

What is Life without ups and downs? A life of what I always dreamt of almost coming to a reality but something was missing which I couldn't just understand? What was it you probably would ask? I don't know but life doesn't come so rosy and to get what we want we have to work for it and pay the ultimate price. Life keeps throwing in different challenges and I guess to pick the right challenge you would go an extra mile to archive it. Yeah, probably not especially when your life is two sided. Falling head over heels for two hot billionaires Luca and Weston who are brothers? probably weren't the best idea. Now I am left in confusion of whom to choose and spend my life with. Trying to live a life suitable for their class was very challenging not until Camila Jones who swore to make my life a living hell! Yes, that's right. A very popular actress who swore to be the death of me. Now grips me and makes it her life mission to destroy me no matter what it takes. Love can be really crazy if you ask me but what makes it even crazier is doing something you would regret at the end and that was a lesson I had to pay for. I know what you all may be wondering? Don't conclude yet till you hear the end of my story, ok? You can't balm me. If you were in my shoes you would definitely do the same. Note: viewer's description is advice. Strong words and scenes are observed in this book. Please be mindful.

Kimberly_Obayi · Teenager
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9 Chs


Two - Sided Lover


" Hey bro, miss me?" Said Weston, walking inside Luca's office.

Lucas stands still, looking straight at Weston who makes his way closer to him. He smiles, slightly bending down, and gives him a pat on his back;

" Let's get to work shall we?" He tells him, whispering into his ear.

Looking up, he noticed a beautiful Lady who stood still but gazes at him. He approaches her, taking a slow glance while raising up his eyebrows he says;

" Hello Miss, what's your name?" He asked her.

" Oh…M…my name is Eva" She replies nervously adjusting her clothes.

" What a beautiful name. I'm Weston, Lucas' younger brother." He said, giving out a smirk.

Lucas quickly turns around and walks straight to Weston who tries to be friendly with his secretary.

" Enough Weston! I have invited you for a job and not to flirt with my secretary." He tells him, looking straight at Weston's back.

Weston exhale out of anger and turns his front to Lucas telling him;

" You still haven't changed huh? Temper…." He tells Lucas heading to where his desk is.

Ava stood silent, watching the two brothers argue things out. She could only wonder what problems the two brothers are facing.

Clearing her throat she speaks….

" Ehmm, can I be excused sir?" She asked Lucas.

" Yes of course, If I need your assistance with anything I'll let you know." He tells her, heading to where his brother was.

Eva immediately turns around and leaves, closing the door behind her.

Moments later…

Lucas and Weston finally agree on how they would start up the project of the company and the things they would need to make the project a success.

" I guess this is it then? Thank you Weston for your assistance. I guess that would be all." Lucas said, getting up from his chair.

" Don't forget the deal Lucas." He tells him, getting up from his chair.

" Oh that's true, I'm sorry I forgot. What do you want in exchange?" Lucas said to him dusting off his suit.

" It's really simple, I want your secretary Eva" He tells him, smiling at him.

" What?! Is this some kind of joke?!" Lucas glaring at him grabbing him by his collar.

" No beloved brother, it's no joke. I want her now! Weston angrily removes Luca's hands from his collar.

In the heated argument Eva enters the room without our knocking and finds herself caught up in a heated situation.

" S…sorry, I'll come back later" She says turning around to leave just before Weston stops her from leaving.

" Hold on Miss, you came at the right time. I was about asking my beloved brother for my promise in return. " He tells her, looking back at Lucas.

Eva, still confused , didn't really understand what was happening. He looks at Lucas who immediately throws away his face to Weston's direction.

" Lucas, what deal does he mean?" Eva asked, looking firm at Lucas who still kept his gaze at Weston.

" Nothing." Lucas replies mutedly.

" What? I can't hear you, Speak up! " Eva yells , walking towards him.

" I said, nothing!" Lucas yells back, really infuriated.

Eva gets upset by the whole situation and decides to ask Weston who seems rather calm and relaxed.

" What'd go on here! What deal are you asking for?!" She pleaded with him.

" Well, if you must know, I asked your boss here that I want something valuable of his and he agreed. Now, I want it from him." Weston tells her, pulling out a chair.

" What's the thing that's valuable to him? Eva asked Weston shakingly.

" You" He says;

" Excuse me? me?!" Eva said shockingly, turning to Lucas who just stood still in his shadows.

" Hey! Lucas! Why aren't you saying anything?! answer me?! do I look like a trophy of some sort to be won over?! Don't keep quiet and answer me?!" Eva yells bitterly at him crying.

" I'm so sorry Eva, If I knew it would have led to this, I wouldn't have agreed in the first place! I was tricked ok? " Lucas replies filled with regret in his eyes.

" Ok, ok…What do you plan on doing huh?" Eva asked him, as she reaches out for Luca's arm.

" I'm sorry…I can't do anything at this point. It's a deal and my brother wins again." Lucas said, sniffling softly beneath his breath.

" No, no, no, no! you can't be serious?! Lucas it's me! me! Eva! I can't believe you would do this to me?!" She tells him slowly, taking her hand from Lucas' arm.

She couldn't believe what was happening, as fear and anxiety dawned more on her than usual. She feel to the ground on both knees weeping bitterly.

" Now, now come on my dear, don't spoil your beautiful face. let me make things easier for you." He tells her, bringing out a gun pointing it at Luca's direction.

" What would it be? leave with me or watch him die in front of you. "



Sorry for the late update. Hope your enjoying the story so far?

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