
Twinkle ➵☽║ Nomin FF

A mermaid AU Fanfic "Your eyes twinkle like the ocean when the moonlight hits it." "And so does yours." A 22 year old Na Jaemin, who is a merman. A university student at Sogang University in South Korea. In this alternate universe, humans and mermaids were on good terms, making the expose of mermaids more often on land, also increasing the population of them. A secretive Jeno has hid his mermaid identity for a long time, until he invited Jaemin to come over to his apartment and discovered the truth. Warning -a lot of texting -some mature content -violence The books' song - River Flows in You by Yiruma [piano and violin], Breathe by Years & Years, Latata by (G)Idle [English ver.] -Minri

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12 Chs

하나 ➵ 1


"Mom, dad?" He woke up to the shouting of the people around the city, he swam towards the door, just to see his mom being dragged by the unknown mermans.

"Stay where you are! It's not safe out here!"

"But... mom!"

"No! Stay there. Don't come out!"

"But I can't leave you out there alone!" He swam out, only to be attacked by the other mermans who seemed like they came from the Southern Ocean by the colour of their tails.

They shoot out ice, hitting him on the tail making him sink down to the sea floor because of the weight that's carrying on his tail.

Feeling the cold slowly entering between the scales, it damaged his tail, his whole body felt cold and that's when he thought he's going to die. He blacked out because of it.

Just then after the fighting ended, a boy around his age, who is also from the Southern Ocean troop who attacked them, came over towards him and examined his condition. He melted down the ice and picked him up, swimming up to the surface where the warm sunlight is.

He let him float around on the surface while he's warming up the other's tail to get rid of the icy feeling.

That's when the poor boy groaned, slowly waking up but still not fully conscious.

He then pulled him down slowly, not wanting the boy to see his face as he swam back down to where his home is. He left him by the rock as the boy's eyes started to open. He left after that, but still stopping midway to see if the boy is really okay.

He turned around and saw that the boy had already sat up. He smiled, and left.


"Hey guys, look." Jaemin said and directed his phone at Renjun and Chenle. "Isn't it beautiful?" He said excitingly, referring to the beach that was in the picture he was showing to his best friends.

"It's nice." Renjun said then continued to go on his phone again, which left Jaemin pissed.

"What do you think Chenle?"

"It looks good. Why?"

Jaemin gave both of them an unsatisfied look. "Don't you guys have a sense to beautiful sceneries, geez." He said and paused for a minute, "I want to go there but I'm scared to go alone." He looked up and looked back to back between Renjun and Chenle. "Will you guys go with me?"

"Let me think." Renjun smiled, "No."

"We're going swimming right?" Chenle asked in curiosity, his inner merself is showing.

"Um, yes? If not then I wouldn't be inviting you guys."

"Sure, why not?" He smiled and they both looked over at Renjun, convincing him that it'll be fun. And Renjun's going to be in control of everything, including applying the rules.

"Pfft, yall can't make me go."

"Oh, okay if you don't wanna go, fine. Enjoy life." After that being said by Chenle, Renjun felt the cup of water in his hand started to shake and his hand started to get ice cold.

"Okay! Fine, I'll go!" Both Jaemin and Chenle stopped what they're doing and smiled smugly at each other after getting Renjun to come with them.

"Hm..." Jaemin's lips pursed into a thin line.

"What's wrong?"

"I think we need to get some more people in, that'll be even more fun."

"No." Renjun quickly said while shaking his head. "Handling both of you is hard enough, I don't want to take care of other people."

"Just invite your close friends, or maybe bring your boyfriend with you?" Jaemin winked and smirked at Chenle, and Chenle just knows that Jaemin was talking about him.

"Tch... there's no way I'll bring him."

"Psh, yea right." Jaemin rolled his eyes then continued to scroll down the phone again.

Then they heard Chenle groan. They both looked towards the boy, "I have a class right now, see yall later." He said, standing up and grabbing his phone and bag with him.

"Okay." Renjun looked back down at his phone after saying goodbye while Jaemin just watch Chenle walk away.

Renjun then was the second one to let out a groan. "Aish..." He brushed his hair back harshly as he felt his neck getting tensed.

"Hm? What's with you?" Jaemin asked, concerned.

"Nothing. My professor told me that I and the other students had to meet with him because of a project problem. I'll go now." He said and walked away, leaving only Jaemin behind at the cafeteria table.

He sighed and slouched back on the chair while silently whispering, "Lonely... I'm Mr lonely... I have nobody... for my own."

After staring into the distance and daydreaming for a while, a person came up to him and sat down on the chair in front of him.

He looked up and immediately recognized the face. "Oh, hello Felix."

"What are you daydreaming about? You look so into it."

"I'm just enjoying some alone time."

"Where did Renjun and Chenle go?"

"They have classes, and I'm left alone."

Felix nodded while looking around, his friends are also nowhere to be seen. "Have you seen Chan anywhere?" he asked but Jaemin just shooked his head, signalling that he has no clue where Chan went.

"We both became the lonely dudes..." Felix said and drew circles on the table using his index finger.

They started talking for a little while until Felix notices someone in the distance, sitting down and it looks like he was finishing his homework.

"Hey, look there." Felix tapped on Jaemin's hand and pouted his lips to the direction of the guy.

Jaemin turned around and saw the familiar person that he had been loving all this years. "Jeno?"

"Go get his number while you still got the chance." Felix encouraged him and Jaemin chuckled, "As if he'll give it to me, you know he's the hard to get one."

"You won't know unless you try though..." Felix kept on glancing at the person Jaemin has a crush on. "Come on! Before he leaves."

Jaemin took one last look at him before standing up and walking up to him.

When Jeno saw Jaemin walking towards him, Jeno's heart skipped a beat. It's the boy he saved when he was 16. His eyes are attached to his face as he watched as the younger walks over to him. He snapped out of it, until Jaemin asked him. "Hey Jeno, hope you don't mind, but can I get your number?" He said the sentence without a stutter, completely feeling confident in asking him the question.

"Why?" Jeno asked, flattered by the boy's beauty.

"I just wanted to talk to you and know you more. We can be friends."

Jeno eyed him, playing hard to get, until he saw Jaemin's smile and puppy eyes appear on his face, saying please silently.

He gave up and took Jaemin's phone that he handed and started entering his phone number until Jaemin was being pulled away by Renjun who came from the opposite direction of the cafeteria.

"See you later!" Jaemin shouted, not bothered that his phone was still in Jeno's hand.

Jeno looked at him in disbelief as he slowly disappeared in the distance. He just left without his phone. How am I going to get this back to him when the campus is so big?


"Yah, why are you pulling me away!?" Jaemin asks Renjun who was still pulling him to nowhere.

"You didn't get the message?"

"What message??"

Renjun sighed, "Chenle went dehydration, again. I swear to god that boy needs to learn how to drink water."

"Then why are you pulling me? I can walk by myself, I'm not a baby anymore."

"Keep saying that." They both then entered the restroom, and started calling for Chenle's name until they heard a weak tap on the door of one of the cubicles.

Renjun went over and opened the unlock door and instantly knelt down with a water bottle, then doing what he has to do.

"Chenle looked really pale there." Jaemin peeked around, "Did you not eat anything, Chenle?"

Chenle inhaled in the air as he finally got to breathe. "Do I look like I ate something?" Coughing and eyes fluttering as he gained oxygen.

"Chenle, you need to learn to drink and eat yourself. We're not going to always be around to save you." Renjun said as he closed the water bottle and stood up.

"Alright, I will~" He smiled cheekily as his eyes turned into a straight line, which softens Renjun's heart. "Let's go." Renjun said picking up Chenle from the floor and the three of them walked out of the restroom.

"Wait!" Jaemin stopped and both Chenle and Renjun looked back at him.

"What's wrong?"

"My phone, it's gone." Jaemin said while rubbing his pockets, not feeling anything.

"Are you sure? Maybe it's in your bag or something?" Chenle said, hands in his pockets.

"I don't bring a bag with me today." His face then got a worried look. He looked at both of them with shaking eyes.

"What were you doing before I pulled you over to see Chenle?"

"I uh... went to ask for Jeno's number."

Renjun then fished out his phone from his pocket and started dialing a number, receiving confused looks from the other two.


"Hello? Uh... this is not who you're looking for. The boy will be back soon. May I help you?"

"Here." Renjun passed his phone to Jaemin and he put it by his ear.

"Hey, it's Na Jaemin. The one that asked for your phone number earlier."

"Oh. Well why are you still not here?"

"Are you still at the cafeteria? I'll be there."

"Yeah. And hurry up."

Jaemin ended the call and sighed in relief. He gave Renjun his phone back and smacked his own forehead.

"Woah hang on there why did you do that?" Renjun grabbed his hand before he could smack himself again.

"I left my phone with Jeno. I literally left my phone with Jeno! Ahh... He will go through my phone and see all the pictures that I secretly took of him." Jaemin is currently having a mental breakdown.

"Yo chill, he won't. Now let's go before anything that you just said actually happened."

"You're just making me even more worried!"

"Stop shouting!"

"You shout louder than me, Chenle. Shut up!"

"Both of you shut up!" Renjun spoke up with a more stern voice. He pulled the two with him and silently whispering to himself why his friends are like this.

Once they've reached the cafeteria, their eyes started roaming around to find the familiar boy.

"There." Chenle pointed out and Jaemin walked over to the table while trying to calm down in the process.

He reached the table and put on a smile and a calm face, reaching out his hand to receive his phone. "Can I get my phone back please?"

But Jeno just eyed him, looking at him suspiciously. The boy sitting in front of Jeno just looked back to back from Jeno to Jaemin.

"Don't look at me like that and just give it to me."

Jeno held up his phone and shook it gently. "This?"

"Yeah, now give it-"

"I wonder what kind of secrets you're trying to hide in here, Jaemin."

"No- Don't even think about it, give it back." He reached out but Jeno just pulled his arm back, making Jaemin miss the target and stumbled, almost falling over Jeno.

"H-hey stop playing around, give it to me." Jaemin backed away a little, feeling flustered, his cheeks blush red.

"Why should I give it to you if you left it with me in the first place? You know that's dangerous, what if I'm a bad guy and I ran away with your phone and never came back? How would you feel? You'll feel regret right?"

"Why are you suddenly lecturing me..." Jaemin's voice turned soft, his gaze calmed down.

"Remember my words. Don't leave it with strangers ever again." He grabbed Jaemin's hand, placed his phone on his hand and pushed it back.

"See you around." Jaemin bid goodbye and walked away, mixed feelings taking over him.

"Hey, how did you befriend him?" The boy in front of Jeno said with a smile, then looking back at the boy who reunited with his friends and it seemed like they are joking around and laughing about something.

"He's just a random person that left his phone with me by accident."

"But if it's a random person, how would you know his name?"

Jeno sighed and took a piece of paper, crumbling it and shoving it into his mouth. "It's none of your business, Jisung."

"Yeah... fine." He took out the crumbled paper from out of his mouth and puffed his cheeks out of anger, but then he realized it won't work on Jeno so he just gave up.


[12.14 am]

nana: Hey its Jaemin :3

[1.05 am]

jenojam: ?

nana: why you reply so late

nana: hey btw

nana: there's this sea

nana: a beach maybe

nana: I found it on google map

nana: the water is so beauuuutiful

nana: can we plEAse go there?

jenojam: sea?

jenojam: Jaemin-ah

jenojam: its 1 am

nana: I don't mEan to go nOw

nana: likE

nana: we go on school holidays???

jenojam: there's a lot of assignments to finish nana

nana: nana??

jenojam: I find it easier to call you that

nana: how- okay- good

nana: but

nana: the beach

jenojam: we can go next year.

nana: NEXT YEAR???

jenojam: I mean there's not much to do next year

nana: but but




jenojam: I have a 9am class and 5pm class on Sunday

jenojam: on Saturday, i have a 4 hour tuition


nana: WHY


jenojam: a student* Jaemin

nana: I KNOW BUT

nana: come on jenoooo

nana: Haechan, Renjun, lele, jisung

nana: they're all going


jenojam: hm




jenojam: I'll think about it

nana: WHY




Read 1.28 am