

Twin powerful witches, Leah and Abigail, separated at birth, come into their own witchy powers both being drawn to their elements. Their separation was a pact between their mother and aunt, both aware that their unity would be too much power to cope with. Caleb, Leah’s best friend and protector, finds out that he’s a werewolf without a father to teach him the ways of the wolf. Caleb finds out that his family lineage of werewolves has been delegated with the task of protecting Leah’s lineage of witches. Assisted by one of his father’s old pack Betas, Seth, Caleb is forced to join their pack when a stranger begins to stalk him. Caleb and Leah grow closer after finding out about their bond and he teaches her to fight in order to keep herself safe, not only relying on her powers. But will their friendship turn into something more when they both realize that they have feelings for one another? Both girls start having visions of one another, much to their ‘mothers’ surprise. One ‘mother’ goes as far as reaching out to the dark arts to stop their power from growing. Can time keep the twins apart or will their paths eventually cross? And when it does will it have catastrophic repercussions and will they defeat the person wanting to steal their powers?

Charmaine_Sims · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

It was all a blur at first, but then the images started to slow down and Leah recognized some figures. She saw her mother, Kamali and the girl from the crystal alter. Her mother was dressed up in a beautiful gown and there were people kneeling at her feet. She was sitting on a throne and was being worshiped by a mass of people. Then Leah noticed that Kamali was also dressed in a beautiful satin gown and was seated on her mother's left side. The strange girl stood to her mother's right. Still dressed in the blood-red dress, still looking almost exactly like Leah.

Leah violently ripped her hand out of her mother's strong grip. She couldn't handle all of it. It was too much to bear all at once. She felt the need to run, but couldn't move.

"Mom, what just happened?" Asked Leah as she shook. She tried to be calm and not freak out, but she felt as if she was losing control.

"Everything is going as planned, Leah. The Goddess always shows us the most inner part of us. A part that we know not of. Your eyes had turned blue because your power had come in. It is prophesied that those with great power will have their eye color change. You are most definitely blessed by the Goddess to be having such amazing things prophesied about you." Amber lied as best as she could without being caught out by Leah. She know that Leah wasn't stupid and would pick up on her lies. But Leah was too busy looking at the face in the bowl to notice the crinkle on Amber's face.

Kamali put a reassuring hand on Amber's shoulder as if allowing her to speak. But Amber knew this wasn't the time or place.

Amber had been hiding a secret from Leah for so long. One that she could only have dreamt up or read about in books.

Amber was a Wiccan High Priestess and together with Kamali, they used to rule over one of the biggest covens in their hometown, before moving back to Birchwood when she found out that she was pregnant.

Along with Amber's pregnancy came a premonition. Kamali had a premonition that Amber would give birth to their next High Priestess, but something went wrong. Amber found out that she was carrying twins and Leah was born without any powers. Amber was yet to find out if Abigail had any powers for she hadn't spoken with Emerald in such a long time and didn't get around to it at their last encounter.

Every High Priestess was born with amazing powers. Amber practically came out of the womb casting spells and reading minds. Kamali said that she was the most powerful High Priestess born to date, but that Leah was destined for even greater power. But how? She was only eighteen and had never even known about her destiny, never even knew about her mother's past.

Kamali and Amber both took hold of Leah's hands. Amber held her right and Kamali her left. Leah's mark started burning like fire, her eyes fell closed, and then it hit her, like a sledgehammer. A blinding light from above entered through her crown chakra and everything became clearer. It felt as if time had actually slowed down. All the fear left Leah and she was filled with a calm glowing from within. Leah felt electricity coursing through her veins, powering her muscles, and igniting her mind. She felt different....she felt new.

Leah saw herself learning to fight. Her weapon was an extension of her arm - they were one. She fought with ease and her reflexes were like that of a cat. She was fearless and calm. Her opponent didn't stand a chance. Leah could read her mind, she was two steps ahead of her and she knew it. She was everywhere and nowhere all at once. She felt connected to the otherworld. A place of sacred gathering for only the most powerful of witches. A place she felt she never wanted to leave. She felt freedom and power like never before and she loved it.

Amber and Kamali could sense that Leah had had enough for one day. Too many memories would do more harm than good. They simultaneously let go of Leah's hands and it felt as if Leah had been "unplugged" from the power socket in the wall - most of the energy left her, except for a slight glimmer or spark. Leah's eyes flew open and she was overtaken by fear once more.

Amber tried to say something, but Leah couldn't hear her. All she could hear from the voice within her mind was RUN!

Leah's legs were moving, but she had no idea where she was running to. She was confused and there were so many questions running around in her mind. Why had her mother never said anything about their past before? Didn't she trust Leah enough? What else was she keeping from her?

Leah ran towards the front door of the store and almost ripped it open after she had unlocked it. She heard no footsteps behind her which sent a flow of relief through her. She needed to be alone now, she'd spent enough time with Amber and Kamali. She just needed some space.

It felt as if Leah had been running for an eternity when she eventually stopped. Dead in her tracks. She didn't slow down. She just stopped. The questions in her mind didn't stop, they just kept coming as if on a loop. Leah couldn't take it anymore! She dropped to her knees from exhaustion. The ground was damp and cold, but she didn't feel anything. She didn't even feel it when she scraped her knee on the tar. She was still numb from all that had happened at the store. Numb since being 'unplugged'.

"Enough!" Shouted Leah as if someone could even hear her. As if anyone was even listening. "I can't take anymore!" Leah was slumped over while still on her knees, holding herself up by her arms. Almost like a cat on all four paws. She was panting so hard that the thought she might pass out again, but she mustered the courage and took control of her breath.

When Leah eventually took note of her surroundings, she found that she was standing in front of Cal's house. Of course, she was! This was where she always came to when she needed to feel safe. Leah moved and hid under the big maple tree just to the left of his house. She didn't want him to see her. She didn't know why, but she ran through the forest. It wasn't even anywhere near Silver Stardust, but it calmed her. It always had.

Leah heard a rustling sound behind her. Who'd been following her? Leah kept feeling as if someone was watching her. She could almost feel breathing on the back of her neck. She could hear thoughts, not her own. It must have been her imagination. All of a sudden a twig behind her snapped and her veins filled with ice.