

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · sci-fi
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16 Chs

I know him

Natasha: Nathan, there's no need to spend that much time arguing with a loser like him; let's just leave instead.

Nathan: Hmm, you're right, I guess.

Stella: It doesn't look like this idiot is planning to let us go. We planned a perfect day and met two hot guys, but this loser is ruining it all.

Feeling insulted, Rose had had enough of the drama, so she clenched her fist and walked towards table number 18.

Rose: You know what, let me just go over to him and give him a piece of my mind.

After seeing Rose, Natasha and Stella ran straight to Rose to stop her from adding more fuel to the fire.

Natasha: Rose, stop; there's no need to...


**BOOM!!!** 💥💥💥

From inside the restaurant was a large explosion that brought down the entire three-storey building to the ground. Dust and debris filled the air as chaos ensued. People screamed, and emergency alarms rang, creating a scene of panic.

In an instance, Nathan quickly shielded Natasha, Rose, and Stella, ensuring their safety amidst the chaos. Keith, with his keen instincts, reacted swiftly and dodging falling debris.

In the aftermath of the explosion, the once elegant Saint Carvin restaurant now lay in ruins. Tables and chairs were scattered, and the air was thick with dust. Emergency services rushed to the scene as survivors were evacuated.

Mr. Brown, who was near the epicenter of the explosion, was now disoriented and injured. Lana, his secretary, was nowhere to be found. The once confident and powerful CEO was now humbled by the unforeseen turn of events.

Natasha, Rose, and Stella, while shaken, were unharmed, thanks to Nathan and Keith's quick thinking. They gathered themselves amidst the chaos, trying to make sense of the situation.

Nathan: "We need to get out of here. This place is not safe."

Natasha: "But what about Mr. Brown?"

Nathan: "He brought this upon himself. Right now, our safety comes first."

As they made their way through the wreckage, the gravity of the situation began to sink in. The explosion had not only disrupted Mr. Brown's plans but had changed the course of their evening in a way they could never have anticipated.

Emergency services filled the whole place, but they were shocked to find everyone who was at Saint Carvin out of the explosion site and uninjured. There was a little bit of confusion, but they didn't pay attention to that yet; instead, they were more focused on helping people.

"I don't know what happened; I was inside Saint Carvin, and next thing, I found myself out here."

"Don't worry about that, ma'am; just tell us how you're feeling."

A woman trembling in fear and shock was being calmed by an emergency service worker. She wasn't the only one who was gripped by shock.

Natasha, who had just found her way out of the debris, heard this woman and wondered to herself. "Why is she still alive? What happened here?"

She couldn't remember a thing that happened a few seconds ago, as she was blinded by the light from the explosion and fell on the floor.

Natasha: How are we still alive? We were at the middle of it all, so what's going on?

Stella, who was with a tearful Rose, looked at Natasha and wondered too. But she was more concerned about Rose, who was in tears and trembling, thinking about how she saw death face to face today.

Then Stella looked around and saw Nathan away from her, helping people and was happy that they're all safe. But then she realized that Keith was missing, and then she ran straight to Nathan.

Natasha: Your friend Keith... He's not here!

Nathan looked straight at Natasha, but she was shocked to see Nathan smiling back at her. Then she heard a voice from behind her.

Keith: Hey.

With a very slow reaction, she turned to see the source of the voice that spoke was Keith. And once again, she was glad, ran straight to Keith, and hugged him.

Keith: Woah, woah.

Natasha: I'm glad we're all safe.

Keith: Yeah.

Natasha would be depressed if she had lost her "love-at-first-sight" after meeting him for the first time.

Natasha has been a very beautiful lady from birth and was treated as a God-sent queen. From the age of 5, she has been receiving marriage proposals from different rich men who want her in their family, but she didn't seem to like any of them. Now 28, she still receives those kinds of proposals, and her parents are beginning to complain.

"I will only get married to someone I like, even if he's poor. I'm rich enough to make him rich too." Those were the words Natasha kept throwing to her parents every time.

Now that she finally found someone she's attracted to, she can't lose this opportunity.

A few minutes passed, and the police along with the press arrived at the scene.

At this time, everyone was already calm, and the press then began to question people who they think might respond to them.

"Were you inside Saint Carvin when it happened?"

"How did you get out?"

"Who do you think is responsible for this?"

Loads of questions like this were thrown at the victims of the explosion. A press lady who was finding it difficult to locate someone to respond to her then found Keith, who was attending to a woman who can't find her child amongst the heavy crowd.

"This fellow looks like someone who cares."

Then she ordered her cameraman to follow her, and they both rushed towards Keith.

"Sir, may I ask you some few questions?"

Keith then turned to look and saw that it was a press lady and her cameraman. He stared at them and was quiet for some few seconds before saying something.

Keith: Yeah.

Hearing this made the press lady happy.

"Alright sir..... Can you tell us what really happened here?"

Keith: An explosion happened.

**Meanwhile at the hospital where Seth was:**

A nurse came into the room and dropped some food on the table. Beside the table was Seth, who was silently staring out of the window.

"Nurse: Sir, here are some foods to entertain your stomach; if you need anything else, please tell me."

Seth was still silent and kept staring out the window. The nurse felt a little worried for him and decided to cheer him up a little.

"Nurse: Alright, let's watch some interesting shows then."

Then she picked up the television remote and tuned it on. She continued to change the channel to find something of interest to watch.

"That's what happ..."

Hearing this voice made Seth turn his eyes away from the window and look straight at the television, but at this time, the nurse had already tuned away from where he heard the voice.

Seth: Go back.

Nurse: Sorry?

Seth: That news channel, go back to it.

Nurse: Oh, alright then.

She then tuned through different channels before arriving at the News channel and stopped tuning.

Nurse: Alright, here you go; do you need....

As she turned her face to Seth, she was terrified by the gazing look on Seth's face.

Voice from television: Alright thank you for your time Mr Keith.

Seth saw Keith and was staring straight at the television, eyes wide open.

Seth: That man just now, where is he?

The nurse, standing still, could feel a very terrifying aura from Seth and sensed she could lose her life if she dared to move. She replied with a trembling voice.

Nurse: No... No, I don't know where he is. Do... do... you know him?

Seth, with his eyes wide open, turned his head slowly to look at the nurse.

Seth: I know him.

Feeling extremely terrified, the nurse then offered to assist Seth, as she felt she could die if she didn't.

Nurse: Let me... let me see where the news is broadcasting from.

So she looked at the television to find the news headlines scrolling at the bottom of the screen.

Nurse: There was an explosion at Saint Carvin, Tamoha, USA.

Nurse: The news is broadcasting from Tamoha, United States, that's where the man is located.

Then she turned to look at Seth but found a very disturbing sight. Seth folded himself and was murmuring to himself.

Seth: Not now, please, not now.

The nurse was confused and decided to ask if Seth was alright, so she went towards him while he was murmuring to himself.

Seth: Please no, please not now.

Nurse: Sir, is everything alright?

She then stretched her hands towards Seth to pat him on the back but was sliced into multiple pieces by unseen slashes flying everywhere, while Seth still murmuring to himself on the bed, unaware of what just happened.

I feel there are some grammatical errors in my story.

I need your feedback on them and also on how I can improve.

_XEDI_creators' thoughts