

Ahnur said to run...but I didn't exactly listen... instead I stayed. Bad idea. At that exact same time he said run, a half angel half demon guy charged through the bushes at Ahnur. Ahnur stood his ground and embraced the tackle. As they tumbled off, another figure appears...a large black werewolf...he glared at me as if he knew who I was. I stood up, but was then tackled by the wolf. I used my tails to grab him and pin him down, but that angel demon appeared and snatched me backwards and into a nearby tree.. stunning me. Ahnur was no where in sight. I started to worry. I tried to get up, but was knocked down again. I used my tails to snake around in the grass and grabbed the werewolf by his feet and flung him away. As soon as I did this, the angel demon hit me with a really hard left hook and I hit my head on a stump.. knocking myself out....