

could real love and commitment happen between an arrogant CEO and a bullheaded delivery guy

zamirah01 · Urban
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24 Chs

going all the way

It had been an endless war ever since Noah woke up in the early afternoon after his medication and another bag of fluid. Zamir had suggested he quit his job or atleast the delivery job and focus more on his writing.

Zamir had been quite surprised infact when Helen had told him Noah was a writer hence the reason why she borrowed his pen was so he could use a fancy pen at his book signing. He understood she had been trying to cheer him up since all the money he made was used to clear debts but he was sure Noah didn't need a fancy pen at a book signing, his good looks were enough and that was also the reason why he was insisting that he leave the delivery job.

Zamir still refused to speak to Noah even as the sun began to go down. He knew if he wanted Noah to quit that job, he would have to be equally stiff necked as Noah was. So he continued to go back and forth, making sure he doesn't give Noah enough space to breathe peacefully while persistently causing mild annoyance with his ranting.

Meanwhile, Noah who couldn't wrap his mind around Zamir's ceaseless bitching over his job remained unmoved despite how infuriating Zamir sounded. He would have understood if he was nagging him about his night job but he was more bothered by a day job just because he passed out on some supposedly promiscuous guy while delivering.

"what?" he snapped when he was suddenly pulled by the arm jolting him out of his thoughts

"what are you being angry for, I was just trying to help you up so you can have dinner" Zamir shouted back.

He bit his lower lip nervously when Noah only pursed his lips in response and was sending him chilling glare. Zamir swallowed and moved from one foot to another anxiously, he didn't mean to shout at him, he just responded that way for some reason... sigh... "i'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you"

His apology seemed to work because Noah got up and walked past him to the kitchen where the food was already set.

Zamir walked slowly to the kitchen counter and sat on the stool next to Noah. and dished out the meal on their plates. He stole a short glance at Noah when he noticed he didn't touch his food

He was about to speak when Noah decided to start eating.

Zamir cleared the plates and while he was washing, he could feel Noah's eyes boring into his back. He managed to finish cleaning up without giving in to his instinct to turn around.

later that night, Zamir sat in bed reading a book while Noah layed on his back with his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He couldn't bear the silent torture anymore so he closed his book and turned out the bedside lamp, letting the moonlight and other city lights flood in through the full length window.

"Noah" he called softly but he didn't get any response. Biting his lips, he moved closer and turned Noah's face towards him

"i'm sorry, i_ i really am. this cold treatment isn't fair" he said rubbing his thumb on Noah's chin but Noah was having none of it, he just scoffed and turned away giving Zamir his back.

Zamir moved closer again and this time he started toying with Noah's hair "I said I was sorry" he whined quietly

Truth be told, Zamir had never had to beg anyone like this in his entire life, even his father wasn't this difficult to handle and so he wasn't taking this cold treatment Noah was serving him well just because he raised his voice at him.

"okay how about you turn around and tell me how I can make it up to you" he said hoping Noah would jump at the opportunity but that didn't happen..

"c'mon baby I promise I won't do it again"

"baby I..." he flinched when Noah suddenly turned around to face him with a serious look "I won't do it again" Zamir repeated quietly

"don't do it again" Noah warned and Zamir was quick to nod his head in agreement.

He was pushed on his back and Noah got on top of him looking down at him like a predator that's circling around his prey. The prey in this situation had come to terms with his plan to make Noah leave his job blow in his face so he was more willing as he parted his lips letting Noah's tongue dominate his mouth.

Zamir moaned into the kiss when Noah's hands wandered under his clothes and his fingers squeezed at his nipples. Noah broke the kiss and focused on the other part of Zamir's body as he started planting wet kisses all over Zamir's face before moving to his neck leaving a burning sensation wherever his lips touched.

He roughly tugged at Zamir's shirt before pulling it over his head and sent it to the floor. He licked at Zamir's neck while his hand roamed about his naked upper body.

Zamir gasped when his neck was suddenly bit on, he was about to protest about Noah leaving marks on him when his lips was assaulted again in a hot kiss which ended as soon as it had began when Noah decided to use that mouth of his elsewhere.

Zamir shuddered in pleasure when that hot mouth descended on his nipple. He grabbed a handful of Noah's hair as pools of pleasure began forming in his entire body and he had become a moaning mess by the time Noah's lips found his again.

He was partially aware as Noah pulled down his pajamas pants along with his brief which was also kicked out of the bed to wherever the shirt was.

"ohh" he moaned when a rough hand grabbed his penis and squeezed it gently before it started pumping it torturously slowly.

"you_oh... hmmn... you're still clothed" Zamir managed say bringing Noah's attention to his face again.

"yeah" Noah said and planted another kiss on Zamir's lips before taking his hand off. He layed on his back and pulled Zamir up to straddle him.

He chuckled when he saw how flushed Zamir's face was "you look like a blushing bride" he teased making Zamir pout

"how about you help me take off my clothes"