

"..had to do it.. hope he forgives me...grrr. get outta my mind!!" I think as I finished off Wolf. The music is controlling my mind. I have to find a way to stop it... but I can also use it to my advantage as well. I have a bigger plan for us that I thought of long ago.. no one knows about it. But I hope Wolfie will catch o to it soon.. especially on the night of the blood moon.. that day... will be the one that determines the world's fate. All the gems I gave away... the daggers I had to take back...me reaching my monster state which I need to learn to control... it all has a bigger part I my plan. Hopefully it will succeed and we all can leave from this safe and sound.. well almost everyone... I don't plan on making it... I want to make sure everyone else is safe. And I believe my sacrifice will provide the everlasting peace everyone deserves to have. We all need it...