


sikfliz · Fantasie
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6 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Minas curiosity

Mina started following Kise unto his room after the incident. Kise ride his car that he rent and go to the forest.Mina is amazed of what she sees in the forest and suddenly Kise bend the leg of the dog statue and the stones is starting to move in the different direction.

"What's this place Kise?" Mina asked.

"It's the sacred temple that built here 10,000 years ago" Kise answered.

"Wow! But wait why are we here?" Mina asked again.

"Cause i'll let you know who am I" Kise answered.

Mina sees some writtings and symbols that she herself don't understand she asked Kise "What are these symbols meaning Kise?" Mina asked, "That symbolizes the people in my place Mina" Kise answered. Mina is satisfied with the answer of Kise but she is a little bit confuse. "I'm gonna show you more for you to understand" Kise said with a smile.

" These are the five prisoners of the sky they've tasked to give thier life foe the sky island" Kise said.

"Really? then? what happened?" Mina asked with amuzed smile.

"I'm not human at all Mina i'm a guardian but medula the witch is provoke chaos in the sky temple" Kise said.

"Then you're here to find those 5 prisoners to help you out?" Mina asked.

" Yes, you found it out" Kise replied with a smile.

Mina became speechless and shock of what Kise confess.Kise seem so worried to Mina cause she can tell anyone about his secret and Mina found it out.Mina is already fall in love with Kise and Kise don't know about it.

"I can see it in your face Kise don't worry i won't tell anyone about your secret" Mina said.

" Unbelievable you also found it out" Kise replied

The laugh at each other and Mina is still confuse but she doesn't question Kise cause she knows that Kise has a big problem about his island.

" Let's go and eat Kise?" Mina asked

" That's a good idea but i don't have any money to buy" Kise replied and feel a bit shy.

"That's okay i'll treat you instead" Mina said.

And they both leave the temple and also at the forest and go to the restaurant to eat some meal. Suddenly Kise gave a bracelet to Mina for protection." Mina just wear these and nothing bad will happen to you" Kise said, " What is this? Kise" Mina asked, " It's a bracelet from my island that links our soul if something happens just state my name and i'll be there" Kise replied, " Okay thank you Kise i'll wear it now" Mina replied. Kise suddenly smiled and Mina is attracted to it

"Okay let's go home now Kise?" Mina asked.

"Okay Mina cause i'm so sleepy right now" Kise said.

They're walking in the forest that suddenly there was a strange sound cong from the woods that scare Mina. Because she is scared she pull Kise's shoulder and there eyes meet. Kise was able to kiss Mina for a short time then suddenly Mina have a change of thought and she stop the moment and walk faster that she distance herself to Kise.

Mina feels awkward about that kiss earlier and she can't sleep because she keeps thinking about that first kiss.

"Why am i smilling like this?" Mina said to herself

"Is it from that kissed of Kise?" Mina said to herself again