
Tyrant Hinata

(I actually haven't watched the anime or read the manga and all of my knowledge came from other fanfics. But still, I don't really like depending on them so at the very least, you can expect that I won't be sticking to canon, maybe only a little bit. But there are significant changes that a few character's personalities are completely different.) The soul of a young girl who didn't manage to live her life fully found herself in space that allowed for transmigration. She felt this was a chance for her to live again and happily took the chance. After transmigration, she found herself in her favorite anime in the body of the cutest stalker. However, upon arriving, she immediately noticed that this might not be the world she was familiar with. ______ Cover is not mine...

Phantomato_101 · Anime und Comics
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30 Chs

4 Choji

Since Hinata was currently not allowed to touched anything chakra related for the meantime, she decided to go out for a bit to stretch her legs and explore the village. Her parents happily let her go but Hinata knew that someone should be following her. After all, she's still the Hyuga heiress and her safety should be the priority right now.

Hinata didn't have any particular destination she had in mind so she wandered aimlessly in the village while trying to familiarize herself. Just after several minutes, she was really amazed. Just from the sheer size left Hinata wonder why it was even called a village. It is already as big as a small modern city. Although she doubted it would rival a city in terms of population. This world had a higher death rate after all.

On her journey, she saw some weapon shops, restaurants, shopping areas, and many other sights. That naturally included the massive faces carved along a huge cliff. How could she miss that, it could be seen throughout the whole village.

At one point, her legs grew tired so she found a nearby tree to sit down on. She then casually spoke to what seems like air, "Bodyguard-san, I know you're there. Can you come out for a moment?"

There was silence for a moment before a figure appeared out of nowhere and looked at her with a bewildered expression. "Hinata-sama, you knew I was there the whole time? Have you already awakened your Byakugan? As expected of the heiress, such a genius.", he said, not giving up on the chance to bootlick.

"Nah, I still don't know how to activate my Byakugan.", she said but suddenly froze as she remembered something about her abilities. "Or do I?"

The man was confused but then saw veins popping out of the side of her eyes. His eyes then widened since that meant the heiress had already learned to activate her Byakugan.

Meanwhile, Hinata had a look of enlightenment on her face. 'I have complete command over my chakra. It does whatever I want it to do. Just then, I told it to activate my Byakugan and voila, it did.'

Hinata then deactivated her Byakugan and then said, "Anyways, I just called you because I got tired from all this walking. I wanted to ask if you could quickly buy me some snacks and some drinks... you know, to get my energy back."

While saying so, she also pulled out a useful jutsu she learned from other fanfics. 'Puppy Eyes no Jutsu'

Although she felt she didn't need to do that because the bodyguard would still probably do it just for the sake of bootlicking.

As expected, the guard immediately jumped at the opportunity and promised to go get the best snacks he could. "Ah, hold on. Chips would be good I guess, and something cold to drink too.", Hinata said before the bodyguard nodded and went off to his quest of satisfying the Hyuga princess. In her past life, she would usually spend her money on snacks, mostly on chips and munch on them all day long.

Not even a few minutes later, the ninja reappeared with a bag threatening to burst out because it was too full of chips from different brands and different flavors. Hinata just looked at him speechlessly but still took the snacks in the end. Who would say no to more chips.

"Thanks!", Hinata beamed at the man before plopping herself down and opening a bag of chips. The man smiled brightly after being thanked and then disappeared once more to continue his bodyguard duties.

The surroundings once again fell into silence as the man disappeared. The only noise that could be vaguely heard were crunching noises as Hinata ate her chips. After some time though, the peace was disturbed when a bunch of rowdy kids appeared to play with each other. Most of them looked to be Hinata's age but she wasn't the least bit interested in associating herself with them. So, she just continued munching on her chips.

Suddenly, an adorable chubby kid with spiky brown hair appeared and wanted to join whatever the kids were playing. They were currently playing hide and seek and other kids just nonchalantly agreed to let him play. They all went to hide but the chubby kid clearly sucked at the game. Not even a few minutes and he was already found. In addition to that, there were few places he could hide in with his body.

The bad thing was that, he was also hiding with another kid so he also got him exposed. The kid started blaming and bullying him to which the others happily joined in.

Hinata who was watching felt pity for the boy and anger for the other kids. It wasn't that Hinata was that good of a person that she would feel that much for another person. She only felt like that because she knew who that chubby kid was.

It was none other than Choji Akimichi. Hinata liked Choji because she knew how nice Choji was. In fact, his personality was a bit similar to the original Hinata wherein he was too kind to ever hurt another living being... well, unless you call him fat that is. But still, Choji was one of the purest people in this world ruled by death and wars.

She saw Choji walk away with sad eyes and plopped down on a tree not far from her tree. His eyes brimmed with tears and threatened to fall at any moment. Hinata sighed seeing his pitiful appearance and got up from her spot. She grabbed her chips and then walked towards Choji.

Meanwhile, Choji was too engrossed in his depression that he didn't notice Hinata. He only felt her presence when she sat down next to him. He looked up with a start and got nervous when she saw a girl sitting down next to him. Suddenly, the girl handed out a bag of chips while not saying anything. He wasn't sure what to do since the girl had not said a word. He only got confirmation for him to take it when the girl shook the bag in front of his fist.

He hesitantly took the bag of chips and looked once more at Hinata to see if she really wants to give him her chips but saw Hinata already focusing her attention on her bag of chips and was busy munching. He then also opened his and started eating.

One of the kids saw Hinata and Choji sitting under a tree and shouted to get his friends' attention. "Hey, look at that! Fat Boy got a date!"

The other quickly gathered curiously to see who'd be willing to go on a date with the fatty when they saw a girl with white featureless eyes. "Eww, look at that girl's eyes. No wonder she'd be willing to go on a date with Fat Boy. It's because she's also a freak. Only people like them would like each other."

The others nodded in agreement and watched them in amusement like they were some zoo animals. Choji nervously looked at Hinata. Just then, he had considered her to be his new friend but he was scared if she would start ignoring him because of this. Fortunately, he saw that Hinata didn't seem to care and contined eating. She even took out a juice box and sipped on it happily.

The other kids didn't take this kindly though. Seeing someone they thought was a freak acting like they were beneath her pissed them off. They then started barking and just shouted insults even louder. Finally, Hinata got annoyed by their pestering and gathered chakra on her fist. She then punched hard on the ground and created cracks on it. The kids nearly pissed themselves and ran off crying.