
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Urban
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41 Chs

An Outing

A few days after Vivian rescued Lucy, news broke out that a D-list actress was beaten by a group of gang members.

It's said that the actress' husband was cheating on her and she hired the gang to teach her husband's mistress a lesson but was beaten by them instead.

The reason is simple. She refused to pay them full after she found out that they didn't kill the other woman.

In the end, they disfigure her face and disfigure her body out of anger. And she was hospitalized.

With a disfigured face and body, the actress won't be able to go back to work anymore.

The wounds on her face and body can be cured, but the ugly scars remain.

Plus, she's a D-List actress and not that famous. No one will want to sign a contract with her or let her be on the screen.

As for the gang, no one knows who they are. There's no surveillance camera at the place where they met up with the actress.

Of course the actress chose a place where there's no surveillance camera since she's meeting with the gang.

And of course she doesn't want anyone to find out about what she's up to.

Since they fled right after they beat up the actress. Before they fled, they didn't forget to leave the voice recorder pen next to where the actress was lying down.

The actress was found by garbage collectors.

They called the ambulance and later, the police showed up and that area was locked down during the police investigation.

Vivian didn't ask or be interested in Lucy's condition.

It's Lucy's own mistake and that'll teach her a little lesson. After what happened, Vivian was sure that Lucy would stay quiet for a while.

But since she's a playgirl, she might not be able to hold herself back much when she sees handsome guys. She'll end up approaching them like she used to.

Vivian understands Lucy's situation. Because she becomes a playgirl to get the information out of those rich guys and dump them after she gets what she wants.

But Lucy took her role too seriously and she ended up crossing the line. Lucy should've known when to stop. But she's too careless.

Vivian sight after reading the news. She shook her head and went into the bathroom to take a shower to clear her head.

After Vivian washed up and got dressed, she dialed someone.

With just one ring, the other person picked up the call. "Hey Vivi. What up?"

"Want to go out today?"

"Sure. Why not! I'll let the others know."

"Alright. Then I'll meet you at seven sharp, at our usual place." She then hung up the call after she finished speaking.

Looking down on the watch on her wrist to see how much time left.

Seeing that there's still more than an hour left before 7, Vivian decided to grade the quiz papers that her class turned in yesterday.

Since her class was having quizzes every week, Vivian made sure that she graded all the papers and made sure it was ready the next day.

But since she doesn't have work tomorrow, she decided to just grade some of them to kill time. And of course it took time to finish reading each paper since the answers are a little different.

After grading more than ten quiz sheets, Vivian put it aside and got ready to go out.

She puts on light makeup and nude lipstick. She let her hair down behind her back. And wore a black pair of high heels and a black bowknot shoulder mini dress that hugged her slim body perfectly.

Today she chose to drive a luxury sports car since she's meeting her friend and not going to work.

It was 6:45 PM by the time Vivian left her place.

Since the place she's meeting her friend was not that far, it doesn't take that long for Vivian to reach her destination.

After she walked out of her car, a valet greeted her politely and parked her car for her. She then walked into the hotel restaurant.

"Vivi!" A tall handsome man greeted her while waving his hand with a smile on his face.

There are a few men standing together with him. When they saw Vivian, they all smiled and greeted her by lightly nodding their heads.

All of them are dressed in suits.

Since they are dining at a restaurant, they are all dressed in black. Anytime they went out to eat, their dress code is Black.

When they go to clubs, their dress code is Red. And if they go to parties, they can choose to wear whatever they want.

Only when they hang out with Vivian do they choose to wear a dress code.

Without saying anything, Vivian walked up to them with a smile on her face. She then hugs and cheek kisses them for greeting.

They've been friends since they were kids. They are like siblings. That's why Vivian feels comfortable around them.

Since Vivian is the only child in her family, she feels like they are brothers to her.

"Good Evening guys."

They smile at Vivian with gentleness and love filled their eyes . "Good Evening."

"Let's go to our table now. I'm super hungry. I feel like I could eat a whole elephant."

"Alright! Let's go."

Then they walked to their reserved table led by a waitress.

Since they didn't want any attention, they always reserved a table that was located at the corner of the restaurant.

After pulling the chair for Vivian for her to sit down, they all sat down on their seats. They always treat Vivian like their princess.

They are always there for her anytime she calls.

"You guys can order anything you want. Since I canceled, I'll pay for the food today."

They frowned after hearing Vvivian's words.


Before they could open their mouths to speak, Vivian cut them off. "Sigh! I know what you guys are thinking. I feel bad for calling you guys out of the blue."

She lied. She felt bad not because she called them, but because they always paid for their meals.

"Why are you…"

"If you guys feel uncomfortable about me treating you guys, why don't you guys take me to go shopping after we eat?"

They let out a sigh and nodded their heads.


Vivian smiles happily. "Great!"

She was sure that they're going to buy her lots of stuff again. But she won't let that happen again. She'll be the one who buys them stuff this time.

It didn't take long for their food to arrive after they ordered what they wanted to eat.

Since Vivian doesn't really like to drink wine, everyone was having Thai ice tea instead of wine.

"Ken, when are you going to settle down with your fiancé?"

"Not sure yet."

"Why is that? I heard she's an independent woman. Even though she comes from a wealthy family, she doesn't want any of her family's prosperity. Isn't that why you fell for her?"

"Yes…. She's too independent. She doesn't care much about me. All she cares about is working."

"I see…"

With Kevin high pride, of course he won't like it when the one he loves doesn't depend on him.

"Like we promised Vivi, none of us will get married before you do even if we have a lover."

Vivian smiled and said jokely, "It seems like I'll have to find myself a husband soon so that you guys can get married soon."

Right after Vivian finished speaking, Ivan's face flashed in Vivian's head and her smile started fading away.

Of course all the guys noticed the changes on her face. But pretend they didn't see it because they knew that she wouldn't answer them even if they asked.

They're not the type of people who pry into each other's personal lives.

Vivian knew that they noticed the change in her face and she was thankful to them for not asking her anything.

She turned her head to avoid their gaze and looked toward the restaurant entrance and was shocked to see a familiar face walking in the restaurant.

Vivian never thought that she would be able to see him again after parting ways with him.

'He lost weight. Is he not taking good care of himself? Is he not feeling well?'

She then turned to face her friends in front of them. With a smile on her face, she asked, "What do you think of that guy over there? Isn't he perfect for me?"

All they guys turned their heads to see who Vivian was talking about. They were surprised when they saw the man who Vivian was staring at.

They then turned to look at Vivian and they were stunned when they saw that Vivian was still staring at the tall handsome man till he disappeared.

Even though her lips were curled up into a smile, her eyes were filled with sadness.