
Twisted Scent

There is nothing more relaxing than coffee like attending a prestigious school in your local town filled with homicidal(ish) yanderes, isn't it?

God_Of_Laziness · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Eheh~ Where are you, Jason!"

A voice tantalizing yet horrifying echoes through the creaking hallway. It seemed as if the temperature goes down every time she speaks. Hair as white as snow, her figure dainty and small, grey tinted eyes that seems to devour anything that moves. Wearing a peculiar school uniform stained in blood, she searches from hallway to hallway, giggling and crying. Sporting a hurt face like an aggrieved housewife, and then morphing into a sadistic face after.

The "Jason" in question was currently hiding in the teacher's room while shaking.

"Shit, shit, shit. No one told me Shieera was a crazy woman!!!" Jason screams in his mind. He stiffens as he hears footsteps coming from the door in the room besides his. A sound of someone searching the room intensifies until it cooled down. Jason knew that she would search the teacher's room next and there's nothing he can d- scratch that. He remembers pipes connected besides the room's window, as he would prank his teachers by throwing crumpled paper at the window. He could hold onto one of those pipes while sliding down until he can land and run to the police station for help.

Jason knows he has to act fast or else she'll catch him and who knows what things she will do to him. He shudders as he imagines her off-putting stare at him this morning. It should be a normal day for him yet one event led to another, which lead to now.

'I can't waste more time thinking about this.... I can do this, I can do this...."

Jason, quietly and slowly, moved towards the windows and reached for the handle opening it. Wincing slightly at creak, he climbed and stepped on a wooden slab connected to the wall and held the pipe with his hands. Taking a deep breath, he slid down keeping the pace slow to not hurt his hands from the friction. Once he went down, he immediately run like heck to the local police station 3 blocks from where he is now. In the same window he escaped, the girl hunched forward, looking at him with a sinister smile.


"Clink, clink"

"Linton Police Sation, how may I help you."

"Ha- Haa... Please, you have to help me. T-there is a girl called Shieera Collins c-chasing me, and she k-killed my classmate in front of me!"

Jason said in hurried breaths, earing looks both the policemen and the crowd inside the station. All eyes locked into him, some you might expect fear or surprise, but all had the same indifference.

Jason waited for someone to end this silence, but none came. When he looked at them, they were apathetic towards his plight and can even say that he may as well be the wind passing by.

"W-why aren't you s-saying anything? Do you think this is all some joke??" Jason, frustrated, tries to do something about the wrong behavior of the police until he felt a prick in his right arm. He looks behind him to see a guy in a suit inject a syringe of a blue liquid in his arm, while holding a phone, on a call with someone.

Jason tumbles for a second until falling in the ground. His vision blurry and hearing slurred, while he felt absolutely tired. Before he closed his eyes, he sees a glimpse of Shieera coming inside the station until everything turned black.

All the people inside the police station including the policemen and the guy in the suit left the place leaving Shieera and the sedated Jason. Shieera slowly crouched towards the sleeping boy cand cradled his head between her lap.

" Jason." she said, ruffling his silky black hair with her fingers. "Why do you have to make me do this, you silly dense idiot... If only you chose me, this would not happen." she spoke with a bitter tone yet her face looked satisfied as she looked at her prey.