
The Story Unfolds

"Daphne, are you done? Let's go home it already 8 in the evening" asked by my officemate, Minerva. Since its Friday there are lots of things to do that we were required to have our over time.

While waiting in the lobby for the Uber, Minerva and I were chatting regarding how troublesome our clients are, until our topic was changed about my resignation. I really don't have any plans to leave my job. It is the only thing I've done for myself and I even tried to get my parents' permission because they were against it.

I still don't want to talk about it, I just told her that it was still uncertain, luckily her Uber came and therefore I don't need to explain more to her.

While inside the car, everything came flashing back to me, the reason why I need to leave my job.

Four months ago I had a talk with my mother.

She wanted me to study and become a lawyer. Why? Simply because her friends' children were doctors engineers and the other one will be taking the bar this year.

According to her, I might be working at the bank which some people find good, but still there is something much better to it. And to her, it is to become a lawyer.

I thought I can decide for myself once I have college degree, but why?

I told her I dont want to, I cant leave my job. Its something important to me.

But it seems she did not hear me. She told me she pass my application to a university and I need to pass the entrance exam or else I need to find I new home. She told me that on the day of the exam she will be with me.

I have no choice, I dont know how to find a place to stay and I am not that good in doing household chores. I agreed with the condition that she will never ask me leave my job. I was happy that she agreed.

I passed the exam and most of my officemates heard of it. They congratualed me for passing the exam as if I already pass the bar.

My first day of law school came, after my work I go directly to school. After my class, I need to study and I need to wake up early for my work.

Two weeks in law school plus stress with work causea my body to collapse. I was sent to hospital and i was absent for three days both in office and in school.

Those days that I was absent was misunderstood as a sign of my soon to be resignation.

The flashback ends when a light appears from nowhere in front of our car. Then a silhouette of a man appears.