
Twin-Star Exorcist: Rokuro The Gamer

A random poor sod from Earth dies the most cliche death and was transported to a space in where he needs to spin wheels to determine his Fate. "This feels all too familiar, I'm not the main character of a random Fanfiction am I?" No you aren't, shut the fuck up. *Ahem* anyway, now this Poor Sod will be thrust into a reality where he is the center of the Omniverse, will he be able to survive and become a Omniversal Menace? Or will he just be another chess piece of the Gods? ——***—— [Worlds -Twin Star Exorcists -...]

Leip0t · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Great Yang

"Yoshihira!" Asuha called out for Rokuro, the little bugger was currently playing on the grass of his room.

"Mama!" Rokuro flashed her a smile as he gave her a hug and then continued touching the grass and playing in the stream that flowed throughout his room.

'I know it's a sick design but it's still kinda weird how there's a literal stream of water flowing around.' Rokuro thought, the room he was in was wide enough for a whole family to live in but it was just a room.

"Where's dad?" He asked Asuha as she stood at the entrance of the room alongside Rokuro.

"He's still outside the Village doing his what he was tasked to do." Asuha said, a slightly strained smile could be seen on her face as she gently tussled Rokuru's long hair.

"Your hair has grown long, we should cut it when we get the opportunity." She said as she cuddled with him.

'I feel like a child again..' He thought with a mental sigh.

[That's because you are, Host.] The System quickly responded to his comment.

'Oh right.' I forgor.

Suddenly the sound of the door being opened quipped up and Asuha went to see who it was, and to her delight it was Sutara who returned earlier than usual from his baby killing spree.

With Rokuro being left on his own, he checked on the strange skill he randomly got.

[Great Yang Lv.5]

This skill has been bothering him for a while, since One, it popped up some time ago when he woke up, and two it kept increasing in level randomly.

He checked the description of the skill to see if anything had changed.

[The bearer of the Great Yang born from the cells of Abe no Seimei, this ability solidifies your status as one of the Twin Stars.

-Massive Increase in Yang Energy/Spiritual Energy/Mana.]

'Huh.. that's pretty neat. This serves as my 5th skill.' Rokuro had gotten the basic Gamer system starter abilities, which are [Gamer's Body], [Gamer's Mind], [ID Create], [ID Escape].

To simplify the explanation for each skill, Gamers Body let's Rokuro have the body of a Video Game character, essentially giving him an invincible body that's always in the peak of it's performance.

But he can skill get damaged, his HP stat serves as the threshold of damage he can take, once his HP hits 0 then he dies, even if he has Gamer's Body.

Another great ability of Gamer's Body is the ability to recover your HP and MP completely once you sleep on a bed, it's essentially a damn cheat.

Next is Gamer's Mind, which gives Rokuro the ability to be Immune to Mental Attacks, another passive ability of Gamer's Mind is adjusting the User's mind.

It does this by manipulating the mind to become as tranquil as possible, and it also manipulates the mind to think of the most logical solutions there is, no matter what situation the gamer is in.

Now for the last 2 skills, [ID] stands for Instant Dungeon in this context, so the ID Create skill let's the gamer create a dimension in where they can fight monsters to level up.

The dimension is a place only the Gamer can access, but there is also the exception of Pets registered in the System, or Party Members.

While ID Escape is as straightforward as it can get, it let's the gamer escape the Instant Dungeon they make.

[Rokuro Enmado]

[Age: 3]

[Race: ???]

[Tier: I]


[Health: 600]

[Mana: 1,000 (5,000)] (Spiritual Energy)


STR: 10

VIT: 12

AGI: 10

INT: 20

[Special Stats]

CHA: 16

LUK: 50

[Unallocated Stat Points: 310]

[Ultima Points: 1,560]

'Hm, my stats have grown by a lot. And look at all those stat points.. hehe.' Rokuro nodded to himself as he

'But system, what's with the parenthesis on my MP, is it the increase I'll get when I activate the Great Yang skill?' Rokuro asked the system.

[That's correct Host, as of now, The Great Yang skill grants the host a 5x increase in Mana whenever it's used. With each level up, the increments increase by 1. By the time it reaches level 100 it would give you a Hundred-Fold increase in your Mana.]

'I see, then for now I'll just use some of my left over stat points.' Rokuro adjusted his attributes to better strengthen himself.

Gamer Stats

[Rokuro Enmado]

[Age: 3]

[Tier: I]


[Health: 600 > 3,000]

[Mana: 1,000 > 3,500 (17,500)] (Spiritual Energy)

STR: 10 > 50

VIT: 12 > 62

AGI: 10 > 60

INT: 20 > 70

[Special Stats]

CHA: 16

LUK: 50

[Unallocated Stat Points: 310 > 110]

[Ultima Points: 1,560]


Rokuro gasped as the side effect of using such a large of amount of points immediately affected him. A massive wave of pain assulted Rokuro's body.

Rokuro though as he clenched on his hand on his chest, the feeling of exploding becoming greater with each second.

His loud gasp and frantic panting attracted the attention of the Basara couple as they immediately barged into the room.

As soon as they entered the room they felt as if they hit by a wave of pressure as the Aura emanating from Rokuro's small body was intense.

Asuha immediately rushed to Rokuro's side even if the pressure was mildly suffocating.

"Yoshihira!" Asuha worriedly called out for his name and looked at Sutara who also dashed to their side.

"How come?! The seal should have been effective for atleast a few more years!" Sutara slightly panicked as he used his ability of converting Yang Energy to Yin Energy on Rokuro the balance out the raging Yang Energy that was currently causing the pain Rokuro was feeling.

After a few minutes, the pain slowly subsided and Rokuro's breathing became normal.

"Yoshihira.." Asuha held Rokuro tightly in her hands, afraid of letting go.

"Alright, his Yang energy has become stable.." Sutara slowly stood up, the couple took Rokuro to his bed as he was knocked unconscious.

"Sutara, at this rate we won't be able to hide him from the rest of the village anymore.." Asuha said with a melancholic tone, the thought of separating from her child made her heart ache.

Sutara clenched his hands with gritted teeth, the frustration of being incompetent seemingly eating at him.

He sat down with a huff, the sight of Rokuro's sleeping face only did a mediocre job of appeasing their unease. Usually it would have worked, but this time the situation called for a more serious tone.

"How much time do we have left..?" Asuha slowly said, each word of hers feeding more to the frustration Sutara was feeling.

"At the rate his Yang energy is growing, we barely have 2 years. Maybe even shorter, this child's growth rate is simply absurd.." Sutara said, his voice was sadder than usual.

Tears poured out of Asuha's eyes as she quietly sobbed. Sutara lent her his chest to cry on as the couple decided that they should just enjoy the time they have left.

"Yoshihira is a brilliant child.. I'm sure he'll understand when the time comes..." Sutara voice cracked as tears also started pouring from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Yoshihira.. I'm so useless.. I can't even help you contain your yang energy anymore..." Sutara said amidst his sobs.

"I'm sorry your dad is such an incompetent man.." Sutara slowly knelt towards Rokuro's bed.

The Basara couple cried their hearts out that night, their time together was coming to an end. So they wanted their limited time together to be happy ones, even if Rokuro would eventually forget them.

———[Chapter End]———

A/N: I was so engrossed in playing games that I forgot to write chapters, my bad.