
Typical Life of A Normal Guy

Just as the title suggest, just a life of your typical guy trying to keep up with life in a new environment after *something* happened at the old place. Follow on Simon, your unfriendly-friendly citizen, as he meet new friends and people along the way And uhh, Simon here, if you are reading this, just stay tuned for some twist

Hazby · realistisch
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Day 1 : New Life

"An enemy of your enemy is your friend", a quote that best represents this cruel world we live in. it's not always good to trust people, after all, you don't know what they have up their sleeves. Sometimes life isn't fair, some might win a lottery while some are eating food from some minimart's trash can. And sometimes, very rarely, but veeeeeery surely, the people who lives right in the middle of the life.

Another day alive, another day to suffer. I am Simon your local unfriendly-friendly citizen. So I'll just talk about myself first. I am your typical nobody that is barely keeping up with life and is just a background person. Maybe I'm here, maybe I'm there, no one truly knows

My life is perfect. I got a job, in which I almost got fired three times at least this week. I have a girlfriend like any other men my age, she's not real obviously. My family is great, my mom is an alcoholic, never saw my dad. Maybe he went to get the milk I guess? Well i got you didn't i? it is a joke obviously. Of course it's not that bad. Except for the girlfriend part….

I talked too much so let's just get into the story.

My whole life, nothing was good, family, work, school, even life itself is bad. But there's only one thing that keep me from ever think of suicide. That is social media. "Social media is a bad influence" they say. Well hate to break it to you, it's my comfort zone.

A good sunny day, mild breeze flowing through my skin. I tried going out for once after a whole month of "socializing". I tried out the new shirt that came by mail yesterday, and it fits perfectly. 2015 summer, truly a bliss, not so much people, a perfect day for a perfect new life. At least that's what I thought

They say a walk in the park would help relax your mind but oh how wrong they were. It's not that i hate people, i just hate the fact that some people would have this disgusted face if i talked to them. But hey, at least there's SOME good guys am i right? Well sadly, no. in my opinion that is.

12:30 p.m :

Afternoon Walk

i was minding my own business, y'know, walking around, taking a look here and there, making some kids cry with my face, all the fun stuffs. but then, HE, appeared right in my path. Alexander Hamilton, my "friend" *wink-wink* who is the most friendly guy in this century **wink again**.

I tried my very best not to make any eye contact but somehow, this piece of- wait i can't say that word here, **clears throat** this guy, decided to bump into me while acting all innocent like he "accidentally" met me.

he just goes "Ohhhh, Simon... it's veeeeeery good to see you" , i have been a loner my whole life to even know what that tone means. He wears a literal T-shirt and some plain shorts. They say "don't judge a book by its cover", i didn't even judge the cover cause the book is already opened. and this guy still have the audacity to even say "hey so how are you? I've been in need of money because my economy is really bad right now", Well, hate to break it to this guy though, but i wouldn't be walking on a park at 12 p.m in the afternoon if i had some money, i would be sitting in a jacuzzi watching some chemistry teacher cook meth.

Anyways, back to the topic, so basically i was just walking down the streets, and then decided to get some drinks from the nearby store. Whilst i was going there, i saw some dudes pulling some type of weird black box, like seriously? if you want to do something illegal at LEAST do it in the middle of the night, but in plain daylight? these guys are as dumb as i am.

I decided to just ignore it and went strraight inside the store cause i may be dumb, but not dumb enough to get myself killed.

but then one of the guys spotted me watching earlier from behind the dumpster. he called me out "Hey you!". as soon as i heard his voice, i ran as fast as i could. but as you know it, he caught up to me in less than 3 seconds

as soon as he is right behind me, i started rambling out curse words because i was panicking.

"Mind to help us out carrying these things inside?", THOSE, YOU DON'T KNOW HOW THOSE WORDS MADE MY HEART FEELS LIKE I JUST EVADED A NUCLEAR BOMB. how i was lucky that he is not a bad guy.

"Oh uhh, sure man.... absolutely....." i answered with guilt because why was i running from him earlier? You see kids, this is why you shouldn't have a judgemental mindset, you'll end up like me, and the author of this series

Well anyways, after i felt quite relieved, i help out the guys that i saw earlier carrying the same black boxes that I saw them carrying earlier. Me with my super puny brain asked the guys "What's in the box?", RIGHT AT THAT EXACT LITERAL MOMENT, everything went quiet as hell. I can even hear the cockroaches talking in the sewer.

"ohoho mijo.... you don't want to know what's inside the box.... do you?" one of the guys said that right to my face with the face of The Grinch, but instead of the creepy smiling it's the frowny one. the one where he goes "I HATE CHRISTMAS >:( " type of face.

the silence got into the room for a solid 2 minutes before one of the guys at the back just decided to burst out laughing. then all of them laugh simultaneously.

"hahaha.....?" i laughed with the last milliliters of my happiness juice....

"Ha! we got you! We are joking amigo, no need to clench your butthole that tight", that line is a bit gay in a way but i am not gonna question anything as i am still confused...

They then explained that they like to do some jokes like this as if they are some gangsters doing illegal stuffs. and turns out, the thing in the box is actually the stocks for the store that i was heading for earlier. If there's one word that represents my feeling right now, it would be "WHEW" cause i thought that i was about to die there...

9:30 p.m :

Night time

i usually think of the night time as the save button or some type of a respawn location for the game that we are playing. but instead of respawning back on top of the bed, you would die for real here. Life truly is full of wonders and i hope i would see more tomorrow, because i know damn well i still haven't live this life long enough.

Well anyways! that's all for Day 1 cause it's night so i better get some sleep. This is not the end, but just the start of it