
Two Hearts & One Soul

They both couldn't clearly remember what happened between them the previous night at the club where they met. In the morning... Emma couldn't explain why she willingly had sex with the strange man she just met while Leo thought it was just a hook-up between two adults... Then they learned they had to get married even though they hated each other. Will their marriage end before it begins? ****************************** “Excuse me! Are you saying I planned to get pregnant and trapped you into marriage!?” Emma asked angrily “Well, nothing could be further from the truth, when you just happened to show up at a private lounge that was only meant for my friends and I that night...” He replied “And out of all the rich men inside that lounge that I could get pregnant by and trapped into marriage, how did I have the misfortune of being stuck with you!?... The one with the puny dick!?” “What!?...” Leo asked with his mouth half-opened. "Puny!?"

Biola_Johnson1207 · Fantasie
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85 Chs


"Emma, meet my cousin Nicholas... Nick, this is Emma Da-Silva. The new Executive accountant I told you about..."

Emma, who was still lost in the euphoric state of the position she found on her identity card, looked at the face of the receptionist, at first wondering about the kind of discussion or topic the woman might have had about her with her cousin.

But the next words that came out of the receptionist's mouth surprised Emma more...

"Oh, I can see both of you are dumbfounded. I told you, you would like her didn't I?" She said to her cousin

"And what about you Emma, don't you find my cousin attractive?"

Emma was indeed dumbfounded

'Find your cousin attractive?... Why would I find your cousin attractive? How could you even talk about introducing me to your cousin when you don't know the kind of person I am!... If I'm in a relationship with somebody or engaged to be married! I don't even know your own name for goodness sake, yet you're introducing me to your cousin!'

Emma was appalled as she wondered to herself, looking at the smiling face of the receptionist who looked like she was doing her a great favor. She directed her gaze to the said Nicholas and indeed he looked overly surprised for whatever reason best known to him. Emma didn't want to believe that, the level of surprise she saw on his face was because he found her that attractive. There must be more to that look on his face than meet the eye

'Well, whatever it is that he had going on inside his head is his business, not mine.' She thought and quickly thought of a way to extract herself from the situation.

"Uhm... Hi... Nice to meet you." She said towards Nicholas before directing her gaze back to the receptionist.

"Uhmm, I should go. I don't want to be late for work." She flashed her, 'please try and understand me' smile towards the two cousins before she hastily made her way to the elevator, praying in her mind that the man don't decide to ride in the same elevator with her.

Saying Nicholas was dumbfounded was an understatement since he couldn't find the right word to describe the state of shock he was in. He looked at Emma's retreating back and saw she was indeed beautiful, just as his cousin had described to him. But that was not the most surprising thing about her

'So she's the new Executive accountant that the accounting department has been buzzing about!?

What the fuck!

Like how is that even possible!? She's an intern for crying out loud!?

How could an intern be the executive accountant of a huge organization like the Salvadorian empire!?

How could she be my boss!?

Could the accusation leveled against the CEO be true after all...''

His mind was in turmoil as he continually asked himself till Emma disappeared into the elevator

The elevator door opened for Emma on the executive floor. She remembered Leo's assistant told her before that she would be working directly with him but since she wasn't able to find out where his office was located, she decided to ask Leo's secretary, praying in her mind that Leo wouldn't be around yet.

She didn't want to have an encounter with him that early in the morning, at least not before the meeting starts. She was heading towards where Leo's office was located when she saw his Assistant, Paul coming from the same direction. He looked very surprised to see her.

"Good morning sir!" She greeted

"Good morning, Miss Da-Silva. What a surprise! Come this way please." He indicated towards where his office was located and Emma followed behind feeling like a high schooler that was accosted by the principal in the hallway during lecture hours

"Hold my calls for the moment," Paul said to his secretary as they walked past her desk. They entered his office which was a little smaller than Leo's office but also tastefully furnished.

"Please sit... What would you like me to offer you, coffee or tea?" He asked while moving towards an area in his office where a table was already set with a thermos flask and everything needed to make coffee and tea.

Emma was taken aback by his offering. 'How many bosses offer their employees beverages in the morning... Isn't it supposed to be the other way round? Has Leo told him she cannot work at the Empire because of their engagement? Is he being nice just to let me down gently afterward? I swear I'll kill Leo with my bare hands if that were the case." Emma thought to herself.

"Non... I'm okay sir." She managed to reply, her heart thumping because of the unknown.

"I insist, Miss Da-Silva, what's your preference?..."

"Sir, I hope Leo didn't ask you to fire me or anything like that. Please forget about what happened between us on Monday. It was a misunderstanding but we've settled it between us. Leo and I are actually cool now and..." Emma started saying but stopped talking when she heard Paul laugh.

"Fire you?... Where did you get that idea from Miss Da-Silva? Your future grandfather-in-law owns this great establishment, so how could you think I have the power to fire you?...

Oh, where are my manners? Please have your seat." He said pointing to a chair in front of his desk

Emma felt silly by her outburst.

"My future grandfather inlaw?" She repeated stupidly. "You knew about our engagement?"

"He told me everything... The chairman I mean..." Paul said with a gentle smile on his face.

'He knew everything about her and Leo's situationship that led to their engagement?' She thought, not pleased with the idea. 'What exactly was he told?' She wondered since Leo's version of their little time together was different from hers.

"So is he aware that you're resuming today?" His voice broke into Emma's thoughts.

"Who?... Do you mean the chairman?"

"No... the CEO. I was just wondering why he didn't inform me of your resumption today."

"Oh no, he's not... I saw the memo for the executive staff's meeting early this morning and I decided to come since I'm feeling much better. I thought I should surprise him..."

"That's alright... So I guess congratulations are in order..."

"Uhh... Congratulations?"

"On your and Leo's engagement."

"Oh, thank you, sir!..." Emma said and smiled with relief.

"So, have you prepared your work schedule? I asked about it the last time we saw each other. We don't want our work demand to interfere with school activities... "

"No sir, I haven't but I'll have it ready by the end of today.

"Great then. So you'll be in the accounting department for now. Some files needed your urgent attention there."

What Emma never knew was that Leo's assistant was very happy to see her that day. The urgent meeting Leo left her to attend and the urgent executive staff meeting with Aderinsola was mainly because she was given the position of the Empire's executive accountant.

Almost all the shareholders have received anonymous information and I've signed a petition against the CEO for not going through the proper channel in the staff selection and also for giving an important position that ought to be occupied by an experienced accountant to an ordinary intern. Some even suggest maybe there was an illicit affair between the new intern that was made the executive accountant and the CEO

Just then the intercom on his desk rang

[I thought I told you to hold all calls?] Paul asked his secretary as soon as he answered the call

[I'm sorry sir but the CEO just came in and he would like to see you right away]

[Alright... Call the Accounting and Finance Department. Tell them to set up a temporary office for Miss Da-Silva in their conference room until her office would be ready. They should also get a staff down here to come to show her around]

[Okay sir]

"The CEO just calls for me. So sorry, I'll have to leave you here by yourself until your colleague from the accounting department shows up."

"Alright, sir."

Emma's heart thumped hard when she heard Paul say the CEO had arrived. Thank God she would be working in the accounting and finance department in the meantime. It's better if they see each other later at the meeting.