
Type Moon Greece, I really don't want to be a hero! [Fan-Translation]

My, translator's synopsis is just below the one by the original author, which I don't want to change much, so read it once for a better... synopsis?! I got transmigrated to the Greece Age of Gods and that too as Jason. Wait, Jason? Do you mean that Jason, the one who has provoked the Witch of Betrayal Medea? Jason? You mean the same Jason who seems to be a great hero, but is actually just a toy of the Gods? Jason? The very same Jason who supposedly lived a glorious life and eventually became a great hero, popular in future generations, but in fact, had a difficult life and eventually didn't even get a natural death? No, such a fate... I do not want it! Therefore ...... "Teacher Chiron, I want to drop out of this school; this kind of hero business, I don't want to do it!" ***** Translator's Synopsis First of all, this is not fanfic and not related to Nasuverse; but I kept the title same due to the author's original choice. Next, this is a story about a modern person trying to change his destiny in the Greek mythological period. And lastly, this has a lot of slice-of-life parts that might touch your heart. ***** It is a fan translation that I am doing just because of interest and nothing more. And just to be clear, I don't have the author's permission because I was unable to contact him and I didn't find a translation anywhere else; so if the author wishes for this to be taken down then just tell me. As for how good am I at English... then let's just say it is not even my fourth language but still, I believe myself to be fluent enough in both speaking and writing.

GlaiveIris · Bücher und Literatur
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103 Chs

The most tragic god

[T/N: Well, only 1.5 x Chapter for today, because the next chapter is a little too large to be done today.]

At first, Jason had given a meaning to the meaningless action Sisyphus had been performing and had reignited hope in Sisyphus's heart.

Then, once Jason confirmed that none of the gods have prevented him during those seven days, and had even indirectly directed Rhea into telling him to continue doing so, Jason implemented the second step of his previously thought out plan.

And in this second step, Jason had turned the punishment given to Sisyphus into a glorious feat, so that, slowly but surely, even heroes will start taking this as an honor and will eventually end Sisyphus's punishment.

Therefore, although Rhea doesn't exactly know why Jason had solved the task given by her in a way that is so unique and surprising to her, she also accepts that Jason had indeed helped Sisyphus.

And Rhea even believes that Jason had actually saved Sisyphus because Rhea feels that she won't be surprised to learn that in the future Sisyphus had been recorded as someone who had worked together with an uncountable number of heroes.

Actually, Jason had helped Sisyphus in such a roundabout way obviously because he wants to keep a way out for himself by not directly ending the punishment given to Sisyphus and not touching the boulder even once, so that, unless a God really wants to target him, like Hera, at least they won't directly punish him.

However, if someone asks Rhea, whether Gods are unhappy with Jason helping Sisyphus, she will categorically reply that no, Gods are not unhappy with Jason's actions.

Rather, Rhea knows that due to personally witnessing such a unique and interesting solution to the punishment designed by them, the Gods are very satisfied with Jason's action.

Because the Gods believe that if they are still feeling unhappy at Sisyphus even after he had walked out of this punishment, as a return for witnessing such an interesting thing, they can always design a new punishment for Sisyphus while praising Jason for solving the first punishment.

Moreover, Rhea also knows that, during the last few days, Athena, who at this moment is looking here while standing on the top of the mountain on which Sisyphus is punished to push the boulder, had already taken care of this so that none of the gods, who know about this, will blame Jason for helping Sisyphus.

So, at this moment, Rhea deeply looked at Jason in front of her while being silent for a few moments, then she returned to her true shape.

But, when Jason finally saw the true appearance of the Goddess who had been pretending to be an old woman, Jason was deeply stunned.

Of course, it is not the noble temperament of the Goddess dressed in a dark purple dress with beautiful amethyst eyes and dazzling golden hair that had stunned Jason.

Rather, the only thing, that had made Jason feel stunned, is the face of this Goddess, because he is very familiar with this face.

After all, Jason had already seen this facial feature on the half-unmasked face of his teacher, Goddess of Smithing Hephaestus, but more importantly, Jason found that in his memory this facial feature is possessed by only one more Goddess, Queen of Gods, Hera, whose face he had learned through the portrait drawn by Chiron upon the repeated request of Jason.

"Don't worry, child, I'm not the one you are thinking me to be."

Noticing slightly widened eyes of Jason, Rhea guessed what he is thinking, so while looking at Jason, Rhea said with a soft smile: "My child Hera should still be on Mount Olympus... and she probably won't be able to find you any time soon."

Hearing this, for a moment, Jason felt relieved, because, just now, Jason was really panicked due to thinking that the Goddess standing in front of him is Hera, but then, his brain registered how this Goddess had referred to Hera.

'No, wait?...her child Hera?"

Jason blinked and looked at Rhea while feeling a little dumbfounded.

"Child, you are even better than I had expected... It's no wonder that all of my children like you so much."

Then, Rhea walked to Jason and reached out to touch Jason's head while saying with a smile: "Don't worry, this time, when I go back, I will secretly try to reconcile your relationship with Hera... I know Hera, that child is just not reconciled due to you being robbed from her and she actually likes you very much, otherwise she won't have gotten so angry."

"Oh right, my name is Rhea...have you heard about me? "

When Jason heard this and confirmed that the Goddess standing in front of him is indeed Rhea, he blinked while looking at her and opened his mouth, but was unable to say anything due to feeling speechless.

However, at the same time, Jason is shouting in his heart: 'Save me Mommy! She is Hera's Mommy!'

While looking at the noble and beautiful Goddess with a familiar face standing in front of him, Jason barely prevented his face from twitching.

Because Jason obviously knows who this goddess named Rhea is.

After all, Rhea was a famous figure in Greek mythology even in his previous world, let alone, after arriving in this world, Jason had purposefully asked Chiron to tell him about the various gods.

Therefore, Jason obviously aware of the fact that this Goddess called Rhea is actually the mother of Hera, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Demeter, and Hestia, and she is also the former Queen of Gods.

'Teacher Chiron, how is she an ancient Titan Goddess who doesn't interact with humans? I have been seeing her every day at least once continuously for more than three weeks!'

Although Jason was thinking like this, he soon recovered and replied in an obvious tone: "Of course, I know you, noble and esteemed Goddess Rhea."

Then, Jason gave the highest greeting to Rhea and earnestly said: "Because more than once, I have heard your honored name from my teacher, Centaur Sage Chiron!"

"Chiron...that child does know about me."

After Rhea heard Jason's words, she understandingly nodded, then said to Jason with a smile: "Still, it is good that you have heard about me... I originally thought, since I haven't appeared for so long, no one would have remembered me anymore. ."

"No, how is this possible, Goddess Rhea, your name has been widely circulated in the land, and people have always respected you!"

Actually, this is indeed the case because even if there are very few temples of Rhea on land, due to Rhea being also known as the Mother Goddess, quite a few people still pray to her, especially the mothers praying for their children.

"What about you, little Jason?" But upon hearing Jason's reply, Rhea curiously asked while looking at Jason with a smile.

"It is obviously the greatest honor of my life to meet you, noble goddess Rhea!" Hearing Jason's answer, Rhea smiled happily, although, she doesn't know that at the same time Jason is thinking in his heart: 'As for whether I want this honor or not, is a completely different matter.'

"Looks like, that child Hecate had indeed gotten a good child as a believer... No wonder so many of my children and even their children are willing to fight for you."

While saying this, Rhea again touched Jason's head, then she took two steps back and said to Jason with a smile: "Well then, child, you have stayed here with me for a long time, so now it is time to continue your journey, as for the oracle of Athena..."

After saying this, Rhea slightly paused.

But the next moment, the pleasant voice of Athena, who is looking here, sounded clearly in Jason's ear.

"Apollo, God of Light, is the twin brother of Artemis, Goddess of Moon. And even just after he was born, the nine most talented Muses have praised his talent and since then have often accompanied him in many of his performances."

"He represents the light, he possesses the most handsome face, he is praised as the most beautiful man, and he is also believed to be the most dazzling god among all the gods, even the King of Gods, King of Sea, and King of Underworld have acquiesced that they are inferior to Apollo in this regard."

"Because this is Apollo, the God of Light."

"It is believed that no one can compare to the charm of Apollo and he can get almost everything he wants, but..."

"Remember Jason."

"Apollo is although the most dazzling God and seems to be the happiest god, in fact, he is the most pitiful god!"

"Because almost whatever he had wanted the most, he had never gotten!"

'Although he seems to be the most dazzling and happiest god, he is actually the most pitiful god...'

As soon as the oracle of Athena ended, doubts appeared in Jason's eyes and at the same time, he also felt some helplessness in his heart.

Because upon hearing the Oracle, Jason had obviously guessed that Athena is really enjoying the 'game' between them.

After all, Jason had naturally noticed that unlike in the case of Artemis's tribute, both in the case of Hephaestus last time and Apollo this time, Athena had given riddles as an oracle.

But, at the same time, Jason also believes that the oracle given by Athena must be credible.

'So, if I have not guessed wrong, the part saying whatever he had wanted most he had never gotten... should obviously be the key point this time!'

But just as Jason was thinking about this, his face was suddenly illuminated by the light of the sudden appearance of flames, so he subconsciously in the direction of the flames.

Therefore, Jason saw the beautiful Goddess Rhea, who had just waved her hand to create a bonfire, is already sitting beside the bonfire and is smiling at him.

Looking at such a familiar scene, Jason's thoughts were instantly disrupted, and this time, finally, he wasn't able to stop his mouth from slightly twitching.

'Due to Amphitrite, I had almost believed that this trend has ended!'

But Jason, who is thinking like this, doesn't know that after Amphitrite learned that almost every Goddess that Jason had met till now had done this, she deeply regretted letting Jason leave on that night.

Do you know, the name Hermione has been recorded to have first appeared in Greek Mythology.

In Greek Mythology, Hermione was the daughter of Helen of Troy and the great-great-grand-daughter of Tantalus, another person to receive eternal punishment like Sisyphus.

In the mythology, Hermione was first married to Achilles's son Neoptolemus, who is said to be brutal enough to even kill the infant son of Hector.

But after Neoptolemus got killed while trying exact revenge against Apollo for causing his father, Achilles's death, Hermione was soon married to Orestes, her cousin.

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