
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 23 - K

The idiot calls his power 'cool' because with it they can be able to help the ones who need it. To him, the simple solution to him feeling the backlash of all the human misery and hatred is to make as many people as they can happy so the happiness they feel will be able to subside the negative emotions that sets like a heavyweight against his being.

"Besides, you don't have to carry all of that alone. We're friends, aren't we? If it's too heavy for you then it's good that I've strong shoulders. Give me some weight, damn it! That's what friends are for, after all, believe it!"

He snorts as he keeps thinking about how that particular conversation went. Naruto saying how sage mode can carry more weight so he doesn't have to worry that'll hurt him or he will end up crushed as he can even carry his heavy furry butt on one shoulder.

Then they start bickering and a fight ensues, but it's light without any actual bite, as that's how their friendship works.

Kurama stops his thoughts as he recalls his own words and realizes how easily he now calls Naruto a friend. It's not long before he takes into account that Naruto is his first and only friend.

"Well, that's sad," he mumbles but there's a smile on the corner of his lips.

He's glad he's a good distance away from the others. He doesn't want their attention away from whatever they're planning. Better not get into all the drama that's the life of an adult human. He only hopes Naruto won't be like that when he grows because, apparently, the Donna woman has some kind of infatuation towards the other human called Tyreese and that's a big no-no that can't happen when one is with an established mate.


Placing his head on his front paws, Kurama tries to ignore the emotions coming from the humans so they won't influence him. The floor is cold and in spite of his increasing chakra, he doesn't have enough reign to completely ignore it. He's been trying to use the nature energy around him without injuring others, but it's slow-going progress.

It's been almost two weeks since he joined this group and while constant exposure to him has made them less skittish around him… well, it's also made them think they can be 'familiar' with him. He now has to growl whenever they try to pet him. Pet Him! He hasn't even let Naruto do that! No that he would ever do; it's plain humiliating and degrading. And if the dumbass ever tries he's going to smack him hard without healing him afterward.

Is it strange that he thinks continuously in different manners about how to torture Naruto when they meet again?

Of course not; it's Naruto after all.

He probably has done several stupid things already that will make Kurama angry. Kurama scoffs as he slowly closes his eyes, his thoughts trailing again towards a certain blonde menace. He tries to ignore it most of the time, but he can't deny he's worried. So far he hasn't sensed any of his power being used and that could mean several things.

The Uchiha has some kind of shield he can use with that Susanoo of his but Naruto's cloak wouldn't make the collision softer. It would protect him, it's true, but… Kurama, the mighty and stronger of all bijus, the so-called demon fox, is worried.

"You're not a demon fox anymore, Kurama. You're one of my previous teammates now."

He shrugs Naruto's voice off as if it's not been so long since those words were uttered and they became partners, he doesn't want to think of the war. Those days before Kaguya appeared and they had to fight Madara and Obito were nerve-breaking and tiring and stressful. And yet, they were the best days he's lived. It's been so long since someone directed pure positive emotions to him.

Naruto was bothersome continuously asking about himself and his life before being inside a jinchuriki but he was honestly interested. His curiosity was real and maybe it shouldn't surprise him how readily Naruto accepted him, shrugging off the years he's suffered because of him and how he's tried to manipulate him… but it does. One thing is knowing how completely Naruto gives himself to others; his trust, loyalty, friendship. Another one is receiving all that undiluted love.

Naruto's been hurt many times because of that but he doesn't stop from continuing doing it. And even if they wouldn't have the same friendship they've now because of it, he wishes Naruto wasn't that much of a bleeding heart. And damn, it's possible that maybe, perhaps, he misses that fucking brat.

"We should take advantage of that the rain is over and leave!" Sasha hisses, frustration loud enough to interrupt his musings.

"This place is big enough for everyone. There are woods near we can obtain food from before winter completely hits us."

"Adam, I agree with my sister. This place is too cold. There's no A/C or warm sheets besides Sophia's and we're too far from other houses to change locations in case of emergency. We could die if we stay here."

There's a silence before the other woman speaks, "They're right, Adam."

That sentence makes the emotions tightly contained in Adam snap. "Of course, you would agree. You would agree whatever he says, wouldn't you?"

The tension increases and while it amuses Kurama, it also gives him a headache. He's been inside a seal for so long; he now needs to get used to the emotions around him. It was easier when he was with the Alliance supplying them chakra as he had to focus on one thing: fighting. Now? Now it's a pain.

Sensors are able to detect others because they are attuned to their chakra networks and can feel that life force unlike how a Hyuuga actually sees it. Kurama is more of a sensor in the way he can't actually see the emotions, though he admits that there is something akin to an aura surrounding others he feels. He has always been able to know which 'colors' correspond to all emotions. But the headache-inducing problem about it is that the 'colors' leave an echo. Even after time passes, the emotions stay as a wavelength of energies in the air.

Currently, the room is filled with them.