
The beginning...

Life Order:-

Life Order are divided from 1 to 9 which is further divided into pseudo/quasi, intial, mid,advance and peak being

Note:-all beings born in the universe are zero rank lifeforms...

Life order levels:-

0.beings who have never transcended/detached are level zero lifeforms/existence also known as mortal lifeforms/beings/existences.

1.beings who have transcended once are called first order existence and immortal rank lifeforms

2.beings who have transcended twice are called second order existence and celestial rank lifeforms

3.beings who have transcended thrice are called third order existence and supreme rank lifeforms

4.beings who have transcended four times are called fourth order existence and forbidden rank lifeforms

5.beings who have transcended five times are called fifth order existence and eternal rank lifeforms

6.beings who have transcended six times are called sixth order existence and god/ divine rank lifeforms

7.beings who have transcended seven times are called seventh order existence and chaos rank lifeforms

8.beings who have transcended eight times are called eighth order existence and primordial rank lifeforms

9.beings who have transcended nine times are called ninth order existence and transcendent rank lifeforms

Note:- Existences whose cultivation is higher than the peak of a dimension cannot casually enter it without paying a price, the price will be calculated based on the difference of the cultivation of the cultivator and the dimension, only beings whose cultivation is lower than that of a dimension can enter it till the god realm but if they enter the chaos realm and above they will be wiped out there.

Every dimension has its own energy:-

1.natural energy is the necessary energy use by different cultivation systems as the initial energy for their cultivation realms(spiritual energy/powers/spirit qi,magic energy/mana,elemental energy, radiation energy, mystical energy,cosmic energy,vital energy,etc.) divided into different energy according to their properties.

2.immortal energy

3.celestial energy

4.supreme energy

5.forbidden/taboo energy

6.Eternal energy

7.divine energy

8.Chaos energy

9.Primordial energy

10.Transcendent energy

The Divine Dimensions:-

In the ancient times, the god, chaos and the primordial dimension where known to be one dimension,the divine dimension.As because of the battle of the ancient times,the divine dimension was divided into three parts.

The difference between the three dimensions are because the three parts have different concentrations of energy and resources,also the origin energy,as the concentration of the origin energy is limited,it will put shackles on one's rank, restricting one' realm unless one enters the next dimension to break through the realm.

The god realm dimension can house till the god emperor rank peak existence,the chaos realm can house the chaos rank existences and the primordial realm can house the primordial rank existences...

God realm:-

The god realm is a vast dimension also known as the seventh rank dimension only below the chaos realm, comprising of various universes with the chaotic world of the primeval universe as the center of the dimension with various divine forces dividing the dimension.

to enter the god realm one needs to transcend the current dimensions after going through the tribulation and be washed by the origin energy of the universe and become a demi god rank existence, after that when one enters the god realm, they can use the Divine energy to become a god rank lifeform.

Note:-if a demi god has divine energy,he/she can enter the god realm in the current dimension and can stay in the current dimension for a period,then they will be rejected by the dimension to enter the next dimension.

God realm cultivation ranks:-


2.Conferred God

3.God General

4.God Marquis

5.God Lord

6.Ancient God

7.God Venerable

8.God King

9.God Monarch

10.God Emperor

Chaos realm:-

The chaos realm is a vast dimension also known as the eighth rank dimension only below the primordial realm, comprising of various universes with the chaotic world of the primeval universe as the center of the dimension with various chaos existences dividing the dimension.

to enter the chaos realm one needs to transcend the current dimensions after going through the tribulation and be washed by the origin energy of the universe and become a pseudo chaotic existence,after that when one enters the Chaos realm, they can use the chaos energy to become a chaos rank lifeform.

Only pseudo chaotic existence can enter the chao realm as non- pseudo chaotic existences won't be able to mobilize the chaos energy and their body itself won't be able to bear the power of chaos in the dimension,and be wiped out.

The chaos dimensions is the place with the second lowest population with more 20 or 30 chaos rank existences.

Chaos cultivation realms:-

Chaotic God Monarch

Chaotic God Emperor

Primordial realm:

The primordial realm is a vast dimension also known as the ninth rank dimension and also the strongest dimension of the transcendent universe, comprising of various universes with the chaotic world of the primeval universe as the center of the dimension with various primordial beings dividing the dimension.

The primordial realm rules runs the same as the chaos dimensions except that it uses the primordial energy and beings of the primordial realm are the strongest of all dimensions and that it's closer to origin of the universe.

If we exclude the origin of the universe,the primordial dimension is the highest and it's houses the strongest beings of the universe who rules all the cultivators with its status and authority being the highest as the most powerful beings.

Th primordial realm is also the place with the lowest population of just 12 primordial existences.

Primordial cultivation ranks:-

Primordial God Monarch

Primordial God Emperor

Note:-There are also 12 primordial God clans of the

12 powerful existence.They are also known as the 12 strongest clans of the transcendent universe.

There are also other clans except the twelve primordial clans which are the chaos god clans and the god emperor clans/Divine emperor clans.

Clans:-a clan is based on the strongest cultivator/existence of the clan,also divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of dimension,with the name of the dimension being the first word,the name of clan being the second word,the strongest cultivator's realm being the third word.

The {Primordial Chen Clan}...(oops spoiler)!!!

Divine Dimensions Clan:-

1.Primordial God Clan:-a primordial rank existence is needed to become a primordial god clan.

2.Chaos God Clan:-a chaos rank lifeform is needed to become a chaos god clan.

3.God/Divine clan:- divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the god/divine dimension.

World Dimensions Clan:-divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the world dimensions.

4.Eternal Clan:-divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the eternal dimension.

5.Forbidden Clan:-divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the forbidden dimension.

6.supreme Clan:-divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the supreme dimension.

7.Celestial Clan:-divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the celestial dimension.

8.Immortal Clan:-divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the immortal dimension.

9.Mortal:-divided into different ranks according to the cultivation of the strongest cultivator/existence in the clan of the mortal dimension.