
two paths destined to separate, despite initial closeness.

Some things are not meant for us, no matter what we do, we don't get them. Similarly, some people are not meant for us. He was not mine either; So all my prayers went in vain. My love for him was childhood, and a source of inspiration for me. Both of us were the rivers flowing together, whose destiny is to walk together, but not to meet.

Amal_Moobin · Urban
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1 Chs


Some things are not meant for us, no matter what we do, we don't get them. Similarly, some people are not meant for us. He was not mine either; So all my prayers went in vain. My love for him was childhood, and a source of inspiration for me. Both of us were the rivers flowing together, whose destiny is to walk together, but not to meet.


Ellen watched the raindrops tap against her bedroom window, mimicking the rhythmic beats of her heart. The melancholy melody of unspoken words lingered in the air, much like the uncharted territories of her emotions. She opened her diary, its pages stained with ink and teardrops, and began to pen down the intricate symphony of her unrequited love for Derrial James.

In the quaint town of Everwood, Ellen and Derrial had grown up together, their friendship woven into the very fabric of their existence. From childhood antics to teenage confessions, their bond had stood the test of time. Derrial, with his infectious laughter and protective nature, was the constant in Ellen's life.

As the years passed, Ellen's feelings evolved like the changing seasons. What once felt like a brotherly affection now resonated as an unspoken love. Derrial, oblivious to the storm brewing in Ellen's heart, continued to treat her with the same warmth and camaraderie that had defined their friendship.

One gloomy afternoon, Ellen found herself wandering through the mist-laden streets of Everwood, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings that echoed the sentiment of her heart. She reached the old oak tree by the riverbank, their secret meeting spot since childhood. It was here that Ellen bared her soul to the silent winds.

"I never meant for my heart to wander into this uncharted territory," she whispered to the rustling leaves. "Derrial is the anchor of my existence, but my love for him has become a tempest I can no longer control."

Ellen's thoughts danced between the realms of reality and the whimsical fantasies she harbored in the deepest corners of her heart. She recalled the countless moments when Derrial's laughter had been the melody of her life, yet each note now echoed with the pain of reciprocated love.

The river flowed beside her, its gentle waves a metaphor for the complexities of their relationship. Ellen thought of them as two parallel rivers, destined to flow side by side but never converging. The realisation hit her like a gentle storm, and she knew that her prayers for a love that mirrored her own were destined to go unanswered.


The sun cast a warm glow over the quiet suburban street as Ellen's father, Mr. Anderson, patiently stood beside her, holding onto the handlebars of a shiny blue bicycle. Elen, clad in a pink helmet and knee pads, eyed the two-wheeled contraption with a mixture of fascination and fear.

"Come on, Elen, you can do this. Just keep your balance and pedal gently," Mr. Anderson encouraged, his voice filled with fatherly reassurance.

Elen took a deep breath, her small hands gripping the handlebars tightly. Her eyes were wide with trepidation as she tentatively pushed the pedal, wobbling unsteadily on the sidewalk.

From the balcony of her room, a young boy with tousled brown hair watched the scene unfold. Derriel James, the boy next door, observed Elen with a curious smile. To him, she was the cute little girl from next door, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards her.

As Elen attempted to navigate the bicycle, her fear got the better of her, and she tumbled to the ground with a soft thud. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her father rushed to her side, offering comforting words.

Meanwhile, Derriel, sensing an opportunity to be the hero, decided to intervene. He bounded down the stairs of his own house and made his way towards the teary-eyed Elen.

"Hey, Barbie doll! You want some candies?" Derriel flashed a bright, friendly smile and extended his hand, revealing a handful of colorful candies.

Elen looked up, her initial fear transforming into curiosity. Hesitant at first, she accepted the candies, her tears momentarily forgotten.

"Hi, my name is Derriel James. I'm your neighbor. Let me teach you how to ride a cycle, little princess," he declared with a playful twinkle in his eye.

Derriel took Elen under his wing, guiding her with patience and kindness. He adjusted her helmet, straightened the handlebars, and, with a gentle push, set her on the bicycle once again. This time, Derriel walked alongside her, offering words of encouragement and support.

As they navigated the quiet street together, the initial fear in Elen's eyes transformed into a mixture of determination and joy. With Derriel by her side, the once daunting task of learning to ride a bicycle became an adventure shared between newfound friends, proving that sometimes, the most unexpected connections can be forged on the open road of childhood.


The school bell rang, signaling the end of the bicycle adventure and the beginning of another day at Everwood Elementary. Elen walked into the schoolyard, still basking in the triumph of her newfound cycling skills. However, her joy would soon be replaced by an unsettling encounter with a group of bullies.

Derriel had mentioned that he couldn't accompany Elen to school that day, leaving her feeling vulnerable without her usual protector. As Elen passed through the school gates, a trio of boys, known for their penchant for mischief and cruelty, spotted her. With malicious grins, they closed in, sensing an opportunity to torment the soft-hearted girl who had always been an easy target.

"Look who's all alone today. Where's your big brother Derriel?" one of the bullies sneered, pushing Elen to the ground.

Fear etched across her face, Elen looked around desperately, hoping for a familiar face to come to her rescue. The absence of Derriel left her defenseless against the bullies' cruel antics.

Just as the tormentors reveled in their misdeeds, a voice cut through the air like a sharp blade. "Don't you dare to touch her."

Elen's heart skipped a beat as she turned, expecting to see her savior. To her astonishment, there was no one but Derriel standing beside her, a steely determination in his eyes.

"Don't worry, princess. I am here," Derriel declared, his presence sending shivers down the bullies' spines.

Startled, the tormentors quickly dispersed, leaving Ellen and Derriel alone in the aftermath of the confrontation. Elen, still bewildered, stammered, "Why are y-you here?"

Derriel flashed a reassuring smile, his protective demeanor never wavering. "I couldn't leave my favorite princess unattended, could I?"

In that moment, Ellen realized that Derriel's bond with her transcended the physical presence. His friendship was her shield against the world, and even in his absence, he found a way to protect her. As they walked together towards the school building, Elen couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the unwavering friend who had become her guardian angel, whether he was physically by her side or watching over her from afar.


High school arrived like a whirlwind of change for Elen and Derriel. Everwood High, with its bustling hallways and new faces, marked a transition into a realm of teenage complexities. The once inseparable duo found themselves navigating the labyrinth of adolescence, and with it came unexpected challenges.

Derriel, in particular, experienced a shift in dynamics. A new student named Alexa entered his life, bringing with her a charm that captured his attention. As their friendship blossomed into something more, whispers of young love echoed through the corridors of Everwood High.

One sunny afternoon, beneath the sprawling oak tree where their friendship had taken root, Derriel nervously approached Elen. His eyes held a mix of excitement and apprehension as he shared the news of his budding romance with Alexa.

"Hey, Elle," Derriel began, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I've met someone special. Her name's Alexa, and she's pretty amazing."

Elen, though genuinely happy for her best friend, couldn't shake the pang of uncertainty that nestled in the recesses of her heart. She nodded, offering a supportive smile, all the while concealing the burgeoning emotions within.

As weeks passed, Derriel and Alexa became the talk of the high school, their connection evident in the stolen glances and shared laughter. Yet, the winds of change carried with them a storm that would test the bonds of friendship.

One day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Derriel found himself standing at a crossroads. Alexa, having overheard whispers about Elen's importance in his life, confronted him with a demand.

"Derriel, you need to choose. It's either me or her," Alexa declared, her eyes reflecting a hint of insecurity.

Faced with an impossible ultimatum, Derriel's heart wrestled with the weight of his decision. The oak tree, witness to countless moments of their friendship, seemed to hold its breath as the choice hung in the air.

In a heartbeat, Derriel made his choice, his loyalty unwavering. He looked into Alexa's eyes and gently said, "I'm sorry, Alexa. Elen has been my friend since forever. I can't choose anyone over her."

As Alexa walked away, disappointed and hurt, Derriel couldn't shake the realization that some bonds are unbreakable. Elen, standing nearby, approached him with a mixture of gratitude and understanding.

"Thank you, Derriel," she whispered, her eyes reflecting the depth of their enduring friendship.

In that moment, beneath the fading hues of twilight, Ellen and Derriel embraced the complexities of high school life, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, their connection would remain an anchor in the ever-changing tides of adolescence.


The hallways of Everwood High were abuzz with rumors and teenage emotions. After the unexpected turn of events with Derriel choosing Elen over Alexa, a new chapter in Elen's life seemed to unfold. The popular and handsome Edward, the heartthrob of Everwood High, decided to make his move and confess his feelings to Elen.

One day, as Elen stood by her locker, adjusting her books, Edward approached her with a charming smile. "Hey, Elen. I've been meaning to tell you something," he said, his voice a mix of confidence and sincerity.

Caught off guard, Elen looked up, her eyes meeting Edward's. He confessed his feelings, speaking from the heart about the admiration he had harbored for her. Elen, feeling both flattered and surprised, hesitated for a moment.

Just as she was about to gently reject Edward, her gaze shifted to the courtyard. There, beneath the oak tree, she witnessed a scene that sent a shock through her heart—Derriel sharing a kiss with the school cheerleader.

Stunned, Elen turned back to Edward, her emotions in turmoil. In that moment of vulnerability, she accepted Edward's feelings, perhaps seeking a distraction from the complexities of her own heart.

Edward, a gentleman with a compassionate soul, understood Elen's situation. He became a comforting presence in her life, offering understanding and support. Their relationship blossomed, and Elen appreciated the genuine care Edward showed her.

Meanwhile, Derriel, unaware of the impact of his actions, continued to navigate the high school landscape. When news of Elen and Edward's relationship reached him, a flicker of jealousy ignited within him. He never anticipated feeling possessive, having always assumed his place in Elen's life was secure.

The sight of Ellen with someone else stirred emotions in Derriel that he hadn't expected. He questioned his own feelings, grappling with the realization that someone else had become important to Ellen in a way he hadn't foreseen.

As the intricacies of teenage emotions unfolded, Elen found herself entangled in a web of conflicting emotions. Her heart, still tethered to Derriel, navigated the uncharted waters of high school relationships, leaving her torn between loyalty and the unexpected twists of adolescent love.
