

a orphan on the verge of dying finds out he has powers, fueled by his hatred for demons he fight them but later finds out he's not human but a hybrid of angel and demon now with this confusion and happenings of events around him he must find the secret behind he's powers and the truth about his parents, join Zeke in discovering if his an angel, demon or human

masterdiabloPPP37 · Fantasie
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36 Chs



Zeke was in his room waiting for something to happen, Lisa still wasn't back but he didn't mind, she was a young adult so she could do whatever for all he cared, what was important now was finding out what went down at night.

7:10 nothing happened everything was still fine

7:20 nothing

7:30 still nothing

it felt like Zeke was waiting for hours yet just a few minutes had passed

Common what are you waiting for he thought, expecting something to happen but nothing happened

Zeke breathed a sigh of frustration as he lay on his bed then suddenly a slow but deep sleep came over him, it felt like he was sinking into a deep thick river and he also felt something else, anger and hate

Zeke opened his eyes as Grimm with his glowing red eyes, fangs, claws and floating hair and jumped out the window

common common common Layla said we need to hurry

hey what got you so worked up all of a sudden, is it about the commander, what did he say Sam asked

it's nothing just common let's go on patrol, we must patrol the hole city tonight

the hole city! same was stunned, wait a minute now I know something is definitely up, is it about that guy you said you saw killing a demon, I told you no one will believe that, it's impossible.

Can we just do the patrol Layla said, she had accepted that no one would believe her cus she was the only person that saw it so all she needed was proof and the others would believe her, the news about her report had been leaked by one of the record keepers and now most of the demon slayers knew about her so called mysterious demon killer, not only was he a normal human, he didn't use magic to kill the demon, what kind of bullshit story was that but still Layla's determination didn't waver.

Sam picked up his demon scanner and turned it on, no demons around for now, this thing tracks demonic energy over a 100 meter radius so this area seems safe Sam said

ok then let's move quickly Layla said as she dashed of

again, just like last time Sam said, and she forgot to turn on her demon scanner

Layla ran and ran, where too nobody knows but she was hoping that if she found a demon she would find Grimm since he too was hunting demons. She looked round but couldn't find anything so she took out her demon scanner and turned it on and immediately she got a signal but it wasn't just one, there where Many at least 15 to 20 demonic energy being detected at the city stadium. Layla rushed over

if they're there then he must be there right? she thought, when she got to the stadium she was disappointed to see it was full of people, there were having a rugby game between two highschool teams and the stadium was half full, Layla was disappointed beyond belief buy suddenly her scanner started beeping

huh! my scanner, it's beeping, this only happens when a large group of demons are in one area, a horde of demons, l wanted to call for back up but she could hear the demons, they where about to attack.

shit too late she said as she used her super strength to jump right in the middle of the stadium

Everybody listen up she screamed. Everyone was confused but when they saw her uniform they instantly knew who she was

evacuated the stadium immediately, just as she said that, from the shadow of the seats people where being dragged under the seats and being devoured, screams all over erupted and people started running in all directions, Layla didn't know where to go or who to help as the attack came from everywhere but then he scanner beeped again she turned and saw a huge rat demon walking to the center of the stadium

Layla rushed to it but was stopped by twenty rat demons

.what but the scanner showed only twenty five demon signals but when she looked it increased to forty five

meanwhile same was still looking for Layla when his scanner started beeping.

huh! what it's a, I had to tell HQ Sam said as he send a emergency sos signal to HQ. mean while HQ had already gotten not one but multiple sos signals as sam and layla weren't the only ones that had seen the horde.

Sir we are getting multiple sos signals from different patrol teams and there all pointing to he stadium

Sir sources indicate that a horde is forming at the stadium and people are in danger

commander Levi what are your orders

get the rookies back here and send in a troop of fifty slayers

yes sir

the message was sent that all rookie slayers should return that help was being sent but with the situation layla was in she couldn't return cus she was already engaging in combat with the demons, they weren't a problem for her, she could take them down but her problem was there number, everytime see would kill one, three more would appear and shoot spikes at her or try to scratch her with there claws, making it had to dispatch them all with ease, while this was going on the other demons not fighting where either merging with the rat demon at the center or killing the civilians in the stadium, by the time the stadium was evacuated a total of two hundred people dead by demons while a hundred and fifty died by stampede, Layla jumped to the highest seats in the stadium and looked at her watch the message was to evacuate and head back to HQ

what I can't just let these people die in vain, I could have saved them if I was here sooner or if I had acted sooner, I can't go back I have to avenge the people who lost there lives today cus it was under my watch they died layla said to herself

activating her powers as a demo human a fox tail came out and her hair turned from white to red, her physical stats increased so did her magical power, she threw two huge fir balls as the incoming demons, they instantly burned to ashes then she jumped back into the field to fight again. mean while someone was on top the stadium watching everything go down.

Meanwhile back at HQ

how long till they get there

20 minutes sir

let's hope to many people aren't dead yet, are all the rookies back yet

no sir we have one in the stadium

the stadium! who is that and what the hell is that person doing in the stadium, didn't they get the message

sir it's agent 547

what! what the hell is she doing there

back at the stadium, Layla had taken care of the demons in the stadium but it seemed her battle wasn't over yet as she was faced with a mixture of rat demons. It looked like a dark cocoon and it was beating like a heart

I've read about this, this isn't a horde it's a forming legion, if it finishes transforming it'll be hard to deal with. Layla immediately rushed to the cocoon ready to turn it too ashes but spikes from above came flying towards her, she dodged them but stopped when she looked up saw more demons, the bat demons and they where quite many in number, so far she counted fifteen but she could hear more coming,

damn it, this is becoming harder than I thought, she began firing fire balls at them but they dodged the attacks and replied with spikes, she dodged them and continued firing.

this won't get me anywhere I need to change my attacks, holy chains she shouted and chained appears and binded three bat demons while the rest fired more poisonous spikes, while fighting some bat demons flew down and started merging with the cocoon and it grew bigger the more demons merged with it,

dang it this is becoming a pain where's back up when you need it

suddenly a giant fire ball came flying towards the cocoon but the bat demons immediately flew down to protect it and the clashed with the flaming ball and got turned to ash but stopped the ball in he process

so I was right, they're protecting that pile of shit

huh! who are you layla said

you've forgotten me so soon we'll it doesn't matter a just came to exact revenge on these roaches

the flames slowly died down and now Layla could see him, floating hair, glowing red eyes

Grimm! she shouted

oh so you d remember, well I didn't come for you, I came fore that he said pointing to the cocoon. it's attracting more demons so I need to destroy it

I think you mean we

I work alone

the bat demons started firing spikes at the two

I'm glad your here, take care of those bat demons I'll destroy the legion before it fully transforms

I don't take orders from you but hurry, we have other things to worry about, from the top of the stadium I felt a lot more demons heading this way

ok then let's go she sad as she started dodging the spikes and running to the cocoon, grimm jumped up to one of the demons but it shot spikes at him, he covered himself with flames that burned the spikes to ash

I can't get up there

you have fire right, well shoot them down layla replied

hmmmm, Grimm focused closing his eyes, trying to shoot flames was a first for him and right now he didn't have a teacher so he had to do it on his own but he was too reckless as spikes came flying towards him. He covered himself in flames blocking the attacks from above

just like she did, you saw her so you can do the same grimm told himself.

He summoned a fire ball in his two hands and threw them but they hit nothing but air

hey hurry up will you, more of those things are merging with the cocoon layla screamed.

Grimm focused again and this time shot a stream of fire towards the sky and incinerated all the bat demons flying

hah! I did it grimm said with a smile

now it's my turn layla replied as she dashed forward ready to destroy the cocoon but suddenly surge of demonic energy cam off it like a wave and immediately Layla could hear it, she stopped and looked around, from every corner of the stadium, even the sky started getting darker as demons came out from everywhere covering the sky and coming out from the stands then a mouth came out from the cocoon

kill them it said and immediately the demons began attacking using every ability they could all at once against them

seeing this layla rushed back to grimm

divine shield, she casted a magical force field and stopped all the attacks but the force field wouldn't last for long as the attacks where too much

that's it I'm going all out she said as a second tail sprung out fr hee back and her power doubled, holy chains, immediately every demon within 10 meters from them got captured by chains and it seemed to be burning there skin,but more kept coming and started banging and attacking the shield directly

This is bad, I'll hold them off while you attack as many as possible, we can't defeat this many but at least we can stay alive till reinforcements come

Layla wasn't lying, the slayers where only ten minutes away but grimm wasn't thinking about that rather he was looking at his hands

hmm just like Zeke did before, he was exploring what his body could do so I should explore my powers as well grimm said to himself, he closed his eyes again and tried concentrating but it was cut short as a surge of demonic energy was felt again he looked towards the cocoon and it was moving, more demons where merging with it but it seemed to have reached a stage where it was taking shape, two legs with three toes came out with bat wings at the back, it stood up and still had a mouth at the top of the mold


you can't stop this now the mouth said