

why did you leave me !!!!

_XEDI_ · sci-fi
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16 Chs


Two minutes later, the A.W.A.I.T sweep team arrives to handle the aftermath, and the sweep unit leader approaches Keith.

Anthony Manchester: Mr. Keith, we have quite a mess here, don't we?

Keith Hether: Sorry for the trouble I've caused you. If I had been here earlier...

Anthony Manchester: No, there's no need for that. The chaos would have continued if not for your intervention.

The sweep unit, responsible for dealing with the aftermath of supervillain attacks, takes charge of the situation. Anthony Manchester, the leader of A.W.A.I.T's American sweep unit, is present today, rare for him but motivated by a chance encounter with the renowned superhero - Nova.

A buzz from Keith's earpiece interrupts.

Commander: Alright, bone breaker, send yourself back to HQ. We've got things to do.

Keith: I'll do that after I attend to the submarine failure beneath the Pacific.

Commander: Alright, once you're done, get your ass back to HQ and don't make me call you about it.

The commander abruptly ended the call, and Keith saw the little girl in tears.

moved by her distress, knelt down to her level and gently asked,

Keith: Hey kid, where are your parents?

The little girl shook her head, sobbing uncontrollably. Keith comforted her with a reassuring pat on the head and promised,

Keith: Don't worry, we'll find your parents.

Turning to the sweep unit leader, Keith issued a firm command,

Keith: Make sure you locate her parents. If you can't find them, contact HQ. If you do find them, there's no need to call.

The tone was resolute, the language clear and concise.

Anthony Manchester: No problem, there's no need to worry too much about the kid, I'm sure she'll be alright

Keith steps forward, staring at the sweep unit leader for a moment before vanishing into thin air without a sound.

Sweep Unit Leader: Damn, that guy's speed is on a different level. Well, let's get back to work, shall we?

He continues to give orders to the police force and the sweep unit members.

Meanwhile, in a different country, a young, pale-skinned boy with white hair and a skinny frame scavenges for food in a dumpster.

His eyes resemble those of someone with cataracts or someone cold and lifeless. Hungry and desperate, he stumbles upon a restaurant, drawn by a sweet aroma. He mindlessly devours food at a table, causing a disturbance.

Waitress: Hey kid, this is no place for homeless paupers. Shoo!

Despite protests, the boy continues eating, appearing controlled. The manager intervenes, but the boy growls back, showing animalistic behavior.

"This kid got guts"

"What's he doing here"

"What kind of a place is this that allows such a thing to happen"

"Damn he smells, someone please throw him out"

These words were made by the people who were dining at the restaurant.

The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly shifted as a man with a bold mohawk hairstyle caught everyone's attention. It was clear he was a gang leader, with his crew of tough-looking guys standing by his side.

As the commotion escalated, the man rose from his seat with a menacing glare. He strode purposefully towards the homeless boy, his movements exuding aggression. With a swift motion, he flipped over a table and delivered a chilling threat that sent shivers down everyone's spine. The tension in the air was palpable as onlookers held their breath, unsure of what would happen next.

Gang Leader: Leave or I'll help you leave this world, you brat .

Unfazed, the boy moves to another table, infuriating the gang leader. Angry, he grabbed the boy by his arm and lifts him up, ready to strike but a menacing smile stops him.

Back at the A.W.A.I.T HQ, Keith arrives, greeted by a woman in a black tights gown — the commander.

Commander: Must I fix your mess every time you make a mistake?

She smirks and walks toward HQ, with Keith questioning her decisions.

Commander: You were tasked with bringing him back for a reason, yet you chose to act independently. As a consequence of your actions, your monthly pay will be reduced by fifty percent. This is your punishment.

She reveals a significant cut in Keith's monthly income, prompting a swift response.

Keith Hether: Fifty percent is a lot.

The commander leans in with a provocative suggestion.

Commander: If you can handle a nuclear explosion, surely you can handle a little "cut" from your income.

She walks past him, and Keith follows, contemplating the challenges of working with such a commanding figure.

Keith Hether: Women, already a catastrophic entity, making one a commander is seriously a threat.

The words echoed in the commander's ears as she walks away, prompting her to make a decision.

Commander: Let's make it an eighty percent cut.

Keith, who was walking behind her, overheard and reacted.

Keith: Keep fucking your money, I don't need it anyway.

The commander stood her ground.

Commander: Then we have a deal.

Keith: Hell no