
The Eye of Horus Part II

Berengar marched his soldiers from the base of the Great Sphinx to the entryway of the Great Pyramid of Giza, where a group of German Archeologists had quarantined the area. Upon seeing the Kaiser and his soldiers arrive, the leader of the expedition quickly saluted his monarch before responding with a hint of surprise in his tone.

"My Kaiser, I did not expect you to personally grace us with your presence. Although you have made a long journey, I can't in good conscience allow you to descend into the abyss!"

An arrogant smirk appeared on Berengar's lips as he quickly informed the man that he did not need his permission.

"Apologies Doctor Arendt Fritlingen, but like it or not, I'm going into that pyramid, so why don't you explain to me what this abyss is and how I should face it?"

The lead archeologist seemed quite nervous as he heard this, but ultimately sighed in defeat before revealing what little he knew about the pyramid.