

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasie
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36 Chs

Sneaky Demons

while zeke was sleeping with lisa, Layla was busy with her new team and captain, just like every other team they where given the task to search and destroy, any demon they find they where to eliminate at once.

I don't think we'll find anything tonight, all the teams were sent out at once so it'll be hard to spot any demons with that many teams out layla complained

relax will you, I've never seen someone so eager to fight demons before said kazuto

you do know we could die in this profession right

pfft if your weak layla replied

excuse me your friend is a good example

hey sam reacted, I'm not that weak

can you guys just focus on the mission takeshi said your making too much noise

sorry captain

the team was made you of layla, sam and kazuto, then there was there captain, the leader of the team named takeshi and he was infamous in the slayer corp, he was a blind slayer but even at that he was exceptionally good, he was part of an elite squad with commander levi but just like levi he was drooped from the ranks and became a normal slayer, there where five grades of slayers in the corp and they where identify with there badges. There where bronze, silver, gold, diamond and platinum, bronze are for the rookies who are only sent for reconnaissance missions, the more demons you find the more stars you get moving you to the next level, for the bronze you need three stars to move up. Then there's the silver stage, this one your more of a regular slayer, you get sent out when the rookies report a demon sighting, you need four starts to move up. Gold means your a pro at the job but now you have too lead a team of rookies for special field training. There are some exceptions to these rules for example free birds, free birds are demon slayers in training, if you exceed there expectations then you occasionally get patrol missions.

They walked around till sam's scanner detected demonic energy near by, the rushed to the location which turned out to be a museum, they checked round and saw a dead security guard outside

why didn't they eat the body

let's find out

the got in cus the front door was unlocked, as they followed the signal they could hear voices and sounds of broken glass and objects being thrown around, it sounded like someone was searching for something. Upon getting there they saw a small devil through books and trashing the place looking for something

it's just a little demon we can handle it kazuto whispered

no be careful with this one, there called gremlin, they multiply and get stronger when they fuse back takeshi said

umm guys, layla's gone

they both looked back before looking towards the demon and saw layla standing over it

it's a peace of cake she said as she threw a punch but before it hit the gremlin split into two and ran off

what the

ok you two, go help takeshi said

Sam and kazuto run after the two gremlins chasing after them, when they tried using magic the would just multiply making them catch only one, little by little the gremlins where multiplying more and more while takeshi instead of helping just went around touching stuff and artifacts, they kept trying to attack them but the just simply multiplied untile they where numbering in the hundreds, destroying everything around still searching for whatever they where looking for, but once they had trashed everywhere and found nothing they then turned to the demon slayers with there eyes flashing red.

umm I think we got there attention sam said taking a stance and readying a magical attack

here we go kazuma said summoning about twenty holy lanes while layla set her fists a blaze

The battle started and to the surprise of no one they where overwhelmed, for each gremlin they killed two more replaced them, it was a never ending wave of short red skinned demons.

there to many of them

ya think

the where started to loose ground as they fought and soon they where buried gremlins bit suddenly the hole place went ablaze as huge flames flooded the entire building, all the gremlins where incinerated, when the flames died down sam and kazuto where staring at a three tailed fox with red hair

that was terrible takeshi said dropping from the roof

you could have helped us you know layla complained

if you can't take care of this low level demon then I don't get from where you call yourself a demon slayer

layla wanted to respond but she couldn't, he was her superior but when she looked around expecting a lot of damage to be done, all the artifacts and paintings ad etc were fine, nothing happened to them

what was it looking for sam said, I mean demons don't trash things they usually attack humans ad devour there flesh so what where these ones looking for

well I've never known lesser demons to be intelligent so I think someone is behind this, or rather something

They left the museum and wondered around the city, mostly taking dark and lonely paths, they encountered some more low level demons again and just like the first time, they seemed to be searching for something. After dealing with them they started on there way back when the scanner detected a huge amount of demonic energy but when they went to investigate, they saw just one demon, it was in a jewelry store, the store clerk was already dead and the demon was gathering all hold and diamond jewelry from the store. They walked in ad the demon stopped, noticing there presence the demon turned around.

It looked lean like it was seriously malnourished, it's skin was pail, it didn't have wings but it had a tail and horns with dagger like teeth, it's eyes where completely black

get away the demon said, all this is mine, stay away from my precious

contrast to it's appearance the aura and presence this demon carried was something else, the air felt heavy and for some reason they had a gut feeling to run away

call for back up takeshi said as he stepped forward

captain Sam called

I said call for back up, untile they arrive leave this too me and stand by

takeshi was blind but he had a name famous among the slayer corp, the white phantom, he earned the name cus one, he had white hair and two, there where two skills he was known for.

hehehe, a human dear stands up to me, I'll show you your place, I'll show you the power of one of the seven deadly sins, the sin of greed! the demon shouted as it launched forward attempting to strike takeshi but he disappeared and appeared directly behind the demon wielding two daggers

he's fast the demon thought

stay away from my precious it screamed lashing out at takeshi again but he dodged it again, takeshi tried slashing the demon but it's body suddenly turned gold making the dagger bounce back

that demon has special powers compared to the ones we've faced, it's a high class demon sam said in fright

geez ya think kazuto said

layla on the other hand was paying attention to takeshi's moves, it was so fluent, so fast that she couldn't keep up, one minute he was at a place then the next he wasn't, and he's not using the skill of his amor, meaning he's using he's normal speed, at that moment she noticed something, there where daggers scattered all over the place and anytime he would appear somewhere else there was a dagger there

wait, is he actually teleporting to where the daggers are

the demon was getting fed up with the cat and mouse game so it decided to do something else, it raised it's right hand up and closed it's fist, everything living or not started drawing close to it

w...what is this, gravity?! kazuto said

hehehe, my power snatch allows me to steal or take away any attribute or ability of anything, be it living or inanimate the demon said as everything in the store and outside came towards it

you know for a sin of greed your not too bright are you


takeshi activated his suits ability and appeared right in front of the demon kicking it, in the process the demon had also taken a swing at him but it's hand went right through him

he phased right throw it, layla said

The two skills takeshi was known for was his swiftness and his suits ability to phase through things, with these two things it made him look like a ghost when fighting, appearing and disappearing with phasing was a really good combo skill to have and takeshi used it to it's full potential as he started making strikes and the demons neck aldo it's skin was still gold , the demons attacked weren't working as everything just went right through him

what is this, don't you dear take away my precious! it screamed

would you shut up about your precious already, finally takeshi's strikes started yielding fruit as slashes where appear in on the neck of the demon making a line across it's throat. The demon began throwing things at him, shelves, tables and even the wall itself was uprooted ad thrown at him but he would just phase throw them or teleport somewhere else

incredible, he's like a ghost sam remarked

amazing kazuto said but layla on the other hand was boiling, she wanted to get in on the action, she had just recently gotten stronger with her third tail unlocked so she wanted to prove herself but now the once lazy captain who refused to do anything before was now taking the spot light. the fight was coming to an end swiftly as takeshi picked up the pace drawing blood form the demon

no no no, I'll get you for this thw demon said trying to run away, takeshi went after it but then the demon using it's hand again summoned who where close to come to it's aid

kill them! it shouted

take care of the hell hounds takeshi ordered

finally, layal said as she immediately sprang into action transforming into her three tailed for and punching the demons to ashes while kazuto and sam where having trouble with them

are these things demons or ware wolves sam said as one of them stood up on two legs and swung it's claws at him

use the holy lance spell! kazuto yelled

he was about to when a fire ball came flying over destroying the hell hounds in one attack

don't worry I'll protect you layla said

mean while takeshi was about done himself with the demon

just a little more and your head will role



just the a snapping sound was heard and immediately gravity became much much more intense around them as they all fell to the ground. When takeshi looked back at the store which was partly destroyed they saw a man standing there, he picked up a stone from the ground and with strange symbols on it then turned to the demon takeshi was fighting which was somehow unaffected by the gravity

didn't I make it clear to lay low for now, Mon of you are anywhere close to your full strength

you found precious the demon said happily

ok greed let's go, if I hadn't shown up you would have died and gone back to that hell hole



who... who are you takeshi struggled to speak

mephisto at your service the man said with a creepy smile as he disappeared with greed