
Twinkle ➵☽║ Nomin FF

A mermaid AU Fanfic "Your eyes twinkle like the ocean when the moonlight hits it." "And so does yours." A 22 year old Na Jaemin, who is a merman. A university student at Sogang University in South Korea. In this alternate universe, humans and mermaids were on good terms, making the expose of mermaids more often on land, also increasing the population of them. A secretive Jeno has hid his mermaid identity for a long time, until he invited Jaemin to come over to his apartment and discovered the truth. Warning -a lot of texting -some mature content -violence The books' song - River Flows in You by Yiruma [piano and violin], Breathe by Years & Years, Latata by (G)Idle [English ver.] -Minri

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12 Chs

일곱 - 7

[May 03, 6.11 am]

nana: ummmm jeno?

nana: I have a request

jenojam: what is it?

nana: can u be my model for my photography project

nana: I'll direct everything, u just have to wear the clothes that my team members made and pose a few times

jenojam: hm?

jenojam: but why me?

jenojam: im not in ur class, nor even the team member

nana: my professor said that we have to find our own team and stuff, it's called a project for a reason

nana: just be our model pleaseee

jenojam: when's the shoot?

nana: we haven't thought about that yet, we're just trying to find a model and style the clothes to fit the model

nana: are you agreeing?

jenojam: when is it dued?

nana: next week Friday

[6.23 am]

nana: please?

nana: don't just leave me on read, if u don't want to just say it, I'll find other people

jenojam: I'm leaving u on read because I'm still thinking about it

jenojam: I'll tell you later in a few hours after I clear up my schedules

nana: okieeee

[11.16 am]

jenojam: I thought of it

nana: really??

jenojam: sure, I'll be your model

nana: okay okay

nana: yeayyyy

nana: so when are you free??

nana: so that we can set up the shooting location, date and time

jenojam: anytime you want

jenojam: just don't do it on a Sunday okay?

nana: okayyy thankyouuuuuu

[May 04, 5.43 am]

nana: hey jeno I forgot to tell u this sooner

nana: the photoshoot is going to be today at 4 pm

nana: is that okay with you? Do you have any classes at the time?

nana: text me when you wake up


Jaemin has been waiting for an hour and none of his teammates showed up. Not even Jeno.

He's been wandering around with the camera in his hand, the lighting and everything is set up but after waiting there for a full 3 hours and the sun is also already setting, he finally decided to clean up and pack everything up.

His feelings are shattered, no one showed up and didn't even text him the excuse on why they didn't come. Just then, Jeno appeared from a distance. Jaemin decided to ignore his presence as he pack up his shooting equipment.

Jeno came running and stopped when he's near Jaemin. "Hey, I'm sorry... something came up and-"

"You could've told me you couldn't come." Jaemin said, hurt and pain can be heard in his tone of voice.


Jaemin sighed as he turned around to face Jeno. "We'll shoot on a different day. My teammates didn't even come with the makeup and outfits. Just go home."

Jeno stood there in silence as he heard those painful words came out of Jaemin's mouth. He watched as Jaemin tried to zip the bag that he put the lights in.

"Let me help." Jeno said but Jaemin stopped him.

"No, I'm almost done. You can leave." Jaemin said as he grabbed the tripod and folded it then putting it in another bag.

True, Jaemin finished packing everything, leaving Jeno standing there silently while Jaemin put 2 bags over his shoulders and pulling the other bag across the ground.

"I'll send you back." Jeno said while he followed Jaemin from behind.

"No need, the dorms are not far from here."

"I'm sorry for not showing up earlier. I want to make it up to you by giving a ride since I've hurt you."

Jaemin stopped and turned around, "I don't need you to make it up to me, Jeno. But I would like to know why you didn't show up?"

Jeno fell silent, his mouth opened to say something but it closed back from being afraid that Jaemin will be even more mad at him.

"Speak up!" Jaemin yelled and he never felt even more regret in his life. He looked down and massaged his temples after all the tension and stress that's been brought up to that certain spot. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted." He brought his hand down while the other remained on his hip.

"If you don't have anything to say, then I'll leave. Sorry, again." Jaemin turned around and walked away, leaving Jeno behind who stood there and didn't dare to move an inch.

A few steps away, a tear rolled down Jaemin's cheek, the feeling of regret, betrayed and guilt is overflowing in him and he knows that this feeling will not go away for a few days.


[May 06, 9.45 am]

nana: hey jeno

nana: looks like we're out of time

nana: there's 3 days left before Friday

nana: the clothes are already done being modified

nana: but I guess the other 2 won't be coming again because of personal issues going on

nana: we'll start shooting today, tell me when you're free

nana: I'll bring all the equipment

jenojam: okay

jenojam: but doesn't that mean u will be directing and styling everything all by yourself?

nana: I have no other choice

nana: but that doesn't matter

nana: what matters here are my grades so

nana: at what time are you free?

jenojam: I'm free at 5pm, is that okay with you?

nana: better than okay

nana: thank you

nana: see you later

jenojam: alright

Read 9.50 am

Jeno's Phone

[9.51 am]

jenojam: hey Hyuck u there?

donghyuck: yeah yeah what's the problem?

jenojam: are u free today at 5pm?

donghyuck: hmmmm yea why?

jenojam: you're good at makeup right?

donghyuck: yes? So?

jenojam: bring all your makeup supplies with you later

jenojam: and meet me in front of the campus park before 5

jenojam: ok?

donghyuck: what why-

jenojam: are you free?

donghyuck: well yes but why

jenojam: I'll pay you 5,000 won

donghyuck: deal


It was already 5 and Jaemin's still fiddling with his camera trying to perfect the settings. He looked around and felt his heart started to tear up again. What if he didn't come? I shouldn't have asked him. There's thousands more of students in this campus yet I chose him.

Just then he saw 2 figures walking towards him, and before Jaemin knew it, it was Jeno coming his way with Haechan.

"Hey." Jeno stopped a few feet away while Haechan kept walking and putting down his bag near the shooting spot, immediately collapsing on the floor dramatically out of tiredness.

Jaemin stood up from his seat, his eyes stuck onto Jeno, "Hey."

Jeno neared in and gave Jaemin one of the ice creams he had in his hand, and Jaemin took it without saying anything. They both sat down on the nearest bench, a bit far from Haechan since they really needed to talk this out.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you that day."

Jeno looked over at him, a clear emotion of worry plastered on his face. "That was 2 days ago, it's okay."

"I can't get it out of my head. I understand if you don't want to work with me anymore."

"Hey, if I say it's fine, then it's fine. Eat up, your ice cream's melting."

Jaemin ate the ice cream as told, the ice cream slowly disappearing as time went by.

"Just so you know." Jaemin said, not looking up from the ground, Jeno's head turned to face him, "I'm lactose intolerant, prevent yourself from getting me more ice cream."

"Okay. If you can't eat more ice cream, what about a popsicle?"

"If it doesn't contain milk and only ice and flavour then yeah, it's accepted."

Jeno's ice cream was finished and he stared at Jaemin until Jaemin notices, eyes quickly avoiding Jeno's when they accidentally made eye contact. "Feeling better?" Jeno smiled.


"Come on guys! Stop being lovey dovey I thought we have a photoshoot here?" Haechan shouted from the place he had been for a few long minutes, he enjoyed seeing the two but it's getting late now and he just wants to go home and sleep.

"Haechan's right, let's go." Jaemin said standing up, his ice cream finished too. "Why did you bring him though?"

Jeno stood up too and patted off the invisible dust on his clothes, looking at Jaemin while doing so, "I thought maybe you needed a little help with the styling since you've done so much already."

Jeno finished with an eye smile and left towards Haechan to get some makeup done. Jaemin's eyes glistened at the thought and smiled for the first time after being despaired for a whole 2 days. He walked towards them and set up some last finishing touches before taking some photos.


"Can I see it?"

"Do you want to?" Jaemin said while waiting for the pictures to come out on the polaroid. "Here, look." Jaemin showed Jeno but even before he could grab it, Jaemin pulled his hand away, his face displaying a cheeky smile, and Jeno smiled along, whining that he wanted to see it.

Haechan was filming them secretly behind a tree and noticed that the two had been really smiley and close with each other as time passed.

"Aiguuu... these kids are too in love with each other and it's so fucking obvious." Haechan said with a snort and played the video that he took a few seconds ago. "I'm jealous." He sighed out.

A few minutes later, the photoshoot session ended and all of them started packing up.

"Alright, I'll see you around." Jaemin said, grabbing all of his bags close to him. A smile overlaid on the pretty boy's face.

"You don't want me to send you back?" Jeno asked with a smile.

"No, it's fine."

"We're walking to the same direction though?" Haechan asked, completely confused.

Jaemin's eyes darted towards Jeno's after it stayed on Haechan's for a while. Your apartment? You didn't want anyone to know about it.

I'll walk with you guys.

Jaemin heard that sentence after quietly asking himself in the mind. A bit shocked at first but after Jeno slightly nodded his head, Jaemin remained to smile. "Okay, let's go."

The three of them walked back to the campus. But Jaemin felt like something is suspicious about Jeno. He kept glancing at the said boy who's talking to Haechan right now.

How did he do that? He asked himself in the mind. Waiting for an answer, eventually he didn't get any. Which is weird.

Jaemin's thoughts went crazy and the curiosity just grows so much in him that he really wanted to know what Jeno's hiding and what his true identity is. Jeno's too calm to be like this, this couldn't be. He shouldn't be. He should be like the other college students, being a playboy, getting girls. He has looks why isn't he using it wisely?

Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows as his thoughts went more deep.

"Jaemin?" Haechan snapped his fingers which successfully made Jaemin get out of his thoughts.

"Yeah?" Jaemin said, trying to get himself together.

"What are you thinking about that made you so into it? We're here already."

"Oh right."

"I have somewhere else to go. I'll see you guys later." Jeno said and left the two at the gate of the campus.

Haechan shrugged and walked away while Jaemin remained there.

"Um, Jaemin?? Please stop being too in love?" Haechan stopped at his steps as he called out for Jaemin.

Jaemin rolled his eyes while tiny ran towards Haechan, tailing him from behind.


[8.15 pm]

nana: attention everyone


lele: *image attached*

lele: here is the recent screenshot of me chatting with him

sunnyhyuck: alright I'm on it

injunie: I'll hack his phone

jenojam: what

nana: jeno, u just stay silent

lele: what-

lele: are yall detectives or smth??

injunie: na, cant access location

nana: try hacking into his recent instagram post

lele: wait why instagram post?

injunie: okay


nana: shh Chenle

jenojam: this is hella weird

sunnyhyuck: I'm analysing text data and

nana: what did u get?

sunnyhyuck: what the fuck

sunnyhyuck: pft we did everything for nothing

nana: what did u get Hyuck?

sunnyhyuck: he's at a bar, he took the selca before entering the bar

lele: that's it?...

sunnyhyuck: no. according to the selca his eyes say something, following with a crooked smile. He was threatened and scared something might happen to you

sunnyhyuck: right now maybe, he's facing with a group of gangsters or smth

lele: what???

injunie: I got in

injunie: I'll record everything, hang on

nana: great job guys

jenojam: what the fuck is going on

lele: I believe its insanity

jenojam: knock off detectives smh


sunnyhyuck: pft yea we're knock off detectives but care to explain that we could track jisung's location?

jenojam: but Jaemin did nothing?


jenojam: yea?

sunnyhyuck: depends on the situation, once finding out where the victim's at and what he's doing, Jaemin is able to control the body of the victim

lele: what

lele: is that a mermaid thing

nana: no-

nana: it's actually a thing I learned to do using my telepathic ability

lele: wHat TEACH ME

nana: it's hard to learn and it's dangerous Chenle

sunnyhyuck: yea, very few people can do it

injunie: got the recording

lele: :(

injunie: (voice message)

injunie: /I'll give u the money and after that leave him alone

injunie: /money is not equal to a mermaid, jisung

injunie: /if I have enough of them, will u please leave him alone?

injunie: /I don't want money, I want him. It's more precious

injunie: /can u just leave us already? What do you even want with ummh-

injunie: /take him to the basement, he's getting some beating up tonight

injunie: (voice message ended)

lele: oh god


nana: obviously yes

lele: oh no this is my fault

lele: it's my fault he's being pulled into this

lele: I thought merfolk and humans are already okay with each other... no what will happen in the future

lele: we'll go extinct no

sunnyhyuck: lele calm down

lele: I can't I can't

lele: I have to go there

sunnyhyuck: no Chenle it's DANGEROUS


lele: but he's in trouble I have to


lele: I'm willing to do anything for him

lele: I'll be back, don't worry

sunnyhyuck: oh my fucking god

sunnyhyuck: Renjun, come follow me catch this boy before anything happens

injunie: ok

injunie: Jaemin, it's in your hands now.

nana: I'm aware of that

jenojam: the fuck is going on

[10.06 pm]

jenojam: is everything alright now or what

nana: it's all fine now I guess

jenojam: what's the work that you did?

nana: I got into jisung. Helping him to foght those guys and escape

nana: **fight

nana: I'll go to sleep, I'm tired

nana: I'll tell the rest later, goodnight

jenojam: okay, nana

sunnyhyuck: he won't remember it

jenojam: huh?

sunnyhyuck: last time we did this, he couldn't remember what he did with the person's body after waking up. This thing drains so much energy from you, it actually kills some of the red blood cells. Resulting to a very pale, very dehydrated body in the next morning

jenojam: so what did u guys do?

sunnyhyuck: Renjun earned a text from felix saying Jaemin looks very unhealthy the next morning that we had to get him to the doctor

sunnyhyuck: it's very dangerous, I don't recommend anyone interested, to learn and do this without experience and supervision by someone

injunie: he almost fucking died because of that

jenojam: then why did you guys let him do it????

injunie: we don't make him do it

jenojam: then??

injunie: he makes his own choice, it depends. If the situation is serious, he'll do it

jenojam: where did Jaemin learn to do this stuff?

sunnyhyuck: I don't know actually

sunnyhyuck: Renjun also don't know

sunnyhyuck: even Jaemin couldn't really remember how and where he got the knowledge from. He's been forgetting so many things these days it actually worries me

injunie: we should stop doing this knock off detective shit for a while

jenojam: wait, when did Jaemin discovered and knew that he could do this?

sunnyhyuck: oh? Uhh 2 months ago ig?

sunnyhyuck: anyways, I'm gonna sleep, this whole chasing Chenle thing is making me tired

injunie: I'll give felix a call to tell him Jaemin needs a doctor next morning

sunnyhyuck: ok. Night everyone