
A Tempting Offer Part I

The frigate carrying the King of Austria arrived within the port of Gibraltar after several days of travel. During these past few weeks, thousands of Austrian men had gathered in the area, waiting upon their monarch to appear so that he could lead them into battle.

Berengar was dreadfully hungover after nursing away his worries with the sweet taste of liquor. Having stepped onto the beach of Gibraltar, the radiant sun shone down upon him, its warmth increasing his urge to vomit. One thing was sure; it would take him a few days to be fit for combat. 

Thus, he stepped forward and rallied his forces around him. Realizing that he would require a few days of rest, Berengar had altered the plan. He would lead the Second Division to Granada where they would regroup with Sultan Hasan Al-Fadl within the city before advancing north and aiding their line of defense at the northern borders of the Emirate.