

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · sci-fi
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16 Chs

Mysterious Man

**Back at A.W.A.I.T's HQ - Green Division**

The duo, Nathan and Keith, reunited with the division's team leader, Commander Jade Williams.

Jade: Something's amiss.

Nathan: Perhaps a gas leak or something.

Jade: A gas leak wouldn't cause such a massive explosion, and there would have been warnings.

Keith: There was an unusual situation before the explosion.

Jade: Continue.

Keith: The waitstaff at Saint Carvin seemed occupied with Mr. Brown's spectacle. It began when I overheard "code red is intact" from one of them.

Nathan: What's your point?

Keith hesitated, grappling with the complexities of the situation.

Keith: You're the analytical one; you tell me.

Nathan: It's been a long day, and I can't precisely pinpoint things right now. Besides, thinking is hard work.

Jade: Keith is implying that the explosion is linked to the workers at Saint Carvin, but why?

Keith: There have been several explosions recently. I believe they might be connected.

Nathan: Today's explosion, the incident at Justin's, and the villain attack—all tied together.

Keith: Except today's explosion wasn't caused by villains but by ordinary people.

A thoughtful silence enveloped the room until Jade broke it with an epiphany.

Jade: Hold on, all these explosions share a common thread.

Nathan: What's that?

Commander Jade approached a flat transparent table controlling a large screen, displaying a plethora of information.

Jade: Based on the data we gathered, there's a recurring element.

Keith and Nathan focused on the big screen, intrigued.

Jade: Look at this. In all three locations, a representative of a major company was present.

Suddenly, realization dawned on Keith and Nathan—Mr. Brown, a representative of Rise-Corp, was at Saint Carvin.

Nathan: Mr. Brown from Rise-Corp was at Saint Carvin today, meaning they're targeting individuals with influence.

Jade: Not just influential people.

She tapped on the transparent table, revealing additional information.

Jade: These representatives aren't just influential; each of them is responsible for providing equipment and resources crucial for the country.

Nathan: But what's their motive? What are they after?

Jade: That's another mystery we need to solve.

Turning to Keith, Commander Jade folded her arms, launching a pointed question.

Jade: Out of all three representatives, two are safe, but one is in dire straits. Why didn't you evacuate Mr. Brown? Why leave him behind?

Keith attempted to evade the question, avoiding eye contact, but he reluctantly responded.

Keith: I ran out of time, that's all.

Commander Jade remained skeptical, not buying his explanation.

Jade: You rescued everyone swiftly, but you expect me to believe you ran out of time?

Interrupting the growing tension, Nathan stepped forward.

Nathan: It's been a challenging day for all of us. Let's go home, get some rest. It's late already.

Jade: I have a meeting in 10 minutes. I'll take my leave.

As Jade headed towards the exit, she paused.

Jade: Nathan, I need you to investigate the reasons behind the explosion starting tomorrow. And Keith...

She hesitated, swallowing the words intended for Keith, before leaving the room.

Nathan: You know she's right, don't you?

Looking at Keith, who still stared at Jade's departure, Nathan continued.

Nathan: Why didn't you save Mr. Brown?

Keith: I did save him, but I returned him once the explosion's intensity had diminished.

Nathan: Why?

Keith: He's alive; there's no need for you to concern yourself with him since he's not dead.

Keith walked towards the exit, and Nathan followed.

**Meanwhile, somewhere in Salton City - California**

In a tumultuous gathering of people clad in eccentric attire, celebration and chaos reigned.

Sweat and dust filled the air as bikes roared around. Sections of half and fully naked individuals engaged in violent and intimate activities.

A loud horn from a truck silenced the chaotic scene, drawing everyone's attention to the top of a building.

A colossal figure, 6.8 feet tall with a massive build, emerged. The crowd fell silent, bowing before him.

Hatchet: Fellow citizens, rejoice not in premature jubilation, for the struggle against hero society persists.

He continues to deliver a hate-filled speech, outlining his plans to dismantle the hero society and seize dominance.

Hatchet: As the orchestrator of chaos, I relish the impending clash between their feeble valor and my unrelenting malevolence. Let the embers of hope smolder, for I shall extinguish them at my leisure.

Hatchet: The heroes may stumble, but the true test lies ahead—a crucible where their futile efforts will either crumble to dust or ignite a spark that could defy my calculated machinations.

While Hatchet delivers his speech, a comrade beside him notices something below, prompting Hatchet to pause and investigate.

Hatchet: You there, come forth.

As he gestures, all eyes turn to the person Hatchet is pointing at.

A masked man, clad in a black ninja-like armored suit with an array of weapons, catches the crowd's attention. Unlike the others, he refuses to bow down.

Hatchet: Come forward.

The crowd makes way for the mysterious man, accompanied by murmurs and speculation.

"What's he thinking?"

"He's surely going to die today."

"I think he's new here, is he?"

As the path clears, the masked man begins to walk, while Hatchet and his three trusted comrades take an elevator down to join the crowd.

Once they reach the crowd, Hatchet examines the mysterious man from a distance.

Hatchet: Are you new here?

Silence hangs in the air as everyone awaits a response.

Dagger: Are you deaf?

One of Hatchet's trusted comrades shouts.

Veil: The name's Veil, and I'm not here to talk to you. I'm here for him.

He points at Hatchet.

Razor: Is this some kind of joke? Kneel and apologize, and we might spare your life.

Ignoring the warnings, Veil approaches Hatchet, narrowing the gap between them.

Veil: It's better not to make more of this than it is. Let's just talk, you and me.

Hatchet smolders at Veil's words.

Hatchet: Do you know where you're standing?

Veil, now face-to-face with Hatchet, maintains direct eye contact.

Veil: Yeah, I'm standing in front of a brat who's not worth my time.

Hatchet, displeased, sees Razor tearing up his clothes to reveal his slender stature and long metal claws.

Razor: How dare you!

He rushes towards the masked man, attempting a deep cut. However, the masked man dodges effortlessly, piercing Razor through the heart. In response, the masked man swiftly rolls out a gun and blows off Razor's head.

Veil: Ahh, that was my favorite bullet. What a waste.