

What is Life without ups and downs? A life of what I always dreamt of almost coming to a reality but something was missing which I couldn't just understand? What was it you probably would ask? I don't know but life doesn't come so rosy and to get what we want we have to work for it and pay the ultimate price. Life keeps throwing in different challenges and I guess to pick the right challenge you would go an extra mile to archive it. Yeah, probably not especially when your life is two sided. Falling head over heels for two hot billionaires Luca and Weston who are brothers? probably weren't the best idea. Now I am left in confusion of whom to choose and spend my life with. Trying to live a life suitable for their class was very challenging not until Camila Jones who swore to make my life a living hell! Yes, that's right. A very popular actress who swore to be the death of me. Now grips me and makes it her life mission to destroy me no matter what it takes. Love can be really crazy if you ask me but what makes it even crazier is doing something you would regret at the end and that was a lesson I had to pay for. I know what you all may be wondering? Don't conclude yet till you hear the end of my story, ok? You can't balm me. If you were in my shoes you would definitely do the same. Note: viewer's description is advice. Strong words and scenes are observed in this book. Please be mindful.

Kimberly_Obayi · Teenager
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9 Chs


Two - Sided Lover


Gasing deep into Eva' s eyes, he feels strange and didn't understand what feelings her felt. He moves slowly, almost brushing his lips on her. Suddenly his office door flies open without a knock.

" Lucas?" A man in his 30's said , dumbfounded at the situation he saw.

Lucas immediately drops Eva on the ground in shock clearing his throat nervously.

" Nothing, Pretend you saw nothing. Why didn't you know before entering my office?" Lucas fights back angrily.

" S…sir, I'm sorry for not knocking, it was an emergency which needed your attention." The man gulped, swallowing down his saliva.

a harsh and yet sweet voice yells out to Lucas who is still in ranged as he tries to calm himself down..

" Hey! I can't believe you dropped me on the ground on purpose!" Eva tells him getting up and dusting off her cloth.

" Not now missy…. Just go and get the files." He tells her returning back to his desk to work.

Eva still upset turns around to take her leave and makes eye contact with the strange man.

" What are you looking at?" She tell him stomping off with her heels on her hands.

Lucas takes a deep breath, sighing out in relief.

He invites Mr greg to take a seat adjusting his suit.

" What is it you came to ask me?" Luca's tells him, swinging on his chair.

" r…right, I came to give you an update concerning the blueprint of the company. We discussed building our company into an exquisite style but unfortunately we need some materials to start off the work." He tells him bringing out the blueprint of the company.

" Ok and what are the materials?" Questioned Lucas.

" We need woods, painters and wiring to round off with the job." He tells him pointing at the drawing.

" We already have that, don't we?" Lucas ask him, collecting the file from him.

" Unfortunately no, that's why I was hoping you would invite your brother to assist you with yhe remaining items." Says Greg in a stubbled manner.

Lucas laughs and takes down the file he held and clears his throat.

" Is this a joke? you're really funny." Lucas said, still laughing out profusely.

" It's no joke sir, I knew you wouldn't like the idea but we have no choice." He tells Lucas who laughs uncontrollably.

Lucas glances at him and stands up. He hands the file to Greg and says.

" Take it, I'll think about your suggestion. " He tells him.

Greg immediately stood up and gave a polite bow before taking his leave. He closes the door behind him and leaves.

Moments after…

Lucas gets uneasy with what Greg told him, he sees himself sweating and brings out a handkerchief to wipe away his sweat. He loses his tie mid- way away from his neck and exhales.

" Damn you Weston, of all people." Luacs said, taking his cell phone from his pocket.

Starring motionlessly at his phone, he hesitates a bit before dialling his brother who he saved as " Devil" After two rings and no response l, he dials for the last time. Finally his picks up talking like he has just taking rounds of shot..

" Yo! Lucas, my man!... surprised you called. What's my big bro calling me for?" He says drunkenly.

" Not that I'm happy to hear your voice but I need your assistance on a project." He tells him camly.

Weston gives out a mocking laugh….

" Yo!... Your kidding right? I mean a whole Lucas Davis , is asking me for help?" He tells him still laughing.

" look! Are you going to help me or not! " Yells Lucas who gets in enraged trying to calm himself.

" Tssk, Tssk,... Temper bro, temper…I thought you needed my help. This is no way to talk to someone you need help from." Weston tells him sipping a drink.

Lucas doesn't say anything and drops his phone on his desk.

" Ok, fine I'll help you only in one condition." He tells him.

" What's your condition?" Lucas replies back to him picking up his phone.

" Is easy man, all I just want is something of your position that you value a lot. Very simple, can we strike a deal then" Weston tells him drinking more than ever.

" Alright fine , no problem, it's a deal. When would I be expecting you? " He says calmly.

" As soon as possible, just let me round off with my meal. " He says, kissing a lady over the phone.

" Babe! you have been keeping me waiting, I want to get more of you, come on now!" The strange woman tells him.

" As you heard Lucas, I don't want to keep my mistress waiting. See you soon Lucas and someday you should try getting laid, it feels so good!" He tells him and immediately hangs up the phone.

Lucas inhales sharply, putting Eva on call.


" Yes Lucas?" Eva answers.

" I want you to come to my office immediately and don't forget the file I asked for. Lucas tells her, hanging off.

Eva, still upset with the incident that happened between them murmured underneath her breath.

" Get me the file…I need you in my office now…." Who does he think he is anyway! with hid stupid face and incredible smile, oh fuck!...Eva, snap out of it, his way out of your league." She says, hitting her head gently.

Five minutes later….

Eva knocks again and opens the door to Lucas' office. She puts on her slippers she found in her bag revealing her actual height without heels.

" Here's your file sir!" She tells him, dropping it off as she tries to take her leave.

Lucas was somewhat mesmerised by her height and found it cute. He gets up and walks towards Ava.

" Thank you." He tells her m, grabbing her hand slowly.

" Oh not again, don't try to woo me Mr Lucas, I'm still upset with you." She tells him, taking off her hands from him.

" Why?" he asked.

" You left me to fall down, do you know how embarrassing it is? " she charges at him in range

" Ok, missy, rela…" Eva cuts him off immediately.

" It's Eva! Don't call me missy! Got it?!" She snaps at him.

" Ok, Eva I'm sorry, okay? I didn't know how to handle the situation at the moment. Just don't be mad at me for too long." He tells her , reaching out for her hand again.

Before she could reply back to him, Lucas' door opens and standing in front of Eva waa Weston Davis, Luca's junior brother.

" Hey, hope I'm not late." He says smiling , standing so firm and elegantly.

Eva's attention quickly reaches this stranger as she stands speechlessly wondering who this new stranger is.
