
A Union at War

With the fall of Devagiri, and the multitude of war crimes committed by the Bengal Army, the Anangpur Empire and by extension, their German allies now had a reason to interfere in the conflict. At this very moment, General Arnwald stood by Emperor Dharya Tomara's side as he addressed the troops who had gathered on the border. 

"For too long, we have sat idly by and watched as the Bengal Empire conquered our neighbors. Without warning, or just cause, Emperor Asha has marched his soldiers throughout the region, and put any resistance to the sword. Today that comes to an end!

Thanks to the intelligence provided by our German allies, I have come to learn of how atrociously the Bengal Army treats their newly conquered subjects. I will not sit by any longer and wait for our borders to be invaded, nor will I bear witness to the rape of Devagiri without responding!