
Prologue: passion is power.

From the moment Itachi-niisan joined ANBU, he had a lot less free time. I happened around the same time I joined the academy, so the same goes for me. But it was really unfair of him to be on the missions or special training all the time. I really missed him. So I was really happy when we finally had an entire day for each other.

It was a lot of fun, he took me to the cinema. It was a "Tale of Gutsy Ninja", the hero, Naruto, was really cool - just a chunin, but he defeated the entire enemy clan by himself and ended the civil war in his country.

After the movie, we had a lot of fun. He told me that the author of the Gutsy Ninja's story was Jiraiya one of the Sannin, personal disciples of Sandaime Hokage and sensei of Yondaime. We talked about the movie, I said that there is a guy called Naruto in my class. He said, that his parents must have loved Jiraiya's first book. When I asked about his other books, niisan said that those books are for the mature public, with a lot more romance and a lot less fighting.

He taught me about the tactics and strategies used in the movie. Then I asked him about the other two of Sannin. He told me about the mad alchemist Orochimaru, who seeks immortality and ultimate mastery over chakra. It was kind of scary how nobody noticed his madness and experiments that were going right under Konoha for years. Then he turned to Tsunade-sama, the princess of Senju clan. How she was strong and beautiful, best iryonin in the world and how deaths of both her fiance and younger brother have broken her.

That is when I asked the usual childish question:

"Niisan, which of the three is the greatest ninja?"

"Tsunade-sama, of course!" - he replied instantly.

"But ... isn't she broken and useless now?" - was my natural follow-up question.

"Look," - he said and turned into a blond woman with big tits - "cop a feel, this is the greatness no jutsu or book can ever match!" - he said putting my palm on his tit, it was soft and bigger than mom's.

"It's big and soft." - I noted, not seeing how it's better than jutsus or books.

"You will understand in a few years." - he said, seeing my lack of enthusiasm, and canceled transformation.

"But it's just tits, mom have them too." - I wanted to understand it now.

"And she is greater than dad, isn't she?" - was his reply.

"But dad is the clan head and police chief!" - it was obvious.

"Without mon, he would still be just a genin and we would be wearing rags and eating rats." - he explained. - "Leadership is all about 'delegation', about pushing your duties and work onto others."

"Ahh, I see!" - mom was really the best and dad was she made of him.

"Tits give us a focus! So they can distract enemies or motivate allies. Our strength is always proportional to motivation and focus. I'm sure that Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Dan was motivated by Tsunade's tits. Yonadaime's wife had bigger tits than mom and in the end, he became Hokage, while dad is just a police-chief." - niisan was really passionate in his speech.

It was a really wonderful day, we had lots of fun and I learned a lot from him. I thought good times would never end. But just a month later his best friend committed suicide and things have gone downhill from that.

This story isn't a crossover with DxD, but Sasuke will be a ... breast-enthusiast, just like Hyoudou Issei.

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