, she looked weak as she cried a lot upon hearing about Kushina's death her three tomoe sharingan even opened by accident. During the night she had cried a lot in the arms of the old me. She came home she brushed her teeth and cleaned her face then went out because Sasuke was crying.

<I have to get ready for the meetings with the Hokage and the clan, we can continue tonight> Fugaku

<Well, I'll make breakfast and take care of Sasuke> Mikoto


She goes out, I take then the pieces of paper I tore it this one contained a method to make evolve the mangekyou sharigan into mangekyou sharigan éternele. I tore another one which put my Katon at Madara's level and my Doton at Kakuzu's level, my genjutsu at Itachi's level and Kabuto's chakra control, several ninjutsu katon and doton appeared in my mind.

The last one contained a plan on how to best train the Uchiha in taijutsu, ninjutsu and genjutsu. It also contains a technique to increase the chances of activating sharingan, and will give the Uchiha more love for others while keeping a rational mind.For example if an Uchiha lamba has a 5% chance to open the sharingan then thecnique increases the chance by 25%.

I went to shower and while I was showering I thought about my power at the moment, I have Madara's katon but reproducing his attack against the shinobi alliance will cost me too much chakra. Moreover I still have not unlocked the eternal mangekyou sharingan. My right eye allows me to absorb chakra like the otsutsuki do and transform it into my own chakrau. Since the former Fugaku rarely used his mangekyou as a support for his genjutsu he could earn the nickname of Fugaku with the demonic eye. But despite that he never used Susano, Amaterasu and his absorption to remain discreet. So his mastery of mangekyou is primary.

Once I finish my shower, I look at myself in the mirror. My physique is similar to that of Chris Hemsworth. I get dressed and go downstairs, while going downstairs I see Itachi.


<Hello, how was your night?> Fugaku

<Good> Itachi

He will answer me with a clamorous and tired tone.

Itachi's relationship with the former Fugaku was very discreet, but I could tell that he loved each other.

After that we went to eat and found Mikoto setting the table with Sasuke in his crib.

We helped her set the table and then sat down, we didn't have much Parker, last night's incident had put a chill in the house. Every once in a while one of us would say something but overall it was extremely quiet.

<Thank you for the meal dear> Fugaku

<Thank you> Itachi

<Itachi, tell Shisui that his presence is mandatory for the lunch meeting> I said in a calm tone but with a serious look

<Okay, I'm going to take a bath> Itachi

<Mikoto, the whole meeting of Kushina and Minato will take place this afternoon > I say with the softest voice possible


Before going to the meeting I went to the police office which was beginning to be filled.

I announced in a loud voice; <I know you are all in a bad mood, but our job must be done no matter what. Today instead of focusing on maintaining order as we always will, we will focus more on helping the civilians to>

They looked at me before answering yes, with a solemn tone.

Then I left.


Along the way, I thought about the extermination of the clan.

The more I think about it, the more I find it useless, and undeserved.

The Uchiha although having a huge pride/arrogance due to their history, don't abuse their power as policemen. Most of them think that abusing their power would harm their pride. But despite this, their position made civilians hate them and love them.

They were the ones who stopped the ninja who used genjutsu to steal, the ninja who failed and abused their little power, or the reckless shinobi in the village. Their days were quite busy.

Not to mention that in the beginning, the Uchiha clan did not hesitate to support the village by sending lots of shinobis during conflicts. But they noticed that their clan was the one that was suffering the most losses and they were reaping few benefits in the village. So they were more and more reluctant to let the village command their clan members, they wanted to bring in their own members. All this made the relationship between the clans and the village tense.


<Hello, Shikaku-san> Fugaku

<Hello, Fugaku-san> Shikaku

We then returned to the meeting room. The room was filled with the most important patriarchs like the Hyuga patriarch, Aburame, Akimichi, etc..

I see that everyone is here said the Hokage while returning followed by Danzo, Kahoru and Homura.

<The sacking caused by Kyubi has caused a lot of problems to the village. First of all we have to rebuild the destroyed place and give help to the civilian> Hiruzen

Then follows some discussions not very interesting but important for the village. Just when I thought the meeting was going to end. A word that I feared was pronounced by a man who had been forgotten all along the meeting

<Can the Uchiha clan explain why the sharingan is 'she appeared in Kyubi's eyes, like when performing a genjutsu.> Danzo

<I don't know, maybe someone stole a Sharingan during the conflict, like for the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan and orchestrated the attack> Fugaku

<You are mocking me how you don't know? You are the patriarch of the clan> Danzo

<It is not us who recover the bodies of the dead ninjas moreover it is not all the bodies which are recovered, therefore a body can be escape from the recoverer of body> Fugaku

Then he stopped talking for a moment staring at me before saying;

<Where were you during Kyubi's attack> Danzo

<You were stupid or what, we were doing our duty by protecting the civilians and organizing the civilians towards the shelters to avoid jostling resulting in death. Moreover, we did not hesitate to put civilians in the shelters of our neighborhood. What were you doing?" Fugaku

<Who do you think you are to ask me questions?

<Who do you think you are to ask me questions? you are not a Hokage as far as I know> Fugaku

It is then that Danzo will make his mouth for good but while I thought the meeting to end one person opened his big mouth.

<To help rebuild the village I thought that the Uchiha clan could move yours near the prison> Koharu

<Why not the Shimura clan> Fugaku

<That's right the Uchiha clan will be able to guard the prison better> Homura

<I feel like you want to keep us away from the village more than anything> Fugaku said in a more serious tone.

<How about we stop here, it's true the Uchiha clan doesn't have to move. The village will just be rebuilt as before> Hiruzen

<With that the meeting is over you can leave> Hiruzen

I then left the meeting, no one greeted me and I did not greet anyone. It's understandable with the altercation I had with the high ranking officials