
Chapter 12: Destiny on the Horizon

Yami's eyes fluttered open to a world of muted colors, a dull contrast to the vibrant greens and blues of the forest. He blinked, trying to focus, and saw the raven, Hikari, perched on the edge of the bed, watching him intently with her dark eyes. Beside her sat the boy he had saved, looking relieved but also a little nervous.

As Yami began to move, his body felt heavy and unresponsive, like he was trying to swim through thick mud. The boy reached out a hand to help him sit up, and Yami gratefully accepted it. He noticed that his clothing had been changed and that he was now dressed in clean, dry clothes.

Outside, the rain had stopped, but the air was still heavy with moisture. The sound of dripping water echoed through the small room, and the smell of damp earth mingled with the scent of burning incense.

"How long was I out?" Yami asked, his voice hoarse and weak. The boy looked to Hikari, who responded with a soft caw.

"Almost two days," Hikari replied, her voice a soothing melody. "You've been resting and healing since we found you."

Yami took a deep breath and slowly sat up, feeling a little bit better. Hikari hopped off his chest and perched herself on a nearby tree branch, watching him closely. The young Hyuga boy, Michiyo, was still sitting by his side, looking at him with curiosity.

Yami turned to the boy and asked, "Hey there, little guy. What's your name?"

The boy hesitated for a moment before answering, "My name is Michiyo Hyuga."

"H-Hyuga?" Yami was surprised. "I've heard of that clan before. Is that why your eyes are white?"

"Yes," Michiyo said. "It's the same for all members of the Hyuga clan."

Yami's curiosity was piqued. "Tell me more about your clan"

Michiyo proceeded to explain that the Byakugan, their unique kekkei genkai, gave them the ability to see chakra and perform techniques such as the Gentle Fist. He also revealed that the clan had a branch family, and the two were separated by a seal that restricted the branch members' abilities.

Yami was fascinated by what he was hearing, and he continued to ask Michiyo more questions. "How did you end up at the bottom of the ravine?"

"I was out training in the forest with my father when we were attacked by bandits," Michiyo explained.

Michiyo's expression turned serious as he recounted the events leading up to his fall. He explained how he had been on a trip with his father, a powerful fighter of the Hyuga clan. They had been ambushed by a group of rogue ninja and his father had been gravely injured in the fight.

Michiyo's eyes grew sad as he recounted the events, "My father fought them off to give me time to escape, but I fell off the edge and into the ravine."

Yami placed a comforting hand on Michiyo's shoulder, "I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know who attacked you?"

Michiyo shook his head, "No, I didn't see their faces. But they weren't ordinary bandits. They were skilled fighters with strange markings on their foreheads."

Yami's mind raced, he had heard of such markings before. Could it be that enemies were worried that the Hyuga clan would choose to join the village?

"It might have something to do with the negociations", Yami state.

Michiyo looked confused, "Negotiations? What do you mean?"

Yami hesitated for a moment before explaining, "The Leaf Village has been in talks with your clan about joining our village. It's a complicated process, but it could bring great benefits to both sides."

Michiyo's eyes lit up, "Really? That's great news! We would be much safer that way!"

Yami smiled, "I'm glad to have brought you some good news. But for now, let's focus on getting you and your injuries taken care of."

As the conversation between Yami and Michiyo continued, the morning sun slowly rose higher into the sky, casting a warm glow on the area around them. They talked about the Hyuga clan and their unique abilities, and Yami was fascinated by what he heard.

However, their conversation was interrupted as Yami's parents approached. His mother went straight to his side and checked him over, asking if he was feeling alright and if he needed anything. Yami assured her that he was okay, but he could see the worry in her eyes.

His father stood at the foot of the bed and crossed his arms over his chest. "We're going to have to delay your training for a little bit," he said, "but you need to make sure you're fully healed before we resume."

Yami nodded, "I understand, Father. Thank you."

His mother let out a small sigh of relief and stood up. "Just be more careful from now on, okay?" she said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I will, Mother," Yami said with a smile.

As his parents began to leave the room, Yami spoke up, "Father, may I visit Grandfather today?"

His father paused and turned back to him, "I don't see why not. Just make sure you don't overexert yourself."

Yami nodded, "Thank you, Father."

As Yami walked towards Madara's home with Hikari, he couldn't help but notice the stark difference in his perception.

Yami felt a renewed sense of appreciation for the world around him and couldn't help but smile at the newfound clarity of his senses. He was glad that he could see the beauty of the world again and hoped that it would never leave him again.

He noticed the way the sunlight filtered through the trees, dappling the forest floor with patches of light and shadow. He saw the way the leaves rustled in the gentle breeze, the way the birds sang and flitted from branch to branch. The scents of the forest filled his nostrils - the earthy smell of the dirt beneath his feet, the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, the tangy aroma of fresh pine needles.

He also noticed the way the insects crawled and buzzed, the way small animals scurried about, and the way the wind blew through the trees. It was as if his senses had been heightened, allowing him to experience the world in a new and profound way. He took in everything around him, as if seeing it all for the first time.

As he continued on his journey, Yami felt a sense of peace wash over him. He realized that his recent experiences had changed him in ways he never could have imagined. He felt a deeper connection to the natural world and a newfound appreciation for life.

Yami arrived at Madara's home with Hikari by his side. As he approached, he saw Madara stepping out of the front door, ready to leave. Yami's excitement at seeing his grandfather made him forget about the distance he had just covered.

"Grandfather!" Yami called out, jogging towards him.

Madara turned around and smiled at Yami, "Yami, my boy, what brings you here?"

"I have some important news to share with you," Yami said, grinning from ear to ear.

Madara raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What is it?"

Yami took a deep breath, "I saved a boy from the Hyuga clan. His name is Michiyo. He was attacked by some unknown assailants, and his father fought to give him time to escape. I was able to heal him, and he's now resting with my parents."

Madara's eyes widened in surprise, "The Hyuga clan? That's no small matter. You have done well, Yami."

Yami started to explain to Madara about the boy, Michiyo Hyuga, and how he had come to be in the ravine. He described the attack on Michiyo and his father, and how his father had fought to give Michiyo time to escape. Yami continued to recount how he had found the boy and brought him back to his house to care for him.

Madara listened attentively as Yami spoke, his expression thoughtful. When Yami finished, Madara nodded and said, "It seems the situation with the Hyuga clan is becoming more complicated. I will have to look into it further."

Yami nodded in agreement, and then proceeded to tell Madara about his experience with regaining his natural perception. He explained how he had been struggling with his training, but with Madara's help, he had been able to return to his true self.

Madara smiled and said, "I am glad to hear that, Yami. Remember, it is important to stay true to yourself and not let anyone else's expectations define who you are."

Yami nodded, grateful for the advice. He then said, "I also have something else to tell you. I believe I have discovered something about my abilities that I didn't know before."

Madara's interest was piqued, and he encouraged Yami to continue. Yami explained how he had been able to use his chakra to heal Michiyo's injuries, and how it had felt different than any other use of chakra he had experienced before.

Madara listened carefully as Yami described the sensation, and then said, "It sounds like you have discovered a unique aspect of your abilities. You should continue to explore this further and see what other abilities you may possess."

Madara turned to Yami and asked him if he wanted to join him in informing Hashirama about the situation. He added, "It's a serious matter, and I believe your firsthand account could prove to be valuable. What do you say, Yami?"

Yami responded with affirmation, saying "Yes, I would like to come along. I want to do whatever I can to help."