

This novel is based on how an introverted college girl (Sophia) met a handsome boy (Prince) who was her classmate and and younger brother of CEO of New Way company (hidden identity) which was famous for fashion designing. Prince's friend ( Levin) came to the college who started liking Sophia at first sight and he told him to try to ship them. But, he fell in love himself with her. And somewhere she also started loving him but could never understand herself. Their love story had started but suddenly Prince got missing and never came back for years. She saw a similar man like him in Indonesia and got into accident while chasing him behind. Will she be able to meet him? Or will the destiny part them forever? Read the novel to know this.....

Shivani_Maurya · Urban
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26 Chs

His affair got exposed

<p>She was pretending that she was going to sleep as the nurse went out she switched on the torch in her phone and covered herself from everywhere and started reading the book.<br/>After challenging each other, her face turned into scared cat when he went from there and she asked herself with surprised face, "From when did I gain so much courage? I was blabbering like drunken person while making eye contact….."<br/>Next day, the participants were practicing in the auditorium with their partner except Lovely because Prince was not there. And at the other side, Sophia was not feeling well so she went towards the washroom holding her stomach. As she entered, she saw Prince and a girl together being lovey-dovey which made her shocked and could not able to believe what he was doing there.<br/>Then that girl got irritated and asked, "What are you staring? Why don't you go for which you have come?"<br/>When he turned his face and saw her totally shocked and said calmly in low voice, "Yeah! Do your work and just go. Don't interrupt us here."<br/>"O' Hello! I am also not interested in your romance, okay? And didn't you guys get any cafe or park to date? If not, you can tell me next time and I will arrange it for you guys because it's very embarrassing to date someone in stinking area." said with evil laugh and went to washroom.<br/>He got frustrated and left. The girl shouted from behind, "Hey! Where are you going?" and left after bad mouthing her.<br/>"Well, it's good that they are not here.", said while coming out of the washroom and went for practice in the auditorium.<br/>Joe asked worriedly, "Why did you take so long time? Is everything okay? Are you feeling well?"<br/>Seeing his concern for her, she couldn't able to resist the rise in feelings for him.<br/>"Nothing, let's practice our dance." , said with red cheeks to avoid awkwardness.<br/>Everyone got tired and took a break for rest as they were practicing continuously. Sophia went to Lovely to talk to her as she was alone.<br/>"Hello! My name is Sophia, you?", introduced herself forwarding her hand for handshake.<br/>"Lovely. You are also a participant?"<br/>"Wow! You are also lovely like your name." said with honey voice which made her blushed.<br/>"Are you waiting for Prince?" asked curiously.<br/>She nodded her head and said, "I don't know where he is. Do you know him?"<br/>"Of Course! I know him, he is my classmate.", said laughingly.<br/>"If you don't mind can I ask your relationship with him?", asked her hesitantly.<br/>"It's ok. I am his girlfriend and also a childhood's friend."<br/>She got shocked hearing her as she saw him with other girl just few hours ago and thought of taking revenge to him.<br/>She acted like innocent girl and executed her plan, "If you are his girlfriend, then who she was."<br/>She asked her with surprised face, "What! Which girl? Did you see him with another girl?"<br/>She was smiling in her head on the fact that he would be punished while nodding her head up-down. Lovely tried to convince her by saying that he wouldn't do anything like this, maybe she had misunderstood and left from there after saying these.<br/>"What! She just called me blind indirectly. I can even tell which mouse scared me yesterday. He is tall like tower that I can even recognize him in the crowd." ,said in her mind making thousand of faces.<br/>Lovely called him many times after reaching home but he didn't respond which made her restless and questioning herself, "Why are you not picking my phone? I will surely talk to you later when you will meet me and will question you about this and you have to answer because there will be no choice for you to escape."<br/>Another day in the same class, Prince came towards Sophia and asked in deep voice, "Have you tell anyone about yesterday whatever happened at washroom?"<br/>She got scared and thought, "Is he confirming? Or just asking?"<br/>She pretended that she didn't tell anyone and said loudly with bigger eyes, "No!"<br/>She grabbed attention of all students by saying loudly which made his eyes go bigger and asked her to speak slowly.<br/>"That incident doesn't deserve to telecast somewhere.", said in whispering voice with fake smile.<br/>He became relax and said while pointing his finger towards her face, "Now, you are crossing your limits".<br/>By putting down his finger, she said, "It's you, not me. Maybe you should wear specs like me to look at your actions what you are doing and blame others for hiding yours mistakes. If you don't have, you can take mine. I still can see your actions without wearing it."<br/>She made him left with puffy face and took a heavy breath and thought in her mind, "Thank God! He did not know anything. If he would find that I have told about his actions to Lovely, he will eat me alive. And I also have to think about some plans so that I can escape from this situation."<br/>She looked around and noticed that he was not in the class and was desperately waiting for dismiss of the class. As soon as the bell rang, she ran like bullet and started to fetch him but didn't find anywhere and then she went to canteen to quench her thirst and for taking rest. The twist was that Prince was sitting there which made her surprised.<br/>"What! I have fetched him in whole campus and he is here. Wait! Who is that girl? Is she the same girl whom I saw in washroom? I should find out what they are talking about."<br/>She herself didn't know how many times she would be surprised and decided to be a spy of him. She took her juice and sit in front of them to hear their talks and recorded it in the phone as a proof to show Lovely.<br/>"Millie, why did you call me here? Is everything alright?"<br/>She said with painful voice while holding his hand, "Prince you know that I love you so much and yet you don't care about me. What's the problem with me? You can tell me everything; I will try to change it. But please don't ignore me. Baby!"<br/>Suddenly Sophia got chocked to drink hearing her and ran away from there before he could see him.<br/>"He is such a big man and she is calling him…... Baby!", started laughing while holding her stomach. Suddenly the reality hit her that she forgot her phone on the table and ran again without wasting any second.<br/>"Millie, let's get married."<br/>She closed the book and started processing her mind, "Out of nowhere suddenly he proposed her for marriage. How can he do this?"<br/>"Maybe it was a joke to scare her away. Let's continue.", said while convincing herself.<br/>"What are you saying? Are you serious?", asked him immediately with confused face.<br/>"Yeah! Same question."<br/>Then he explained him calmly, "Millie, You know very well that I do not love you. And you also do not love me, it's just an attraction for you and nothing else."<br/>She asked getting furious, "What do you mean by attraction? Am I looking gold digger to you?"<br/>"Millie! Try to understand. If you love me seriously, then you would have agreed to marry me immediately. I think you should give time to yourself."<br/>"Thank God! I reached here on time otherwise I would have lost a diamond."<br/> They give friendly hug to each other and said goodbye. As she turned behind, she collided with him.<br/>"Why do you always appear in front of me? Are you a spy?" got mad at her.<br/>She again got started with her lecture, "Yeah, you are saying right that Lovely should hire a spy to investigate you. I only know that you are flirty but didn't know that you also change girlfriend like speed of light. How cheap you are!"<br/>"Wait! Why did you mention Lovely?" asked in confusion.<br/>"Why are you pretending like you don't know anything when you are cheating on her! Well, I have recorded your whole talks with that washroom girl and I will show this to your ex- girlfriend aka Lovely."<br/>Prince started laughing and said, "Oh! It seems that she talked nonsense and you believe her. How dumb you are!"<br/>She stood on tip toe and said while making eye contact, "Do I look dumb to you? Stop acting and I am going to show her."<br/>"Before going, you should also hear my words. First of all, she is not my girlfriend. I just see her as a best friend since childhood. It may happen that she has fallen in love with me, it's not my mistake. Anyways, what I can do, anyone can fall in love with me." started praising himself.<br/>She suddenly offended him by saying, "No way! I can't fall in love with you. I don't know why she loves you flirty. She is very beautiful and can find anyone but.... Leave it."<br/>She hurt his ego and left from there and he planned something big.<br/>He smirked and challenged himself, "Let's see whether I can make you fall in love with me or not."<br/>"Yay!" screamed so loudly in excitement that the nurse came while running.<br/>As she opened the door, she turned her bright face with messy hair towards her and she passed away.<br/>She got confused and asked herself, "Am I scary than a ghost?"<br/> <br/> #</p>