
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Urban
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41 Chs


Vivian feels pain in her chest after hearing about what Ivan said. Without giving Ivan a chance for an explanation, she ended up hurting his pure feelings.

With a heavy heart, Vivian looked Ivan in the eyes. "I'm sorry about everything and thank you for letting me know."

"It's not your fault that you ended up thinking that way. I'm the one to blame."

If not because of what Ivan said and explained it to her right away, she wouldn't have misunderstood him.

Because Ivan misunderstood Vivian and thought that she already had kids and a man she loves, he didn't care to explain about the situation. That's why everything ended up that way.

"I see…."

"I've explained everything to you now. Can we get back together?"

"About that, can you give me more time to think? I can't think straight right now."

Vivian was not sure about her feelings right now. Mixed emotions are running through her head right now. She was not sure if the feelings she's having right now were guilt or something else.

All she knows is she wronged him and gutted him badly.

'Did I rush things too much? I should've given her time to think before asking her to come back.'

"Alright. I'll be waiting for your response when you're ready."

"Thank you."

Vivian then got up from the couch. "Let's go back before it starts raining."

"I think it's a little too late."

Vivian looked at Ivan in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Look outside."

Vivian does as Ivan says and her eyes widen the moment she sees heavy rain pouring down.

"It seems like the storm is coming soon. We'll have to spend the night here and go back tomorrow. It's not safe to drive in heavy rainstorms."

'Grea! This is just great! Why did it rain today of all days? And I have to spend the night in this strange place? Under the circumstances of rainstorms?'

Vivian hates rainstorms. She fears the sound of thunderstorms and lightning.

"I see. Then, are there any women's clothes I can borrow or can I borrow your clothes? I want to take a shower before I go to bed."

"We don't have women's clothes here. You'll have to wear my clothes."

Isn't there any clothes that his grandma left here?"

"That's fine. As long as there's something for me to wear, that's more than enough. I don't want to go to bed with this dress and makeup on."

Ivan stood up. "Wait for a few minutes, I'll go get you something for you to wear."

He then left the living and after he was gone for a few minutes, he came back with a shirt and pants in his hands.

He then handed over the clothes to Vivian. "It might be a little bigger for you."

Vivian takes the clothes in Ivan's hands. "That's ok."

"The bathroom is in the master's bedroom. Go straight and it's on your left."

"Thank you."

She then turned around to head to the master bedroom.

"Do you want me to make something?"

Vivian turned her head to face Ivan and shook her head lightly. "No. I'm not hungry."

"But I'm hungry. I don't want to eat alone. I haven't eaten anything since morning."

'He must have been starving right now. I called him not long after he went inside the restaurant vip room.'

Vivian feels bad for what she did. Because of her, he ended up skipping his first meal of the day.

"Ok. I'll join you after I take a quick shower."

"I'll go prepare the food then."

Vivian went to the master bedroom and Ivan headed to the kitchen to cook dinner.

Scared that the thunderstorm might come in the middle of the shower, Vivian took a shower as quickly as possible.

After the shower, she puts on Ivan's button-down shirt. Since his shirt was so big, when she puts it on, it looks like she's wearing a dress instead of a shirt. And since the pants are too long and too big for her slim body, she put it aside after trying it on once.

The thunderstorms and lighting start coming and the sounds of it make Vivian's body turn stiff. Her body shivered and she could feel that the small hair on her body stood out. Trying her best to brave herself from the fears that she's having.

Vivian wasted no more time in the bathroom after she put the clothes on. She then walked into the kitchen where Ivan was cooking.

"Smells good."

Ivan turned around and frowned when he saw that Vivian's hair was still wet from the shower. "Go dry your hair."

'Dry my hair? In the middle of the sounds of thunderstorms? No thanks.'

Vivian put a small smile on her face. "I never dry my hair."

She lied. She's just too scared to go dry her hair. She would rather keep her hair wet and get sick than going back to the room to dry her hair.

Ivan was not happy after hearing what Vivian said. "Sigh! You'll catch a cold if you don't dry your hair right away."

"That won't happen. I don't get sick easily. And the smells of your cooking make me hungry. I don't want to go anywhere."

"There's still a little more time for the food to be ready. Now go dry your hair. I'll let you know when the food is ready."

"Ok. Then, can you dry my hair?"

Ivan turned off the stove. "Alright! Let's go."

"Huh? Are you going to finish cooking first?"

"It can wait. If we wait till I finish cooking, you'll end up catching a cold."

Ivan then headed to the bedroom and Vivian followed behind.

"Sit here." Ivan turned on the hair dryer. Making sure that the air coming from the dryer is warm and not hot.

Vivian does as Ivan says. She sits down on the chair while facing Ivan's stomach and she then leans her head against Ivan's stone hard stomach and rests her head there.

Ivan started drying Vivian's hair. He gently runs his figures through Vivian's hair.

The gentle touches and the warm air make Vivian feel drowsy. Her eyelids feel heavy. She then slowly closes her eyes as she breathes in the scent of Ivan's body. It helps her calm down and forget about the thunderstorms.

'I miss this fragrance.'

After making sure that Vivian's hair was fully dry, Ivan turned off the hair dryer and put it on the table.

"All done now."

There was no movement. Her head was still resting on Ivan's stomach and her breathing was steady.

'Did she fall asleep?'

Ivan then scoops her up in his arms. He walked toward the bed and gently lay her down on the bed. He then pulled the quilt up to cover Vivian.

After making sure that Vivian was sleeping comfortably, he walked out of the bedroom as quietly as possible so as not to wake Vivian up.

Ivan walked in the kitchen. He starts turning on the stove gas and continues with his cooking. And it took him more than an hour to reheat up the food and make chicken soup for Vivian.

He was glad that he told Jack to restock fresh foods and fresh meats every week in the fridge. If not, there won't be anything for them to eat.

After he set the table, he walked out of the kitchen and headed toward the bedroom.

He gently opened the bedroom door so as not to make too much noise.

Since she's a light sleeper person, she was woken up by the sound of the opened door.

Ivan walked up to Vivian. "Did I wake you up?"

Vivian sits up on the bed. Shaking her head. "No."

"Do you want to eat here or in the dining room?"

"Dining room."

"Alright. Let's go eat then." He held out his hand and Vivian took his hand while getting out of the bed. They headed to the dining room hand in hand.

Vivian's eyes widened when she saw the table was full of food.

'Did he cook all of the food on the table in a short period of time?'

"Don't you think it's too much for just the two of us?"

Without saying anything, Ivan pulled the chair out for Vivian and then sat next to her.

"I hope they are your liking. I don't know what you like so I cooked as much as I could."

"I'm not a picky eater, I like everything except for seafoods."

"I'm glad I didn't cook any seafood."

They started eating while having small chats.

Vivian was surprised by how delicious the food was. She never thought that the country business tycoon could cook this good.

'He's perfect in every way.'

Vivian was sure that the one who married him is lucky because she gets to eat his cooking whenever she wants.