

In 5020 the Earth's poles shifted 90° causing the earth to rotate upside down. From rotating horizontally to vertically, this is caused by the earth's magnetic poles that were once in the north and south of the earth moving to the west and east of the earth. This caused a great catastrophe for mankind. How is the continuation of humans on earth? Can they survive or will they perish along with the changing of the earth. And here's Rewind.

Multiverse_Mob_M · sci-fi
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Bumi Tahun 5018

The world has recovered from the great disaster 2000 years ago to be exact around the year 3000.

All the continents unite to form a large continent called Pangea.

It is said to the ancient saman that all the continents on earth were one vast land but due to shifts in the earth's plates and several other factors.

Pangae continent at that time was divided into several parts.

After millions or billions of years have passed, the earth begins to enter a period called the (Research Phase) which is where large-scale tectonic activity occurs that will make the earth's surface change.

At the beginning of the year 3000, the beginning of the (Research Phase) occurred.

All over the world earthquakes occur very often ranging from mild to severe.

After this incident, experts predict that this is caused by the continuous movement of the earth's plates colliding.

It is estimated that within 2 years the entire continent will sink and 1 year after all the continents have sunk a large continent will appear.

What happened during this time I will tell in another book.

back to the present...

After the incident (Research Phase) the earth is now back to normal.

With more advanced technology, but high environmental pollution.

Where there are oil and mineral mines that do not meet standards, but are still operating.


Because there is only one continent that can be inhabited by humans who survived the (Research Phase) Forming a new government called the Pangea Federation.

With the establishment of the Pangea Federation, it was a new beginning for human civilization.

After 2000 years, human civilization is more advanced with sophisticated equipment.

They have also succeeded in establishing a colony on Mars.

But 1000 years ago the human colony on Mars broke away from the Pangea Federation.

Formed its own government called the Red earth Government.

Because of this, the Earth Federation decided to stop the construction of extraterrestrial colonies.

On the moon there are also human colonies in charge of caring for satellites.


Even though they had separated from the Pangea Federation.

The Pangea Federation couldn't do much and just let it go.


January 23, 5018,

In a meeting room,

It was seen that various important people from the Federation were watching a 20 year old man presenting the results of his research.

From a small cube-shaped device, a projection of the earth comes out showing data on the earth's magnetic poles from 1000 years ago where it is clear that every year the north magnetic pole of the earth continues to move westward.

while the south magnetic pole of the earth moves to the east.

The higher-ups present looked at each other, 'big trouble awaits' they thought.

"This data shows an increase in the distance of the shift of the earth's magnetic poles from year to year. If the results of my calculations are not wrong, in two years the earth will rotate vertically where the earth will rotate from north to south, if this happens it is estimated that the earth will experience significant changes. very large"

The man shows a picture of the earth now with a 3D image.

There is shown a simulation if it happens Ice will seek and shift tectonic plates will be chaotic and it is possible that several volcanoes will erupt simultaneously.

It also shows the worst possibility that all the volcanoes on earth will erupt in full force.

The melting of polar ice and the eruption of seamounts and all the mountains on earth will cause a temperature chaos where the earth will be very cold in some places and very hot in others.

After that, the image of the earth that has turned into an uninhabitable planet is shown.

Where the earth will feel very hot and also very cold causing no life to survive except for certain microbes.

"So in two years we have to build a ship that will house humans and other important living things, including some important data and technology."

After that he replaced a 3D image of the earth showing the state of the earth thousands of years after the magnetic poles moved.

Earth will return to normal and new life will appear as described in the history of the formation of the earth.

"Just as you can see what will happen in the future, I suspect that in the past there has been a shift in the earth's magnetic poles which obliterated all living things at that time"

He removed the simulated earth images and released data showing the oddity of the soil samples at the deepest ocean depths.

There shows the data of living cells from millions of years before the formation of the earth in history.

"It is possible that life today evolved from the remains of living things in the period before this great catastrophe"

said the man.

After a long discussion they decided to make a ship building project that can withstand all kinds of temperatures and terrain.

this project will be named (Save of life).

(Save of Life) Build a rescue ship within two years.

Deploy all resources to build the ship with little panic.

They disguised it as building a ship for exploration.

The ship to be built is a waterproof ship

so even though it is under high pressure the ship will not experience deformation such as dents and is durable.

This ship will be built with new minerals discovered 500 years ago.


In the northern and southern hemispheres,

Because the effects of the unification of the continents caused the Ice at the Pole to return to the way it was in ancient times.

There was still a lot of ice because at that time the greenhouse effect had been eliminated.

However, due to the rapid development of human civilization recently, global warming is more severe than before (Research Phase).

environmentalists have warned of the dangers that will be caused if they do not stop this pollution.

But since the people in the industry that contributed the most taxes the Federation government just turned a blind eye as if it didn't know anything.


February 1, 5019,

In a meeting room of the Pangea Federation government center.

In this room there is a long bench with eight chairs sitting.

The people sitting down are those who hold the final say and the Men who excel on January 23rd.

This man named Zuen Mu is a geologist who graduated from Derbrid University, this is a prestigious university that has created several famous Professors and scientists.

"I agree with this decision, you are more the leader in this operation" said a leader.