
Monthly Visit

As the war in Japan continued to wage on, and while Itami had begun to make daily visits to little Kyoto in the hopes to earn forgiveness both in the eyes of the gods and men. Berengar had flown out to Iceland to engage in one of his monthly visits to the woman who his fate had been tied to since the moment he reincarnated into this world. 

Berengar was a man who fulfilled his promises, and as a result, he had spent the last year visiting Iceland for one weekend every month, where he would reacquiant himself with the mature valkyrie and her young daughter. 

Iceland had begun to change quite rapidly. With the fall of the Catholic Church within the region, the people had become lost without their religion. Due to Berengar's influence, the pagan villagers had begun to spread the message of the old gods, and in doing so, conversion rates of the Icelandic Christians were at an all-time high.