
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Urban
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41 Chs

Liquor Time

After they finished eating, there were still lots of foods leftover.

They put them in the fridge so that they can eat them again tomorrow morning. At first, Ivan was about to throw them away but Vivian stopped him so he ended up keeping them.

"Want some wine?"

"Instead of wine, do you have any liquor?"

Nodding his head. "I think I do have some bottles of liquor."

"Great! You drink wine and I drink liquor."

Since it's raining and the sound of thunderstorms makes Vivian feel scared, she prefers drinking liquor since it'll help her fall asleep faster.

Ivan looks at Vivian with worries filling his eyes."Are you sure? The one I have is stronger than any other."

She smiles. "The stronger, the better. It makes me fall asleep faster and deeper. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night to the sounds of thunderstorms."

"You don't like the sound of thunder!"

Nodding her head. "You could say that. The loud noise keeps me awake all night long."

"I see."

After he comes back to get the liquor, he pours two glasses of it. He then handed Vivian a glass to Vivian. "I'll drink with you."

Vivian took the drink in Ivan's hand. "Are you sure? Didn't you want to drink wine a few moments ago?"

"As long as you're drinking with me, it doesn't matter what drinks I'm having."

Her face turned slightly pink. She gulped down a whole glass of liquor in two big gulps to hide her blushing face.

'Is he trying to seduce me by saying that?'

"Hey! Take it slow."

Smiling. "Don't worry. I won't get drunk by just a glass of liquor. I usually drank half a bottle of liquor before I was able to fall asleep."

"Still….don't drink too fast. What if you get sick?"

Vivian grabbed the liquor bottle on the table and filled her glass all the way up. She then chugged down a glass that she just filled it up with liquor.

With red cheeks, Vivian looks Ivan in the eyes with playfully smiles on her face. "If I get sick, you'll look after me right?"

'Is she already drunk? Didn't she say that she drinks half a bottle of liquor everyday before she goes to bed? Just one glass and she's already drunk?'

Nodding his head lightly while taking a sip of his liquor. "Yes."

"Then there's nothing for me to worry about."

Noticing that Ivan hasn't finished his half filled glass yet, Vivian thought that he must not like drinking liquor.

'It seems like he prefers wine over liquor.'

"Did you bring any wine with you when you go get the liquor?"

Vivian feels like it's her fault that Ivan chose to drink liquor instead of the wine that he likes.

"No. Since you don't like it."

"I see."

"Do you want me to go get some?"

Vivian smiles lovely with blushing pink cheeks. "That would be nice."

"Alright. I'll go get some." Ivan then stood up and walked away to go get the wine. He was not sure why Vivian asked about wine when she didn't even like it.

'Anytime I asked him to do something, always does what I ask. Even when he's in the middle of doing something, he stops everything and puts me first. He didn't change one bit. Am I being unreasonable here?'

Vivian feels pain in her chest. She feels like the way she treated him is just like someone who didn't take one's feelings seriously. She always treated him badly.

With a heavy heart, Vivian picked up the liquor bottle and chugged it all down. She emptied the liquor bottle with just a few seconds.

Since she's drinking a little too fast, it started hitting her and she started to feel tipsy.

'Ha! What am I going to do with you Uncle Ivan! You're driving me crazy. Because of you, I ended up having many emotions running through my head. I really don't know how, I miss you so much now even though you're here with me. I tried my best to forget about you but the memories I kept of us together keeps visiting me in my sleep. Even the alcohol can't help.'

Tears started to welled up in Vivian's eyes and her nose started turning red.

'What's wrong with me? I can't let him see me like this. If he sees me like this, he'll end up blaming himself like last time. I already hurted him enough. I can't let him blame himself again.'

Vivian tries her best to hold her tears so that it won't roll down. Chest filled with sadness, Vivian got up from her seat and headed toward the bathroom. When she's in the bathroom, the tears that she tried so hard to hold it in starts rolling down her cheeks.

Trying her best not to make any sound, Vivian sobbing quietly.

It took her a few long minutes before she got a hold of herself to calm down and stop crying. She then started washing her face to make sure that her eyes were not that red from crying so that Ivan won't notice anything when she goes back to the living room.

After washing her face, Vivian took a deep breath before opening the bathroom door.

When the bathroom door opened, Vivian's eyes widened when she saw that Ivan was standing in front of the bathroom door.

Panic hit her hard. 'How long had he been standing here? Did he hear me? Please tell me he didn't hear anything.'

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. How long have you been standing here?"

"I just came in now. Why?"

He lied. The truth is when he came back from getting the wine, he noticed that the liquor bottle was empty and Vivian was nowhere to be found. He then rushed to the bathroom.

He was about to knock on the door to check on Vivian if she's ok after emptying the liquor in a short period of time, but paused after hearing the sobbing sounds coming from the bathroom.

He stood there without moving till the door of the bathroom opened.

The woman standing in front of him eyes are red from crying. And her eyes widened in shock after seeing him standing in front of the bathroom. As if she never thought that she'd see him there the moment she opened the door.

After seeing the panicked looks on her face, Ivan pretended like nothing happened or didn't hear anything.

"Nothing. Are you here to use the bathroom?"

Nodding his head. "Yes. If not, why would I come here?"

"Ok. I just finished washing my face. I feel a little tipsy after finishing up the liquor. I came to wash my face to make myself sober."

Ivan smiles. "I'm going to use the bathroom first. Go wait in the living room. I took my time choosing the best bottle of wine."


Ivan walked in the bathroom and Vivian walked out of the master's bedroom and headed toward the living room.

The sounds of thunderclaps make Vivian's body shiver in fear. She opened the wine bottle and poured a full glass and chugged it all down.

Vivian calmed down a little bit. But her head started to feel dizzy after drinking wine not long after she drank liquor.

Not long after, Ivan came back from the bathroom.

By the time Ivan walked in the living room, Vivian had already finished half of the wine.

Ivan frowned after seeing that Vivian drank a lot. "Don't you think you're drinking too much?"

Smiling happily after seeing Ivan come back. "Nope." She then patted on the couch. "Come sit next to me."

Just like Vivian wants, Ivan walked up to the couch where Vivian was sitting and sat next to her.

Right after Ivan sat down, Vivian patted Ivan's head. "Good boy." She then lay herself down on the couch and put head down on Ivan's lap.

Vivian feels relaxed having Ivan next to her. Her head felt heavy and her eyes started closing slowly. It took her less than ten seconds to fall into a deep sleep.

Looking down on the woman sleeping soundly on his lap with eyes filled with love and warmth. 'Sigh! What am I going to do with you? You're making me feel like you do have a little feeling for me. Or are you toying with my feelings?'