
The Progress of Civlization

Weeks had passed since the Bavarians first invaded Austria, and though their advance into Tyrol was halted at its borders, the war continued to spread to the rest of Austria. From Salzburg to Karnten, and even into Upper and Lower Austria, the fires of war consumed the Duchy of Austria.

At the moment, only Tyrol and its western neighbor Vorarlberg were primarily left untouched by the conflict. The only reason Vorarlberg had not fallen yet, was because Berengar had sent troops to their aid; he could not allow himself to be cut off from the rest of the world, and as such, had spent some effort repelling Bavarian troops from Vorarlberg. 

Tyrol was utterly cut off from the eastern half of Austria. If Berengar wanted to aid the Count of Steiermark, his uncle, and ally, his army would need to advance through Bavarian-occupied territory. It would indeed be a difficult task, but Berengar would have no choice but to do so if the city of Graz were indeed in danger.