
Twisted World

The world isn't as simple as people think. Where ever there is light, there are shadows. Shadows give significance to the light. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666 Will a boy with the eyes of Death survive in this world?

Nightcorex11 · Bücher und Literatur
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36 Chs

Hunt 2: Ghoul

I entered the school cafeteria, looking for Jack and Nathan. It wasn't difficult to find him with his features. Vampires are generally known to be good looking. I found their seat, looks like they didn't start the discussion. It's easy to say that I will not be able to keep a low profile. Nathan is the most popular kid around, such family, good-looking with bronze hair and green eyes.

The mysterious boy got easily accepted into the school, now having with the richest kid in the town. I ignored everyone and took a seat among the supernaturals. I am not going to lie, this all weird to me. It isn't easy to accept everything so easily. I still remember how my hands were shaking while I was tranquilised the Ice-cream man. Now, I am having lunch with a vampire. He used a spell so no one can hear us.

Nathan: "We have a new hunter in the town.", he said looking at me. He could sense the mark on my chest.

Me: "A trainee, actually. Not a certified hunter. And, sorry about your brother."

Nathan: "Don't worry about it. I didn't like him anyway, " his expression tells otherwise.

Jack: "Why did your family try to kill me?"

Nathan: "Because of your blood."

Jack: "That's not a valid reason, " he grew angry.

Nathan: "Look, this world isn't a unicorn fairyland. Everybody is here for themselves. You think the DE is helping you; just because they care about you. No, they want you because you are a valuable asset. A divinity living in a mortal shell. You are nothing but a pawn in this game."

Jack just sat silently. Both us cannot refute his points.

Nathan: "This is just a game for power. All of us are just pawns in this game."

Are we really just pawns? Jack because of his powers. Me because of my dad.

Me: "Nathan, don't you have a family? Your b...Your parents?"

Nathan: "You are really a pawn. Do you really think they care about me? You have no idea how it's like to be a vampire."

"A puppet is free as long as he loves his strings. I don't want to be one, " saying this he left the table.

I want to object but I can't. DE is using use like pawns for their agenda. Jack just sat there silently. He has comprehended this situation as I did.


Poor guy, he doesn't have much time left.


-Time skip-

Everything has changed. The words of Nathan are haunting me. I still haven't talked to my dad about this. I tried to lay low but I was already famous in school. I am still trying. Next few days, I spent my time at home studying monsters and training at the shooting range. I am now prepared for my next mission.

Good news is; Jack got into the football team. With his new enhanced physique; he is one of the best they got. My dad ordered him not to use his strength to a limit, and not use his wind power at all. Nathan hasn't come to school since we last met. Don't know what he is doing.

My next target: Ghoul

This one was truly a monster. This was created by a rogue vampire. Ghoul has enhanced strength and speed, but with one slight problem, he eats humans. The vampire tried to make a small army of ghouls which is illegal. DE got the news and they raided the place.

As you can imagine, this one found a way to escape. After a while, you would think these DE agents would do a better job, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

This mission might not have been so bad, but I was given strict orders that Ghoul was to be brought back alive. All my lethal weapons were stripped and replaced with tranquillizers strong enough to bring down a rhino. I put in a request to have a partner for this assignment, but of course, I was swiftly denied.

Last time I was attacked by a ghoul, my face was about to be eaten. If it wasn't for Jack, I would be dead. Time to face my fears.

Ghoul had taken up residence in a forest far away from town, this might not have been so bad if not for the fact this forest had an extremely popular hiking trail. There had always been frequent disappearances in the forest, a lot of them chalked up to suicides, but since Ghoul had escaped, that number had amplified significantly.

The DE did me a solid and got the trail shut down for the weekend, so it would just be me and Ghoul, I wouldn't have to worry about anyone else getting in the way. I've always wanted to go on a hiking date, but this wasn't quite what I had pictured.

I set out into the forest looking for signs of his nest. I had made sure not to shower all week in preparation, if he came to me it makes my job of dragging him back to my vehicle a lot easier, and I'm sure he would get hungry eventually.

After about an hour of following markings and footprints that I assumed had to belong to Ghoul, I began to come across bones, human bones. So, I was getting closer.

I followed the path for a few more minutes before I began to hear noises, looks like my date had arrived. I heard tree branches shaking, as he drew nearer. After only a few moments he was standing on a large tree right in front of me. He looked down on me, studying me. He has 2 months of life left, it's not his time yet.

He really wasn't that big, maybe 5'6 with an average frame, but looks can be deceiving. His skin was a sickly yellow, and his hair had begun to recede as if he was an old man, but he was clearly much younger. His eyes were pure white, no longer containing anything else.

After a brief staredown, he jumped. There was a good 50 feet between us, so I thought I would have a few seconds to ready myself but I was wrong. As if he was a video game character he soared from the tree and landed directly on top of me.

I had just enough time to pull out a tranquillizer and shove it into his side, but it wasn't enough. Despite the strength of the tranquillizer, he seemed relatively unaffected. He shrugged it off and proceeded to take a chunk of flesh out of my shoulder.

I lay helpless as he began to chew my flesh, I knew it wouldn't be long before he went back for seconds. I struggled to pull out another tranquillizer, I managed to pull another one out right before he began to lunge in for another bite.

I jammed the second tranquillizer directly into his neck, I felt his teeth begin to lock on to my own neck, but before he bit down, he passed out.

I let out the biggest sigh of relief of my life and pushed him off of me. I placed the special restraints I had been given for him on, making sure the muzzle I was given for him was extra tight. I wasn't sure how long the tranquillizers would last, but hopefully long enough for me to deliver this monster.

Despite missing a chunk of my shoulder, I escaped alive. This was just one monster that a vampire had created, I could only imagine how strong Nathan is. How strong that girl is, who killed a group of them?

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