

What is Life without ups and downs? A life of what I always dreamt of almost coming to a reality but something was missing which I couldn't just understand? What was it you probably would ask? I don't know but life doesn't come so rosy and to get what we want we have to work for it and pay the ultimate price. Life keeps throwing in different challenges and I guess to pick the right challenge you would go an extra mile to archive it. Yeah, probably not especially when your life is two sided. Falling head over heels for two hot billionaires Luca and Weston who are brothers? probably weren't the best idea. Now I am left in confusion of whom to choose and spend my life with. Trying to live a life suitable for their class was very challenging not until Camila Jones who swore to make my life a living hell! Yes, that's right. A very popular actress who swore to be the death of me. Now grips me and makes it her life mission to destroy me no matter what it takes. Love can be really crazy if you ask me but what makes it even crazier is doing something you would regret at the end and that was a lesson I had to pay for. I know what you all may be wondering? Don't conclude yet till you hear the end of my story, ok? You can't balm me. If you were in my shoes you would definitely do the same. Note: viewer's description is advice. Strong words and scenes are observed in this book. Please be mindful.

Kimberly_Obayi · Teenager
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9 Chs


Two - Sided Lover 


9:00 Pm

Five minutes later….

 Eva is seen sitting down on a sofa opposite the room that Weston had been admitted into.

Lucas is driven out of the wardroom by one of the assistant doctors in a wheelchair. Eva quickly rushes towards him in fear, hoping everything is well with Lucas.

" H…how is he doing?" Eva asks the doctor.

" He'll be ok, he just had a panic attack due to the shock he experienced." The doctor tells her, giving her a note.

" Huh? What is this for? " Eva said, going through the lengthy paper.

" These are the things you'll need to do to keep Lucas from harm. So far, the shock has affected him badly and he needs to be taken care of properly, to avoid any complications." He tells her, giving her a pat on her shoulder. 

soon after…

Weston is finally examined and discharged from the hospital. Though not as his usual self but a memory of his past life. 

" Ehm! Miss Eva." goes the doctor

" Yes, I'm here," she replies, snapping out of her thoughts.

She immediately takes a slow glance at Weston who came out together with the doctor. 

" Oh, God Mia! I've missed you so much! I thought you had gone but here you are finally back into my arms." Weston grabs Eva by her hand and pulls her close for a hug. 

Eva couldn't believe that this had happened, still in shock, she could only stare. 

" Weston…" She gets interrupted.

" Shh, you don't have to say anything my love. Finally, you and I would be together at last and make the promises we made to each other come true. He tells her holding brushing her hair from her eyes.

" What promises did we make to each other?" Eva asked, drawing herself away from Weston.

" Have you forgotten my love? We made a promise that no matter what happens to us, we would be together forever and finally get married to each other." He tells her, taking her hand slowly while gazing deep down into her eyes.

" Huh? What?..." It's fine if you have forgotten my love but I haven't forgotten and will never forget what we shared. I love you Mia and I will never lose you ever again to anyone. I promise." He tells her and hugs her warmly.

Moments later…

Eva packed up and seeing that Weston is getting better, she decides to leave for home but gets interrupted by both brothers. 

"Eva, Mia…" both said at the same time.

Surprised, they both slowly turned to one another and exchanged facial unpleasantries. 

" What?" They both said at the same time.

" What do you mean?" They both said again.

" Ok, Weston snaps out of it already, me and you both know this is Eva for goodness sake! Lucas tells Weston aggressively.

"Woah woah woah, now, I don't know what you're talking about but I'm trying to talk to my girl," Weston tells Lucas who gets more upset.

" Your girl? Are you serious now?" Lucas closed in on Weston by a meter away.

" Yeah men, my girl. I don't want you to look at her, come close to her, or even talk to her. So, back off, she's mine." Weston tells him, pushing him on both shoulders.

" Oh, you're on! Bring it, man!" Lucas tells him, grabbing him by his collar.

"Enough! Both of you! Aren't you both tired of fighting!?" Eva yells harshly at the top of her voice.

" But he started…" Lucas gets cut off by Eva.

" I don't care about what you both have to say! ok? I can't believe this is happening?" She sighs in disappointment, shaking her head.

" Mia, what's the matter my love?" Weston asked her, getting a bit closer to her.

" For real man? Your love? huh?" Lucas faces Weston, clutching his first.

" Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Weston replies to Lucas who seems very devastated.

" Ok, that's it, dude, you've crossed the line." Lucas launches himself towards Weston but gets stopped by Eva's voice.

" Don't even…you know what? I'm leaving. No, no one is following me back home. I can perfectly find my way on my own" Eva tells them as she quickly storms off in anger. 

 Minutes later…

Ticking 9:30 pm…

Lucas and Weston head back home as both guys are completely exhausted. Meanwhile, Lucas' mom still gets worried about her son Weston as she wanders helplessly in the house waiting for a response.

*Honk* *Honk* The car horns….

Immediately the gate flew open by the gate man who came out from his quarters.

The car drove in and parked in the middle of the house. The lights from the car turn off and the engine stops. 

Lucas was first to open the door of the car, while his brother trailed alongside him. 

" Where are we?" Weston asks as his eyes search the same environment.

" Home" Lucas replied, knocking twice on the silver glass door. 

"Who is there?" Lucas' mom asked in fear.

" It's me, Mom, Lucas. I'm with Weston." He replies to her, tapping his feet on the ground.

Moments after…

She opens the door and sees both of her sons. She immediately wrapped her arms around them crying helplessly, Finally seeing her two sons.

" Oh Mom, we're not dead," Lucas tells her freeing himself from her tight grip.

Lucas immediately heads off inside, unbuttoning his top, and immediately goes up to his room.

" Aren't you going to have dinner? It's your favorite?" She tells him.

" No Mom, I'm tired." He tells her as his voice echoes and disappears within the walls. 

She turns to Weston who keeps glancing around the house in complete confusion.

" No, no, no! Tell me it's not true, did you lose your memory, my son?" She asked getting close to where he stood.

" Huh? Sorry, who are you? Weston asked, staring deeply into her eyes.

" I…I'm your mother, it's me, Weston, please remember me." She tells him as words can't escape from her lips.

" My mother?" Weston replies.

" Yes, son. I love you so much! Just don't forget me, ok?" She tells him, clasping her two hands on both sides of his face.

" Ok? Mom?" Weston tells her. 

She slowly brings him for a hug, sobbing more and more emotionally. After a few minutes, he returns the gesture hugging back his mom. 

sobbing continues…..

At Eva's house…

10:30 pm…

Eva finally arrives back home, completely exhausted. She decides to cool off and takes a shower. Dressing in her night wear she has her dinner. Checking her phone for any notification, she sees two missed calls and a message from Weston.

" Mia beloved, home you arrived home safely? It hurts me you had to leave like that without even saying goodbye. Still, know my love for you hasn't changed and will never change. I promise to love and protect you no matter what it costs. Have a good night's rest. I love you." 

Read the message on Eva's iMessage app.

" Oh God! What did I do to deserve this? Was it a mistake or a trap? At what cost? All because of a lie? She sighs in deep regret, dropping down her phone.

Not much later, she gets another notification text on her phone but this time to an unknown number, which read;

" I know what your motives are, who you are, and the game you play. Meet me by Gardens height by 7 am if you don't want your little secret to be revealed. Ps: XOXO" 

Eva's phone falls out of her hand, her heart racing in her chest. What would be her fate? would she be exposed for who she is? 



Hi everyone. I don't even know where to start but I am so so so sorry for not writing for 3 months now. I was in school and I had a lot of things doing and I had to sort out a lot of issues. I hope you forgive me for my poor zeal in writing. I'm here to let to know I'm back and ready to continue.

Kimberly_Obayicreators' thoughts