
Twisted Secrets

I'm...so... dead. It's Luke Matthew! Run and escape only to be beaten another day or plead for mercy making promises to forever be his slave and still get beaten up. Yeah I'm taking the first option. I quickly jump on my feet hoping to make a beeline for the janitor's closet, when I'm suddenly yanked back by my hair - ouch! this mop of brown hasn't seen a saloon in months. Mind being gentle? " Doesn't this just bring back old memories, love? " Luke drawls in his annoying British accent. Okay, so you bumped into him on Friday last week, you shouted at him after and might have called him a number of names one of which was an idiotic butthead with an oversized ego. Then you've been avoiding him all week. You can't exactly blame the guy for having a personal vendetta against you. *** “ You seem to enjoy playing with fire.” Nikon says without looking up as he attends to some papers. “ I don't like being disrespected. ” I tell him coldly. *** He feels it's all revenge. But has this need to protect her. He doesn't know when it started. But later realizes it doesn't really matter. What happens when Linda's past comes looking for her? What happens when she realizes what she knows about her past isn't all there is? And what happens when she gets herself tangled up in secrets so twisted they might get her killed? Follow Linda on her journey as she grows into a strong female with so many secrets to uncover. *** Please support this author and check out my other books * Burning Hatred: Entwined Destinies ( it's a fantasy romance ) please help me with your support *My sexy greek God matchmaker ( completed) And Please note that the cover is not mine. Mafia Teen fiction filled with lots of mystery and secrets. You're not going to find any other book like this. Mystery, action, romance and so many more await you. Just add this to your reading list, then sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks

Myst3ryqueentory · Teen
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171 Chs


So sorry for updating late.

Linda's POV

I don't want to wake up. God, please no. But once again, I'm awake and it hurts so bad. Why do I have to be awake? I don't like being awake.

I try deluding myself once more.

Maybe it's all a dream.

" dad " I call out, hearing my raspy voice which hasn't been used for sometime makes me start crying all over again.

I hear the door silently creak open and look up to see my dad. " daddy "

" hey baby girl " he replies looking so sad.

" I think I had a nightmare. I saw the old guy, he cccame to get me, him and his people and then... "

The look on his face makes me realize that it's not a nightmare, it's worse than a nightmare, it's reality. " you promised that you won't let them get me please don't. Do something, anything... " I say crying hysterically.

" I'm not going to let them take you away " dad says pulling me to him. " I'll never let anyone hurt you again. Just be strong for me Linda, okay? "

I look into his eyes and I know everything's going to be alright. " okay "

" it's time to stop running from them. Let's face them. " he says looking long and hard at me with determined eyes.

He's right. I'm not gonna be afraid anymore.

I put on my best front despite the fact that I'm breaking up inside and force myself to give dad the reply he wants to hear. " alright, let's face them. "

He gives me a tight, sad smile and leaves the room.

After three days of hiding out in my room, from those horrible people, I hope I don't crumble down today when I finally meet them.

I detach myself from everything going on and get ready as best as I can.

I pick out a dark blue trouser, yellow crop top, pin my hair up, apply a bit of makeup and grap the car key next to me. Now I'm ready, as ready as I can be, to face my grandfather, Nikon Alonso, the Mafia boss.

~ ~ ~

We all sit down in the living room, silently watching, wondering who would speak first, waiting for someone to do something. For my dad and Nikon Alonso, it's an intimidation ploy, for Miguel, his mother and I, simply a waiting to see what happens next.

I can't sit here forever, I need to see Esperanza.

" well this was fun, but I have more important things to do than sit around playing dumb. " I say standing up with a blank face.

I can see the anger slowly come into my Nikon's eyes, never his face always his eyes, dark with so many secrets and evil. But as always, it's gone just as soon as it came. This is what makes him the best in the field, his ability to hide his emotions. His voice fills with authority as he says " sit down Isabella. "

I hide my shaking hands behind my back as I raise my head defiantly and answer him. " why I should? " I ask smirking a little. " it's not like I'm one of your dogs. "

Miguel looks at me blankly but I see the warning in his eyes, while his mother looks a bit scared. Nikon's jaw clenches tightly in anger and his eyes light up with a kind of madness I've never understood. But despite that he still manages to hold it back.

I turn my back to them and make my way to the door.

" Imelda was my daughter just as she was your mother. You were never alone in your grief. " Nikon says in his deep voice, filled with grief.

I turn back, confused. " why would I grieve for her? She abandoned me, left me to die. "

For the first time Miguel spoke up. " Your mother would never do that... "

" that was exactly what she did! " I explode with anger. " She gave me some bullshit story about getting me a coat, asked me to wait in the cold, I was freezing, waiting for her to come back. " I feel the tears dropping, down my cheeks but I can't even bring myself to wipe them, can't bring myself to care. " she never came back. "

" yes she didn't come back Linda because she was hit by a car when coming back from wherever she went to. She died on impact, clutching a blue coat. "

" you're lying, you're just trying to cover up for her! " I scream at him, not wanting to believe what he told me.

" he is saying the truth Linda. " Dad says quietly.

I look at him and immediately see the guilt in his eyes. " she hasn't been alive as I've been leading you to believe. She did die that day. I only found out after sometime. "

I can hear myself taking in harsh breaths. I don't want to be here anymore, he lied to me. I head for the door quickly, I can still hear dad following me.

" I was going to tell you, but the therapist was against it. She said it would only make your condition worse. " I can hear the fear in his voice. " Linda please, I didn't mean to keep you in the dark. "

But I needed space, I needed time. " could you leave me alone. I just need to be away from here right now. Don't worry, I won't run away. I just need some time to myself. "

He tries to hug me but I step back and look at his face, the sadness and guilt is there staring me in the face. Even knowing that I will hurt his feelings, I can't let him hold me right now.

I run into the garage and get into my Ferrari.

I need to see Esperanza, but I can't burden her with my troubles. I need to find a place where I can get myself together. Where do I go? Where do I go?... Luke. I ccan't go there, he lied to me. He's not even my friend. I can't trust him. I'll call Leah.

She answers on the third ring. " Linda are you okay? I've called you several times, sent you about a hundred text messages but you never replied to any. I even did the same with everyone else but no one is replying. What the hell is going on? All those people showing up at your party, God it was so scary. I don't understand... "

My phone must be blowing up with phone calls and text messages but I don't even know where it is. I'm barely aware of what Leah is saying and she probably doesn't know about what the boys were planning to do behind our back, to think that she just started dating Dave.

" are you home? " I ask cutting off her worry rant.

" yeah. " she replies without hesitation.

" I'm coming over I'll tell you everything when I get there. " I hang up quickly, cause knowing Leah she'll probably start ranting about something else again.

I arrive at her house within five minutes as it's not all that far away. After greeting the parents, she drags me into her bedroom. " now tell me everything, including why your eyes are so red and puffy. " And so I did. I almost regretted doing so, when I saw the blank mask on Leah's face. But she had to know. " so he basically was playing with me. I mean he said he likes me but it was all a lie. How could I have forgotten that Dave was a player. God I'm such a fool. " she says looking down, her eyes gleaming with tears which drop slowly.

I feel bad for telling her all these but I hate keeping secrets from Leah, she's one of the most important persons in my life and this also had to do with her, so it's best she knew.

" Esperanza probably doesn't know about what's going on you should tell her and go comfort her. Right now she needs you and if you don't tell her she'll probably kill you in your sleep. "

" but what about you? are you fine? Stupid question, of course you're not. I can't leave you like... " I ask feeling sad that she's hurting.

She hits me on the head.

" ouch! Leah! " I move away from her slightly, rubbing the spot where she hit. " you didn't have to do that. "

" I'll hit you over and over again if it means knocking some sense into your head. You stupid bitch, I'm the one who is supposed to be the supporting friend! Being there when you need me, not wanting to leave your side. But I'm too broken up to be there for you. Am I fine? Of course I'm not fine. But am I the one who just found out that she's been hating her wonderful mother who died trying to take care of her? No! I'm just the one who was stupid enough to date a player. Nothing is okay Linda cause you're not okay. My friend is not okay. I'm so sorry Linda, I'm so sorry. " she says crying her heart out.

I hug Leah as she breaks down in front of me. Leah one of the toughest people I've ever known breaking down, is all it takes for the dam to burst open. So we hug each other for some time and cry our hearts out.

Author's note

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