
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasie
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75 Chs

Chapter 32: For Power, For Love

Mr. Hansel stares at Lava who heard everything that was said on the video, Lava looked away pretending not to care about it.

"We are not done with this conversation" Mr. Hansel told him, with that he left the sitting room with Idris

"This is a serious matter sir" Idris told him on their way out 

"You think i don't know that?" Mr. Hansel asked dressing his tie

"Who could possibly put their life in danger for something like this?" Mr. Idris asked 

"It could be anyone who is jealous of my position trying to bring me down one way or the other" Mr. Hansel answered

"Could it be Mr. Charles?" Idris asked in curiosity

"He doesn't have the balls to do so" Mr. Hansel responded while pouring himself a drink

"One of the women on the video works for Mr. Charles, didn't you recognize her?" Idris asked

Mr. Hansel collected back the phone from him to playback the video...

"I swear on my ancestors to kill him if he has any hands on this" Mr. Hansel angrily said.

They were interrupted by another message coming from the unknown sender

"Meet me at the Laboratory tomorrow evening" 

Mr. Hansel looked at Idris

"Tomorrow Evening" he says

"It could be trap" Idris said

"Well, i have you" he said to him


(The Kingdom of Marco)

The Merguard whispered to Prince Obi's ear when he had gotten inside the palace, Prince Obi raised his head as if he had expected it to be so

"Princess Adunni, it's an Honor to have you here" Prince Obi said at the sight of Princess Adunni

They bowed at each other in respect.

"What brought the Mighty Princess of the sea to my Kingdom?" Prince Obi asked

"I don't see your father here" Princess Adunni said

"My father have been sick for a while now, i don't think he is going to stay alive for long" Prince Obi said making eye contact with Princess Adunni "That is what the Mer-doctor said" he added again almost grinning between his teeth

"You don't seem to be surprised to see me? you were expecting me" Princess Adunni asked

"Yes, i was wondering why no Siren from Riveria had come to visit; i was expecting your mother, but she doesn't seem to care and she sent you" Prince Obi said to her

"You sneaked in the Piranhas to my kingdom, why?" she asked "Is it because you lost to prince Luca?" she asked again

Prince Obi laughed hard "You think i will pick a fight because i lost the stupid duel i never wanted to partake on?" Prince Obi asked

"Seems to me like it's the reason" Princess Adunni said with her hand placed on her waist

"Now you piss me off, your mother is going to watch her beloved kingdom fall for harming my father" Prince Obi said

"What does my mother have to do with your father? they are best friends" Princess Adunni said 

"Your Mother poisoned my father on the day of the duel, the poison hasn't worn off his body since then; my father didn't want to let her know but I am never going to let that happen. we have been treated like a puppet by your mother; I am going to end it" Prince Obi retorted

"I never knew that, she never said anything" Princess Adunni said balling her hand

"As long as my father is sick and dying, I will make your mother beg for my mercy, the Sirens of Marco will no longer stand with the Riverian once my father dies" Prince Obi told her

"You know I want the peace of all three kingdoms? I will make my mother give you the antidote; it's a promise, you have to tell me how to stop the Piranhas from getting further into Riveria" Princess Adunni pleaded.

"I will only do what you say if you marry me instead, that way this won't repeat itself in future" he said gently to her

Princess Adunni laughed briefly "Are you going to kill your father just to cause war? you seem very prepared for anything" Princess Adunni said to him

Prince Obi swims closer to her "Isn't that what your mother did to your father and half-sister?" he whispered to her ears

"Before this skips my mind; i heard Vashi has a daughter; a half royalty having your father's blood in her vein" he said with a chuckle.

Princess clenched her fist in anger.


Early in the morning at the hospital (5am) …

Oma opened her eye, she looked around the VIPs room; there was no one with her, she had overheard her mother tell the Doctor last night that she will be going home to get her clothes and food, she had pretended to be asleep so that she doesn't have to answer her mother's question

"This is crazy" she said silently as she tries to get up from her bed

"You can't get up" comes a familiar voice

"Oh, my goodness!" Oma shouted in shock when she had been startled

"Erica" she called in surprise

"Sorry for startling you, I can't seem to stop doing that" Erica said with a smile

"You are alive... and here, am I dreaming?" Oma asked slapping herself "Ouch" she groaned at her own carelessness. she looked at Erica who was much alive and standing right in front of her on her own feet 

"You got out" she said

"I needed to, I couldn't stay any longer without me thinking of you" Erica said to her silently.

There was total silence between them as they stare at each other without saying any word

Erica quickly approached Oma and kissed her hard on her lips without hesitation.