
Twins of breeding dragons from today

A child has gone to world of breeding the dragons from today with a mysterious system that was created with own imagination, with the help of his power he wanted to change the world and fate of many things to the way he think is right. Both twins are connected souls after their birth in this new world but they both don’t know about it. Only character genesis Edward and other related belong to me. And all other content as a whole belong to the respected writer of the Breeding dragons from today, have all credit for that part. I am just trying create the fan fiction of that story. This story will be very similar to the story of Breeding dragons from today for first few chapters but it will completely change in next chapter. ( Cover photo of the story is not my creation and credit of it belong to the original creator, and if creator want me take down the photo or change it then comment on any paragraph. )

Genesis_writer · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Talents of twin in magic

"Congratulations, Mr Edward. "

The old man in black robe smiled.

"Mr Edward both young masters indeed has the talent to become a magician. Talent of Young Master Joelson is not low, arena the middle level, and talent of talent of Young Master genesis is middle level as well."

"It can be considered a pretty good talent."

Everyone in the Edward family was ecstatic.

When Joelson saw his father, Morgan Edward was so excited that the thick beard on his chin trembled slightly. When he moved to other side, he saw his younger and twin brother who was looking so cute with his puppy dog golden eyes.

However, Joelson's mood continued to sink, and his expression did not look good.

This was the sixteenth year since he transmigrated.

That's right, he was not originally from this world, but had transmigrated from Earth.

The world here was similar tot he medieval times of the Europe continent his previous life, where feudalism and slavery coexisted.

Joelson's father, Morgan Edward, was an aristocratic baron who owned a small territory.

Although it was only in the country side, not in the big cities of the empire, ha had often heard stories from bards since he was child alongside his twin about powerful sorcerers who could use powerful magic, terrifying monsters who could easily destroy villages and towns, and powerful knights who killed monsters.

In fact, he had personally for the first time with whole Edward family witnessed the existence of real extraordinary power today.

The white-haired old man with a long beard and a mage hat in front of him was a real mage.

Just now, he had demonstrated magic in front of everyone and used a fireball spell. A fireball was ignited out of thin air, and power was not small. Although it was not powerful magic, it was only a demonstration of magic, and it was indeed extraordinary power.

Beard wore a black robe with two golden strips on the left side of his chest. It represented that he was a level-two mage who had been certified by the Magic Unison of the Alcott Empire.

And a mage was the rarest and most respected profession in the entire continent.

Their status was far higher than that of ordinary people. Even a noble with noble title could not be compared to a mage!

Morgan had paid a huge price to invite this passing mage to the castle to conduct a talent test for his children.

In the end, he was the only lucky person who had the talent of a mage.

"Talent of Both Young Master is similar to mine, perhaps even better than mine."

The old mage, Beard, looked at joelson, and other little kid beside him named genesis in surprise.

He had come to take the test for the reward money. If not for the fact that he had spent all the money, with his status, he would not have paid any attention to a country aristocrat like Morgan, let alone take the talent for his child.

But he did not expect to actually meet not one but two individuals one young man, and second a child to have talent of a mage in this small country. At that both talented people are twin in actual. their talent was not low.

Even Beard felt that Morgan was too much lucky to have such a small chance.

An ordinary noble had given birth to two sons and both with medium-level magic talent, and his title would definitely rise at the skyrocket speed in the future.

"So, in the future, Both can at least become a level-two magician?!"

Morgan could not hide his excitement and excitement.

Beard nodded, "In theory, yes."

However, Joelson did not look happy.

He did not want to have a medium-level mage's talent. When he tuned around he could see his younger brother with same expression as his on face of disappointment, he thought to himself that 'looks like his brother was thinking same as him'.

The reason of him not being happy is that, if he studied little by little until his beard turned white, he could only be able to become a second-level mage like Beard.

Although Joelson did not know much about the strength and status of mages, it was clear that this second-level mage was not a very powerful existence. Otherwise, even if the other party spent all their travel expenses, his father would not be able to hire him, a mage was not something that could be hired just by having money.

Joelson was a little depressed, as same with genesis.

He had waited for a whole sixteen years for medium mage talent.

Where was the golden finger of a transmigrator? This was not the treatment that a transmigrator should receive!

In the eyes of Beard, depressed look of both Young Masters was instead regarded as a sign of maturity. But this look on face of Genesis surprised him because of his seemingly low age.

Beard suddenly thought of something. He took out a notebook with a yellowed cover from his loose black robe and handed it to Joelson.

"I hope it will be of help to you. And don't forget to share it with your younger brother. Hahaha."

Joelson accepted it, nodded in affirmation and politely thanked him.

Beard happily left with hundreds of gold coins under the gratitude of Edward's family. He did not stay any longer.

Just by spending a little time and giving him an apprentice's notebook that was no longer of any use to him, he could exchange it for a generous reward that was enough for the commoners to spend decades.

This was what a mage was like. He had a high status, so it was really easy for him to come quickly.

At night, under the dim yellow light, Joelson slowly opened the notebook that Beard had given him. But at that time Genesis came to him which he expected because they always stay close, and genesis always insist on sleeping together with his older brother, and staying close from when he was little child. Then genesis sat beside him and stared on the notebook.

The words that twisted into a ball made him frown.

Most of the words in the notebook were bragging about the mysterious and powerful power of magic. The remaining part was ridiculing how profound and difficult magic was. There were only a few mysterious and difficult magic names that occasionally appeared, it made the notebook look like a notebook about magic.

As this was going on, Joelson heard the voice of cute brother saying, "oooh, it's too complicated." Joelson teased his brother and started to explain everything on notebook to Genesis with calming and soft tone.

However, it was not of any practical help to Joelson.

He turned to the last page of the notebook.

Joelson's mood suddenly became excited.

On the last page, there was a wizard's "Meditation technique" and a few difficult-to-read magic spells.

The old man, Beard, had a conscience.

Joelson read and explained the "Meditation technique" carefully several times.

Then, he sat on the bed, followed the instructions of the meditation technique, and began to "Meditate" for the first time in his life.

Although the meditation technique was used by a magician to practice, the steps were actually very simple. There were only two steps in total.

The first step was to sense the magic elements in the air, and the second step was to capture and absorb the magic elements into one's body.

Although these two steps seemed simple, for people without magic talent, even if they worked hard for a lifetime, they might not be able to do it.

Joelson closed his eyes, and countless colorful light spots immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

This was the first step of perception. These dots of light were the magic elements in the air.

In his memory, he had been able to do it at a very young age. This step was not difficult.

The difficult part was how to use his mind, which was also known as the spiritual power of a mage, to capture those flexible magic elements.

Finally, Joelson knew why his magic talent was only medium.

Because it took him a long time to barely absorb a light spot into his body.

The moment the light spot entered his body.

A voice suddenly sounded in Joelson's mind.

"Matching energy detected."

"System activating..."

"Creating space..."

"Dragon God Ranch system activated successfully."