
Twin Switch

The perfectly identical twins, iris and ivy David. Both with different personalities. What happens when iris deceitfully pawns off her sister to her fiancé leading to a deceitful marital quagmire

ugo_miriam · Urban
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Chapter 4

Mary: iris and ivy come downstairs breakfasts ready.

IVY: Mum would surely question iris whereabouts.

I'll be down in a minute mum!!

"I quickly brushed my teeth, entered the shower for a hot bath.. applied my skincare routine,wore a long flare gown and headed downstairs.

MARY: This is a minute huh?

IVY: "Chuckles" Thank you for the food

I sit down to eat

MARY: Isn't iris coming? "my eyes scanned to take a glimpse of her"

IVY: She travelled

MARY: Where?

IVY: Abuja

MARY: Is she gonna be back today?

IVY: Sighs No she won't

she'll be back in 2 days

MARY: Did she inform her fiancee?

IVY: No mum she didn't

less talking more eating mum

MARY: Did she travel to meet a man ivy

IVY: "stutters" No...no she didn't

MARY: "Exclaims" oh my goodness!! what have I done to deserve this. Why didn't you stop her.. you're smarter than this ivy

IVY: Mum we're both adults,I can't stop her

MARY: What if Gabriel decides to pay a visit?

IVY: Iris informed me that she gave him my number as her new number

MARY : "Cries" Ever since childhood,iris has never given me peace.. it's always trouble from her. what did I do to deserve this from iris. I have no appetite anymore.

IVY: Mum please don't do this..you know iris does as she pleases. whether I accept or not she would still go.

I hope she comes back soon

i and mum decides to watch our favourite Filipino series "on the wings of love"

MARY: This series is so interesting

IVY: Very I could binge watch  it a thousand times

they're all so cute..all Filipinos are gorgeous.

MARY : Indeed they are..it made me forget your sisters troubles for a moment.

Honk!! we heard a car sound and quickly peek at the window.

IVY: Gabriel?

what's he doing here? I'm going to room "I quickly head to the room"

Gabriel comes inside

GABRIEL: Gooday mum how are you doing? I got you a gift.

MARY: I'm doing fine and how's Daniel and Ella?

GABRIEL: They're good mum. Mum...is Iris at home she's always the first to rush out when I arrive.

MARY: She's probably busy.. I'll let her know you're here

Goes to ivy's room

MARY: Gabriel wants to see you


MARY: Who else ivy.. didn't you agree with iris to pretend to be her. it's all your fault.

IVY: Mum how do I talk to him

I don't know what they address each other.. I'm scared

MARY: I do hear iris call him babe.

IVY: I can't do this mum!!

MARY: If you had stopped her..this mess wouldn't have befallen us. please ivy just do this.

IVY: Uhmm.. okay

MARY: These are iris clothes,wigs and perfumes

Put them on

IVY:These clothes are uncomfortable I can stay in my outfit.

MARY : You're iris and not ivy

I'm leaving..hurry up and head downstairs.


I'm doing this for you iris.

Gabriel and mum chats and laughs before ivy..iris enters.

IVY: Hi ...

mum sends a daggering stare at me.

Hi babe. "I sit beside mum"

GABRIEL: Babe come sit with me

IVY: Uhm...okay..

*I sit beside him

GABRIEL*: How are you? I missed you so much. I literally can't wait for our wedding.

IVY: "Smiles"

GABRIEL: Why did you get a new number?

IVY: Uhmm..I..I "stutters" No reason I felt like.

MARY:She accidentally dropped her phone into the bathtub.

IVY: Yeah..

GABRIEL: What phone do you use now

can I have a look?

IVY: sure..I just got it

*I give him and watches him stare at it.

GABRIEL*: No! I can't let my wife use such an outdated phone.. we'll get a new phone today.

IVY: Don't bother.. I'm fine with this.

GABRIEL: You're fine? Are you sure? the iris I know can't refuse this

IVY: "smiles" it's fine.

GABRIEL: Okay.. I'll be leaving now

take care of yourself mum

MARY: And you too

Ivy: I'll see you off.

Gabriel: noticing mum had gone inside..I drew  iris closer to me for a kiss but she instantly withdrew herself. You've been acting rather strange today what's up?

IVY: I'm sorry..I have a serious cough..I wouldn't want you to kiss me.

GABRIEL: Okay have you taken medication?

IVY: Yeah

GABRIEL: I can't wait to hold in my arms..I want to do many things to you "smirks"

IVY: "smiles" Get going now.. I'm heading inside

take care of yourself and everyone at home.

Gabriel: Take care of yourself

I love you

IVY: Same

I watch him drive off and head inside

What a day!!